On the fifth day, alien ships appeared in sight, with high sails and chimneys emitting black smoke. The huge bow is carved with bats, and the black gun barrel reveals a cold light.

Xiao Rui waited until the distance was close enough, then gave an order and all the small ships rushed out at once.

These small boats are extremely fast and flexible. They press in the blind spot of the foreign ships' guns and attack them with the guns on the ships.

Facing this unexpected small boat, the alien warship quickly ordered a bombardment, and with the green light exploding from the muzzle, the shells roared out one after another.

It was a pity that these small boats were completely in the blind spot of the naval guns, and apart from the huge waves, they did not cause any harm to them.

But these small boats used their own flexibility to bombard the ships around them with one shot after another.

Although it didn't do enough damage, it still caused quite a bit of chaos.

More than twenty small boats dispersed, causing great harassment to the alien fleet. Although they had full firepower, they were unable to do anything against these little men in front of them.

"Full right rudder."The leader of the foreign ship commander stood on the bow, waved the command flag, and shouted

""Port gun ready...Target 12:10, fire!"Following the order, the evil cannon on the left side of the lead ship was fired, and several shells roared towards the boat driven by Xiao Rui.

"Quick, follow it, full right rudder."Shandis observed the movement of the enemy ship and shouted to Xiao Rui.

Xiao Rui tried his best to turn the right rudder. Just when the boat was a few feet away, a violent explosion occurred at their original position. A huge explosion The waves filled the entire boat.

If the boat hadn't been very agile, the few waves would have been enough to capsize their boat. The overturned boat continued to press in the blind spot, maintaining a similar speed.

"If you dare to blow me up, I'll make him drink a pot! Siyuan, if I get closer to him another twenty feet, I will fire his naval cannon! Xiao Rui shouted loudly while operating the boat

"OK, I'm ready!"Hei Siyuan loaded a cannonball

"Direction nine twenty, three, two, one release!"A cannonball flew from the boat towards the alien ship.

"boom!"The shell roared towards the port side of the foreign ship and hit a gun barrel. Although it could not penetrate its armor, it still had a lot of damage to the artillery.

"Hit the target!"Hei Siyuan shouted

"Come on, do it again!"

The boat swam around like a nimble little fish, giving the alien ships a headache. As the saying goes, it is not very harmful but extremely insulting.

Fortunately, the commander of the alien fleet was very experienced in combat and saw that the artillery could not hit him. Immediately ordered the archers on the ship to attack the small boats with rockets.

If they were far away, they would be attacked by artillery. If they were close, they would be within the range of the archers. In a short time, these small boats used as baits suffered heavy losses.

Several small boats were on fire. There was a huge fire, but its members were missing.

Seeing that he could no longer take advantage, Xiao Rui asked Shandis to blow the horn to close the net. The other boats were ordered to pretend to be defeated and sail towards the minefield together.

"Hahaha, don't let these small sampans run away, chase them."The alien commander stood on the bow of the ship and was very high-spirited.

The alien ship was running at full speed and chasing the boat.

The speed of Xiao Rui's fleet was very fast, and the artillery fired by the alien ship exploded around him. From time to time, some boats were overturned.

"Quick, quick, keep moving like a snake!"

Although the threat of these small boats was not great, the alien warships were not ready to let them go. Soon Xiao Rui drove the small boat through the minefield, and the ships behind were still chasing after them.

When setting up the mines, Black Hand Qian personally came to conduct an on-site inspection. According to intelligence analysis, the depth of the mines was laid in a stepped pattern, which could ensure that several enemy ships would enter without triggering the first echelon of mines.

Therefore, until seven or eight foreign ships entered the minefield, the first The ship struck a mine for the first time, and the explosion set off a huge wave, which then caused a chain reaction, detonating more and deeper mines one by one.

"Boom, boom, boom……"Explosions were heard one after another on the sea, several enemy ships were cut off in half, and alien sailors who fell into the water were everywhere, crying like ghosts and wolves.

This mine warfare devastated the alien navy, and a dozen ships as the leading force were completely lost.

They found nothing but bodies and burning hulls left on the surface.

However, the coalition forces also paid a heavy price in this battle. Fifteen of the twenty-five bait boats were destroyed. In addition to the rescued people who fell into the water, more than 150 personnel were lost.

Although the battle loss ratio was acceptable, it was unacceptable to the coalition forces whose navy was originally weak.

It is not yet known how large a fleet the foreign navy can send, but it is impossible to damage the foundation in this battle. At most, it will slow down the pace of their attack.

After Xiao Rui and others returned to Nanmen Port, Guo Yi made new arrangements. The decoy mine warfare was cancelled, and instead, mines were laid along the entire route of the alien advance.

However, the current production of mines is insufficient, which may only delay the war slightly. After reporting to Black Hand Wan, strengthening the combat effectiveness of Nanmen Port itself has become a top priority.

Except for the more than a thousand people dispatched by Black Hand Wan, Nanmen Port's original defensive strength is almost negligible. Therefore, Blackhand Wan deployed another 200 mechas and 2,000 other personnel to guard Nanmen Port.

There are only a few dozen warships that can face the enemy head-on, and the focus can only be left to land warfare.

The pressure on Guo Yi was too great, so Xiao Rui and others naturally stayed to assist him.

"Guo Shuai, once the navy is destroyed, we will face countless artillery bombardments."The atmosphere in the temporary meeting room was very tense, Xiao Rui said

"Alas, we really can't bring out more battleships to meet the enemy!"

"I estimate that the range of their artillery is at least 350 yards. We don't have good defense measures."

"Pull out all the available coastal defense guns, and we must not let them succeed easily."

"Guo Shuai, our coastal defense artillery has insufficient range and is definitely no match for them. We can leave a few as bait at the beginning and then fight back with all our strength when they land."

"Yes, let down their guard and wait until they get close before hitting him."

"Also, I suggest that a large number of resisting horses are needed outside the city gate, and a large number of fire mines are laid. Anyway, the city gate will eventually be lost, and they must suffer enough losses before they can enter."

"This matter needs to be done with caution. If you do this, you will completely abandon the peripheral defense and rely solely on street fighting. What are the chances?"

"Guo Shuai, if a hundred warships and eight hundred evil cannons bombard us, how much defense will our city wall have left?"

"This, I'm afraid, will be wiped out!"

"Therefore, we will always fall. We might as well give up our peripheral defenses, let them in, and annihilate them with street fighting."

"Okay, then the outside of the city will be covered with fire and thunder, let them in, ten people in a team, strangle them in street fighting, and swear to live and die with Nanmen Port!"

"I swear to live and die with Nanmen Port!"

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