During the fierce battle at Nanmen Port, the war situation in the entire Eternal Continent changed suddenly.

According to the calculations of the coalition forces headed by Xiao Ji, the alien invasion will definitely need to achieve important results in the early stage before it can fully expand.

Therefore, in order to seize the initiative, the Nanman Battle was promoted, and the script was also moving in this direction.

But what I didn't expect was how determined and prepared the alien race was for this war. On the second day after the battle at Nanmen Port began, the northern front was in full bloom, and the originally silent foreign legions suddenly started fighting across the board.

Although Xiao Ji made a plan and placed him in charge of the northern front, he still didn't expect their attack to be so thorough.

All the foreign legions from the Elf Territory in the north to the Ami Empire in the south launched large-scale battles. Since the major empires did not officially recognize the coalition forces, Xiao Ji wanted to support them, but his troops were unknown.

As a result, these lines of defense were completely defeated. The Jiapan Empire even lost its imperial capital, Sakura City, and the so-called defense line had shrunk to Jade City Eisberg, which was only one step away from Yangsheng Mountain.

Similarly, Gongjing, an important stronghold on the outskirts of Yunjing in the Zainas Empire, was also completely lost. The imperial capital is facing a heavy siege. Fortunately, the Imperial Privy Councilor Cai Siyuan has organized a defense. It will not be lost for the time being, but if this continues, it will only be a matter of time.

The situation in the Ami Empire was slightly better. The little prince Tiger resisted to the death and led the Grizzly Mecha Regiment to defend the outer defense line. And has sent a special envoy, willing to form an alliance with the coalition led by Xiao Ji.

The Elf Territory faced the strongest attack on the entire northern front. The Elf Queen Yao gave the guard Chang Jue the position of commander. Under her leadership, they resisted tenaciously, but suffered heavy losses and have now retreated to Kedashir. However, the foreign legion also suffered huge casualties, and several frontline commanders were killed.

The reinforcements led by Xiao Ji have arrived in Nottingshire. The two have joined forces and are about to form a pincer attack on this foreign army. Although the situation here is the most critical, it is also the most controllable.

In the snow-covered Northland, north of Nottingshire, a cavalry team of a thousand people is advancing. What are the two men leading the conversation talking about?

"Commander, this time you rush to the aid of the elves, you must teach the aliens a heavy lesson."Deputy Commander Xuan Jizi said

"Well, the war has been going on for several months. They have captured the city and captured the territory, leaving us defenseless. It’s time for a big victory to boost our morale."Xiao Ji looked at the flying snow in the sky and said.

"The south has entered a tug-of-war, and the general battle has not made any progress. The blow to us is indeed not small."

"This is why I came here in person this time. We need a victory so much."

"According to the report from the elf messenger, the scale of the attack here is very large. Can we succeed with just a thousand of us?"

"Jue has already figured them out. Although there are many people here, it seems that no evil mechas have been sent out. Together with the elves, our team is enough!"

"So where are you going to fight?"

"The aliens are about to arrive at Bijing Ice Lake, which is a good battlefield"

"Okay, then this place is the burial place of these invaders!"

"Well, send out some more scouts and send liaison officers to inform the elves that we must fight a beautiful battle of annihilation here."

"Zhuo Min!"Xuanjizi shouted loudly

"exist."The scout captain drove his horse forward.

"Spread your people wider and find out their supply lines and movements. When they arrive at Bijing Ice Lake, they must report quickly. Go for it!"Xuanjizi arranged

"Subordinates take orders"

"etc."Xiao Ji looked at Zhuo Min who turned and left and shouted:"You personally take this letter to Kedashir and give it to Jue, she knows what to do!"Xiao Ji took out a letter from his chest and handed it to Zhuo Min.


On the other side, the pioneer army attacking the elves has arrived at Bijing Ice Lake, which is only one step away from Kedashir. There used to be several secret strongholds here, but they were removed by Jue. The alien commander Taishan called The person in charge who came here said:"Give me their defense map."

"Sir, we suffered a big loss last time and have been more cautious since then. This is the latest defense plan."The person in charge presented a map with both hands.

Taishan looked at the map for a while and then called other deputies to discuss it.

"The tree was right in front of me and burned down with a fire!"

"Sir, these guys resisted extremely fiercely, and we suffered a lot of losses. I think we should take a break here."

"Will it delay the fighter plane?"

"It can't escape anyway. Once the heavy siege equipment arrives, won't it be easy to capture it?"

"When will the rear army arrive here?"

"They are still clearing out the fish that slipped through the net in the previous few towns, and they will be here in three days at the latest."

"Okay, let's set up camp here first. Once they arrive and launch an offensive, this tree must be burned!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Send the order, set up camp here, take defensive measures, and be careful of sneak attacks at night."

Based on the current situation, as long as Kedashir is chewed, all the resistance in the elven territory will be destroyed, and the road to Yaoguang Holy Mountain will be smooth.

Taishan is the most important general under Qi Bo, and the alien legion There are a few conservatives who reject fel mechas, but they are a trump card that cannot be underestimated. They have the most elite warriors, the most ascetics, and are the most loyal believers of Illidan.

Tarzan is very excited, now he has won. He had it at his fingertips. If he captured Kedashir and Yaoguang Holy Mountain, his position would be further consolidated. So despite his eagerness, for the sake of safety, he decided to postpone it for a few days. Two days later, the cavalry team led by Xiao Ji rushed They arrived at the Flying Snow Woodland, which was only a few miles away from the Bijing Ice Lake. At this time, they had changed their camouflage, and their white cloaks hid their figures. At this time, Zhuo Min also returned from Kedashir and reported the information to Xiao halberd

"You see, they are transporting supplies so arrogantly, don't they take us very seriously?"Xiao Ji pointed at the black team in the distance and said

"Probably he was dazzled by the previous victory."Xuanjizi responded.

"Just take advantage of their arrogance, otherwise this battle will not be so easy"

"They were gathering, and according to reports from scouts, foreign soldiers from several surrounding small cities were gathering in this direction. Zhuo Min also said next to him

"It seems that he wants to completely destroy Kedrassil with all the power of his army."

"But their good intentions are about to come to nothing."

"Zhuo Min, go grab a few tongues and deduce the time when they did it."


"Xuanjizi, send some people to attack the supply line, and make it rout a little bit, showing that the enemy uses the weak side as a way to hide their weakness."


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