Taishan's fall shocked the foreigners present. The legion commander who had been so aggressive just now was killed by a sword, making them forget about the battle.

Xiao Ji flew up to the sentry tower and cut off the handsome flag erected next to it with a single stroke of his sword. With the fall of the handsome flag, it marked that the core of this alien army was destroyed.

Xiao Ji moved the giant copper trumpet on the sentry tower, broke off the tail, and made a simple large trumpet. Xiao Ji's anger sank into his dantian, and his loud voice spread throughout the ice lake like a bell.

He uses a foreign language. Although it is difficult to pronounce, it is still very standard.

"All foreign sergeants, your legion commander Taishan has been killed by me. Please surrender immediately and spare your life!"

"You must abandon your weapons and surrender as soon as possible, and I will spare your life!"

"Surrender quickly and spare your life!"

After shouting three times, Xiao Ji turned over. When the news of Taishan's death spread out, the foreign sergeants paused briefly, and most of them didn't believe it.

This legion of faith is the most loyal to Illidan. The believers would never surrender easily. After they were convinced that Taishan had been killed, they launched a bigger counterattack.

Fortunately, they lost the command center and fell into a leaderless state for a while. Without effective command, they could only fight on their own..

Xiao Ji also showed his decisive side in killing. After taking care of the other commanders of the Chinese army's tent, he led the mecha regiment from the Chinese army's tent to kill through the entire camp until he joined forces with several major elven clans.

Jiji Regiment A was like a god descending to earth, the foreign soldiers fell like wheat, and the entire Bijing Ice Lake was now like a purgatory on earth. In fact, Xiao Ji never thought of launching such a massacre, but this was not only the first big victory, but also A shock to other fronts.

He wanted the invaders to know that everything has to pay a price!

Afterwards, the task of cleaning the battlefield and eliminating the resisting enemies was handed over to the elves, and Xiao Ji's mission was completed.

The third battle after the Ice Lake victory Today, a small celebration banquet was held in the Elf Palace of Kedrashir.

Xiao Ji sat on Lu Linyao's right hand as the guest of honor, and on the left were Lu Linjue, Xiong Ba, Tiejei Leishi, etc. Other elven clans were also present.

Fruit, cheese and other elven foods were placed in front of everyone, as well as ice blue fruit wine unique to the North.

"Everyone, let us first pay a toast to Commander Xiao Ji. Without his timely support and tactical arrangements, we would not have been able to achieve such a great victory! Come and cheer!"Lu Linyao, as the queen of the elves, stood up first and raised her wine glass.

"Thank you for your cooperation and your hard work. As long as we work together, we will eventually drive out these invaders!"Xiao Ji also stood up and raised his glass to signal to everyone present.


"Your Majesty, what is the outcome of this battle?"Xiao Ji put down his wine glass and asked

"Marshal, according to the statistics of the last general, he beheaded 8,000 people, captured more than 3,000 people, and captured more than 300 catapults and other baggage, of which about 200 were intact. Two thousand horses, and more than a thousand carts of other supplies such as kerosene, ammunition, and other supplies."As the elf commander, Lu Linjue knows all the situations and reports them one by one.

"Yes, this is indeed a big victory!"This alien race is also vulnerable!""Thanks to Marshal Xiao Ji's mecha regiment!""After listening to Lu Linjue's data, people present started talking about it.

"Okay, send out the good news about the complete annihilation of the alien faith army! It’s time to boost everyone’s morale!"Xiao Ji was in a very comfortable mood.

"The crisis on the front line in the Northland has been lifted, but the crisis on the entire Eternal Continent is still far away!"Lu Linyao picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Most empires are short-sighted. It wouldn't be so if they all had the Queen's vision!"Xiao Ji arched his hands and said

"So what is the commander's next plan?"

"The Jiapan Empire is about to be destroyed, and Zainas is also in danger. We will eventually have to clean up the mess they left behind!"

"After the fall of the Holy Mountain, they took back Illidan's body and obtained part of his power of faith. I am afraid that the aliens behind will become increasingly difficult to deal with!"

"So we must unite and not let them succeed!"

"So what do you want us to do?"

"Your Majesty, the coalition forces are now in full swing, and there are many crises behind them. I hope you can organize the army to go south."

"We, the elves, actually do not want to participate in the disputes between you humans, but the continent is in danger now, and we will do our part!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, the coalition forces will be even more powerful with your support!"Xiao Ji raised his wine glass and gestured to Lu Linyao, and then saluted everyone present:"Xiao Ji would like to thank you all. With you, the mainland will be bright forever!""

The simple celebration will finalize the next plan. The elves are natural warriors. Even without the blessing of mechas, their abilities are far superior to ordinary people. As long as they send reinforcements, the southern front's chances of winning will be a little better. It's just that Jiajia The Pan Empire is about to be destroyed. Can the guardians of Kaiyang Holy Mountain survive until Xiao Ji's reinforcements arrive?

After the banquet, Lu Linjue followed Xiao Ji to his residence, and the two sat down on a wicker chair.

"Xiao Ji, I'm afraid my sister won't send too many reinforcements!"Juan was the first to speak.

"I know, but this is not bad now, she is too wary of humans!"

"It's no wonder that there are a few people like you who have mainland China in mind. They are all intrigues and greedy!"

"They have done too many treacherous things. I can understand your sister's difficulties!"

"It doesn't matter, I will convince my sister to send more people!"

"um. Thank you!"

"What else can you say to thank me?"

It only took twenty days for the victory at the North Ice Lake to spread across the entire continent. This information greatly enhanced the confidence of resistance across the continent. The aliens are not invincible, they also have flesh and blood, and they will also be destroyed.

There is good news but also bad news. Just a few days after the news of the Ice Lake victory was received, the news came that the Jiapan Empire had fully surrendered to the aliens. The royal family of the Jiapan Empire announced that they would officially join the wasteland aliens and change their faith to Illidan. At the same time, a supernumerary army was formed to fight with the foreign armies.

Moreover, the land of the Jiapan Empire belongs to the wasteland, and once it is entered, it is an invasion.

This news is like a bolt from the blue, knowing that the Jiapan Empire likes to surrender to the strong, but it will not take refuge in the aliens. Ah, wouldn't they be destroyed in the end?

This turn of events made Xiao Ji itch with hatred. Fortunately, most knowledgeable people still believed that resistance was the right thing to do. Although the Jiapan Empire rebelled, the strength of the coalition forces increased. Quite a bit.

The Amerika Empire officially joined the coalition, and Chinas also expressed that they could exchange their needs and open transit rights to the coalition. However, Chinas’ signs showed that they were only passively resisting, not non-resistance! They were just unwilling to give up their vested interests, and It’s not that you are willing to wait for death!

The bustling world is all for profit; the bustling world is all for profit.

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