"Stop him!"When Taishan saw Xiao Ji's true appearance, the fear from a few years ago appeared on his face.

It turned out that the two had fought against each other twenty years ago. Xiao Ji relied on the dragon army to defeat the faith army led by Taishan. A, a complete defeat.

That war almost abolished the organization of this legion. It took Taishan more than ten years to re-establish its current scale, and this invasion also appeared as an elite in the North. It's a pity that the enemy's road is narrow, and the two have another We met here.

After Xiao Ji issued the order, the person he led flashed with white light, and hundreds of mechas suddenly appeared, killing the alien guards present like hungry tigers attacking sheep.

Xiao Ji also released The mecha walked directly towards Mount Tai. Snowflakes were flying in the sky at this time, and there was a chilling atmosphere with a rustling wind and cold water. The opponent from twenty years ago will end today. For Taishan, this is a continuous The nightmare that has lasted for twenty years, for Xiao Ji, was a regret for allowing him to escape, but it will all end today.

After a brief period of shock, Taishan suppressed the fear in his heartAfter coming down, his complexion recovered, he adjusted his condition, and his momentum increased steadily. He is a rare berserker among foreign races, with excellent fighting talent. But now, facing the nightmare of the past, his desire to fight has been awakened, and there is a faint feeling of breakthrough.

The same is true for Xiao Ji. The regrets of twenty years ago will finally be made up for today. He drove the mecha and accelerated towards Taishan.

As soon as the two came into contact, the powerful force aroused shock waves in circles, and they continued to wrestle for several breaths before they separated. Xiao Ji operates the mecha like an arm and uses his fingers, as if he is integrated with it, jumping and slashing with smooth movements.

Taishan relies on his strong physical strength and hard steel dragon mecha. He is more than two meters tall, his muscles are full of explosive power, and his two etheric swords are powerful.

The two fought for thirty rounds in one breath, and they were equally matched in strength. At this time, neither of them used their full strength, which was regarded as a test for each other.

Starting from the thirtieth round, Xiao Ji began to speed up the rhythm of the battle, the frequency of attacks greatly increased, and the intensity of swinging the sword also doubled.

This change disrupted Taishan's rhythm. After several hard chops, the tiger's mouth was so shocked that there was a dull pain. After dodging an attack, he distanced himself from Xiao Ji!

"You are still so weak, and you are still my defeat to this day!"Xiao Ji did not pursue. He pointed his sword at Mount Tai and said calmly.

"Hum, today I will avenge my shame, and from now on there will be no more Dragon King!"Taishan was not angered, but choked and said

"Haha, I could defeat you once twenty years ago, and I can do the same today!"Xiao Ji stopped talking nonsense and made an attack posture.

"Come on, let you feel the rage of the berserker! Roar! Roar!"Taishan hammered his chest with both hands and roared. His body gradually turned red, his eyes became ferocious, and his strength and defense increased exponentially!

Taishan activated the power of the berserker, his eyes were blood red, and his mind was filled with blood. The remaining signal was to tear the target in front of him into pieces.

After a roar, Taishan took the lead in attacking. Xiao Ji responded calmly and blocked the incoming double knives. His rich combat experience made him able to do it with ease.

The battle between the two people became faster and faster. It is getting more and more intense and has reached a dizzying rhythm.

Collision, separation, slashing, and blocking, every move is full of great power. This is a battle between two strong men, this is two A battle between old grudges.

This time the battle lasted for half an hour, until a fierce collision separated the two. At this time, Taishan was covered in blood and still full of fighting spirit. Xiao Ji's dragon mecha also It was stained with a lot of blood, and the silver was dimmed a lot!

"Haha, what a joy, such a battle is really hearty!"Taishan has regained a lot of his sanity, and his face is full of fanaticism.

"It's a pity that different ways don't work together, we will always have to live and die!"Xiao Ji was very cold.

"Human blood is born with selfishness, cruelty and chaos. If Lord Illidan wants to purify this world, of course he can only destroy it and re-establish order!"Taishan continued.

"I don’t know how there is such a fallacy, recast with killing and destruction! Xiao Ji was very angry:"What you bring is not order, only death, only despair!""

"Come, let's finish it, for Lord Illidan!"Taishan didn't refute any more and charged towards Xiao Ji!

"Finish it!"After Xiao Ji finished speaking, he swung his sword to fight.

This time, Xiao Ji used all his strength, and the attack was even more fierce. Many cracks appeared in the thick ice around him due to the battle between the two.

Taishan swung his sword, and Xiao Ji blocked it. Xiao Ji fought back. , Taishan dodged. The battle between the two became more intense and deadly.

Finally, under Taishan's continuous high-intensity attack, Xiao Ji's mecha finally ran out of energy and turned into a bracelet and returned to his wrist.

Xiao Ji jumped greatly After avoiding the fatal blow and keeping the distance, Taishan looked at him and did not pursue him. Instead, he said:"Let's see what else you can rely on. Twenty years ago, you relied on this mecha to defeat me. Now it's you." The day of death!"

Xiao Ji took out the long sword from behind, held it with both hands, and said:"You were no match for me twenty years ago, and you are no longer my match today!"

After Xiao Ji finished speaking, he jumped up in the air and slashed at Taishan with his two swords. Taishan sneered at the corner of his mouth and was about to deliver a fatal blow. In his opinion, the nightmare of twenty years was finally over! He lost his role as a mecha. Reliance, this mortal body was just a moving corpse in front of him.

After a burst of golden and iron sounds, Taishan maintained the upward movement of his swords, and Xiao Ji maintained the chopping movement. Neither of them There was only the roaring wind and snow around him.

It lasted for a few breaths, and suddenly a horrific wound opened in Taishan from the top of his head to his lower abdomen, and blood spurted out. He fell straight down with disbelief on his face and eyes wide open..

Xiao Ji wiped off the blood on his sword, put it back into its scabbard and said,"I told you that you are no match for me!"

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