The battlefield situation changes rapidly and will never change based on someone's will.

Just the day after the coalition made the decision and arrangements, the situation on the entire battlefield took a turn for the worse.

In just half a day, the alien army broke through almost all the coalition strongholds along the inland river, and countless mecha warriors wiped out all the defensive forces with overwhelming force.

Although the defenders put up fierce resistance, their courage could not make up for the gap in strength.

In order not to make unnecessary sacrifices, the headquarters retreated ten miles, ordinary soldiers shrank, and only a few commanding heights remained with resistance forces.

The fall of Nanmen Port is only a matter of time, and the foreign forces invested here far exceed expectations.

Another meeting was organized in the temporary war room, and everyone's morale was very low.

"Commander, my subordinates have neglected their duty, and all the defense measures along the line have been destroyed. It is hard to escape the blame for the death of Wan Wan because of his humble duty."Lu Youlin was covered in blood.

"It doesn't have to be like this, their determination is far beyond our imagination, and the power of the mecha is not something that flesh and blood can resist."Guo Yi looked calm.

"grown ups"

"Although I was mentally prepared for this, this day came too quickly"

"So what do we do now?"

"Our total garrison of 3,000 people in Nanmen Port was immediately divided into groups of ten and attacked them on the move. As long as we can hold them back, we will succeed. From now on, we will pin them here."


"The houses here are densely packed and it is impossible to engage in large-scale fighting, so I think guerrilla warfare and street fighting will be our decisive battle."

"Xiao Rui has already taken people to the south bank, and Wushuang has also gone to the sea. Now we have to protect all areas of North City and stop them with street fighting"

"OK, I will assign it"

"The other commanding heights must not be lost. I will be responsible for this, so go ahead."

In this temporary war room in Beicheng, the tone of the final decisive battle has been set. Thousands of soldiers from the coalition forces will be broken into pieces and become ghosts in the city, strangulating the aliens who come in with all their strength.

Without worries, the soldiers will be freer to fight. Fight if you can, and retreat if you can't. Endless harassment will be a nightmare for the invaders.

At the same time, Xiao Rui and others who penetrated into the south bank also received news of the defeat in the rear. They also used this place as their position to continuously attack Fight against the aliens.

In an abandoned house, members of the Dawn Team who had just won a victory gathered here, while Shandris was on guard from a high place.

"Brother Xiao, it’s so enjoyable to fight like this!"Long Shun took a bite of bread and said

"Well, we don’t need a head-on confrontation, just endless harassment. Xiao Rui also took a sip of water and said

"We're going to do something big. There's an abandoned warehouse in the southeast corner. I guess they must have stored a lot of supplies."Hei Siyuan's eyes lit up at the side.

"Well, I don’t know if there are many guards, but you can give it a try. If you can’t defeat us, just run away!"

"Haha, I think they will definitely hate it so much"

"Okay, it will be dark in another hour, so get some rest and get out on time."

Xiao Rui went to change the guard upstairs and let Shandis come back to rest.

As soon as Xu Shi arrived, the team of ten people set off. They shuttled through the abandoned houses, avoiding the patrolling alien soldiers, and soon arrived at Hei Siyuan He was talking about the vicinity of the warehouse.

Sure enough, the place was brightly lit and heavily guarded, with a team of a hundred people defending it.

Xiao Rui made a gesture, and everyone gathered their heads.

"Siyuan and I went to set a fire, Long Shun led a few people to make some noise to lure people away, Shandis found a high place to set fire, and retreated immediately once he succeeded."

"no problem."

Long Shun then led several others towards a dark alley, while Shandis was looking for a higher place, while Xiao Rui and Hei Siyuan were waiting for an opportunity.

Within a few minutes, fighting broke out not far away. There was a sound, and the guards of the warehouse also ran in groups towards the place where the sound came from.

Seeing that only the guards at the door were left, and seeing that the time was right, Xiao Rui and the others jumped up and came to the door of the warehouse

"who?"The guard was very alert and drew his weapon and asked

"The person who wants your life!"Xiao Rui replied in a foreign language, and then attacked the two guards with lightning speed.

The poor two foreign guards didn't even shout for help, so they were stabbed to death by Xiao Rui and the others.

They slipped into the warehouse, It was indeed a big deal. There were piles of food supplies and some equipment and equipment.

After searching around inside, I found a barrel of kerosene. Xiao Rui sprinkled the kerosene on the food and other supplies, and told Hei Siyuan With one glance, he took out the fire stick and threw it over, and a fire broke out in an instant.

After seeing the success, the two of them immediately retreated. They flew towards Shandis. Seeing the two figures, Shandis headed towards the dragon boat. The nightingale screamed.

Hearing the"chirp" sound, Long Zhu, who was fighting fiercely with the alien guards, gave an order. Everyone turned and ran away, not willing to fight. At this time, the alien leader looked confused, and even the pursuers Forgot all the orders

"No, I was fooled!"

When he reacted, he immediately ordered a return to defense. These alien guards quickly ran towards the warehouse, but when they looked at the raging fire in front of them, there was panic in their eyes. The members of the Morning Light Team who returned to the assembly point. The scene was full of joy. Listening to Long Shun talking about the bewildered appearance of the foreign leader, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

But tonight, such a scene appeared in most areas of Nanmen Port. The coalition team appeared and disappeared for a while. Burn a warehouse and then attack a small stronghold. The key is that they are not willing to fight, which makes the foreign commanders very headache.

This foreign army that planned to detour to Stone City was dragged here. Although there was not much loss, But they failed to advance even a little bit.

They were confused by the guerrilla tactics of the coalition forces, unable to hit or pursue them.

Finally, after experiencing the devastating harassment, the alien commander here returned to the Chinese army camp to report to the enemy. Tuoba Xiong reports on his work

"Are you all idiots? Not even a small Nanmen Port can be taken down!"In the Chinese army camp, Tuoba Xiong was furious.

"Sir, they are like slippery loaches that cannot be caught. My command post was burned several times!"Yelu Hu, the commander of Nanmen Port, said helplessly.

"I don’t believe it. Are all your three thousand mechas useless? If you can't catch it, plow the ground for me!"Tuoba Xiong became even more angry.

"My lord, my subordinates think that we should take Stone City directly and wipe out all the resistance forces in the southern barbarian land."

"Do I still need you to teach me? Qi Bo has conquered the capital of the Ami Empire and is about to capture the Holy Mountain. We can't let him steal the limelight. We must be the first to take back Lord Illidan's body."

"Sir, this subordinate knows!"

"It's only a few hundred miles from Nanmen Port to Tianxuan. I've held back their main force. You can't even take down such a small city. I'm so disappointed."

"Subordinates convicted"

"I’ll give you ten more days!"

"Subordinates obey!"

"If you can't get them off within ten days, you won't have to eat this piece of fat that reaches your mouth. I will crush them myself and take back the holy body."

"The subordinates understand."

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