Sure enough, the power of the foreign naval forces is immeasurable. Although more than ten warships were damaged in mine warfare last time, more warships are now arriving at Nanmen Port.

On the seventh day after the last water battle, the alien fleet broke through the blockade of the minefield with the loss of fifteen warships, and had an encounter with the coalition warships.

Although the coalition fleet resisted heroically, its bravery could not make up for the gap in strength. In order to leave seeds for the navy, Guo Yi finally withdrew a few warships to prevent the entire army from being annihilated.

Without the obstruction of the coalition fleet, the foreign navy had a smooth journey and arrived at the sea outside Nanmen Port on the tenth day.

After the alien fleet arrived, they did not rush to attack. Instead, the situation was calm for two days, so that Xiao Rui and others did not know what medicine they were selling in the gourd.

Finally on the third day, the attack began. Countless artillery shells flew towards the city wall of Nanmen Port, and one shot could open a large gap.

Xiao Rui and others were operating coastal defense guns on the city wall, feeling helpless at the gap in front of them. After the shelling stopped, they immediately went into first aid work. Xiao Rui and others gathered the injured together, while Gadoer led a group of ogre priests to release recovery magic.

After two days of going back and forth like this, the alien fleet was finally ready to land. At this time, Guo Yi gave an order, and all the coastal defense guns in Nanmen Port were pulled out.

When the alien fleet was still one hundred and fifty yards away, ten thousand guns were fired. This distance was enough to penetrate their armor. This time the alien fleet suffered heavy losses and several ships were directly sunk.

Seeing that they could not land, they withdrew from the battlefield and continued shelling beyond the range of the coalition forces. Unfortunately, many of the coalition's coastal defense guns were destroyed before they had time to withdraw.

This round of shelling lasted for another two days. Seeing that the coalition forces had no power to fight back, they began to organize landings again. This time they faced much less counterattacks.

The alien fleet finally arrived on the beach in front of Nanmen Port. Countless alien warriors got off the ship and poured towards Nanmen Port.

Under the command of Guo Yi, the coalition soldiers also climbed onto the city wall and shot with bows and arrows from a high position.

When the first batch of alien soldiers arrived at the area where the mines were laid, the violent explosion overturned them. However, under the constant urging of the supervising officers from the rear, they still continued to charge forward.

Finally, all the fire mines were triggered in the human sea tactics, and they passed through Juma, crossed the trench, and rushed to the city wall of Nanmen Port.

The ladders that followed were put up on the city wall, and the foreign soldiers climbed up towards the city wall like crazy.

Xiao Rui and others fought back on the city wall, knocking down the ladders and cutting down the soldiers who came up.

Soon, there were piles of corpses under the city wall, but the number of foreign soldiers behind did not decrease and they continued to charge like crazy.

On the other hand, the coalition forces suffered the same heavy losses, and countless corpses fell on the city walls.

Until now, neither side has sent out mecha soldiers. They both know the trump cards in each other's hands and will not reveal them until the last moment.

The fighting lasted from day to night. After paying countless lives, the aliens finally captured the east gate of Nanmen Port.

Using the east gate as the breakthrough point, they quickly occupied a large area around them and established fortifications, and launched an attack on the city wall guards in other sections. The situation of the coalition forces was not optimistic.

The two sides continued to fight, with fires igniting everywhere and the entire battlefield ablaze.

Until the west gate on the other side was breached, the coalition guards were cut off, and an encirclement gradually formed. A firework suddenly burst out in the sky in the inner city, which was a signal to retreat. Xiao Rui and others retreated to the north bank of the river with the remaining coalition soldiers.

By daybreak, with the inland river of Nanmen Port as the boundary, the entire south bank had fallen.

The area on the south bank of the river in Nanmen Port is about a quarter of the city. The civilians have already retreated, and there are no valuable targets. So it was agreed from the beginning that if the city gate was lost, this area would be abandoned.

Then use the inland river as the boundary and set up defense lines along the way. The arrow towers and fortifications are very dense, and the mecha team is also here to prepare.

Both sides knew that a more intense battle was coming, and they tacitly watched from across the river, but did not attack.

In the temporary war room, Guo Yizheng led a group of commanders to discuss intensely

"I think I'm going to catch them off guard while they're still on a weak footing, so tonight I'll lead someone over to sneak attack them."The person who spoke was the mecha commander Liang Bin.

"Can you kill it? Like locusts. Another deputy commander Shi Jian said

"That would be better than waiting like this now, watching them gather"

"We decided from the beginning that we would kill each other in a street fight. Nan'an is such a big place, how many people can they cram in?"

"Your mecha team wants to prevent them from making key breakthroughs. You are the trump card."

"When their patience is almost exhausted, let them in one by one, close the door and beat the dogs."

"If Nanmen Port is really what the commander inferred, and they want to take a detour to attack the Holy Mountain, they may not be able to finish the battle."

"Just endure it. We will win if their morale is exhausted. As long as there is no breakthrough here, we can only go to Stone City for a decisive battle."

"Everyone, we are under great pressure. Be prepared and nail them to the south bank. Please."Guo Yi bowed his hand.

In the early morning of the next day, the aliens began to launch an offensive along the inland river, mainly focusing on the two bridges. There were also a small number of people who swam directly across the river, but they were all shot and killed in the inland river.

So the battle was the fiercest. There were two bridges. The aliens organized a charge and the coalition troops defended the bridge. The dense crowd fell down, and they launched a dense charge.

Xiao Rui and others led the defense on the East Second Bridge, and they repelled waves of aliens. Soldiers. The alien commander finally realized that such a human sea tactic could not break through the defense line, so the first mecha battle in the Nanmen Port battle began.

Two mecha squads appeared at the bridgehead, dark green mechas A showed cold murderous intent. At the command of the commander, the evil mecha charged towards the bridge.

Xiao Rui realized the problem and led the mecha team stationed at the bridge to prepare for the battle immediately. When the evil mecha came to the middle of the bridge, the two mecha troops started fighting hand to hand.

The battle between the mechas was something that ordinary soldiers could not participate in. The ordinary soldiers on both sides of the attack and defense immediately retreated to their respective rears to fight for each other. The mecha team cheered and cheered. They understood that this was the key to victory or defeat.

Silver and dark green collided together, each waving their light blades, and a fierce mecha battle began.

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