The distance to attack the foreign route is not too close. If it is around Nanmen Port, it will definitely be counterattacked by the fleet stationed here. Therefore, we can only extend the attack position to the west, which will face relatively less danger.

However, the ship port is now in the east of Nanmen Port, and it has to pass through the foreign defense zone to the west, so the ships of Xiao Rui and others can go far south to pass safely.

A total of three ships were dispatched this time, and Xiao Rui's ship was the main force. From tonnage to firepower, the equipment is the largest, and the power has been blessed by magic.

After sailing along the foggy edge of the South China Sea for three days, the small fleet arrived at the designated area. There is no transport fleet passing through at this time, but this is a good place to attack.

After finding the anchoring position, Xiao Rui lurked the three ships in the fog, waiting for opportunities.

It's strange to say that this vast sea should be endless, but for some reason the entire sea is always shrouded in fog.

And this situation seems to have lasted for thousands of years. Once it enters the fog, all the instruments will fail, ranging from disorientation to never returning. Many ships have disappeared over the years, so it has slowly become a no-go zone.

The location where Xiao Rui anchored had just entered the foggy area and was on the periphery. The impact was not that great, but it was the most effective disguise. They can see the enemy clearly, but the other party cannot detect themselves.

After waiting for five full days, rumbling sounds finally came from the sea. A transport fleet came from the northwest, with as many as ten ships, but there was only one escort gunboat.

Xiao Rui stood on the bow of the ship, observing them with a telescope. After entering the attack area, Xiao Rui gave an order and the three ships rushed towards the transport fleet at full speed.

The speed of the small boat was so fast that it was not discovered until it was only a few hundred yards away from the opponent. When the coalition shells hit them, the opponent hurriedly fired back.

But at this time, Xiao Rui's fleet had entered the blind spot of the escorting gunboat's range, and the shells fell far behind, causing a huge splash. Xiao Rui and others moved flexibly, and each shell hit the opponent's ship solidly.

After receiving dozens of shells, the gunboat finally couldn't hold on anymore and began to tilt. Seeing that the gunboat lost its combat effectiveness, Xiao Rui and others began to attack the transport ship again, and the cannonballs slammed into it as if they were free of charge.

They erupted in smoke and ignited fires. Those foreign sailors jumped into the sea to escape for their lives. Unfortunately, in this vast sea, they just ended up feeding the sharks.

This attack lasted for more than an hour, until the last ship sank, and finally ended with the complete victory of Xiao Rui and others.

The sea surface became calm again, and except for the scattered debris of the ship's hull, it was as if nothing had happened. Xiao Rui directed the fleet to return to the anchoring point and inspect the hull.

After inventorying the supplies and inspecting the hull structure, it was discovered that several more attacks could be launched. After deliberation, the small fleet decided to wait and see.

In just half a month, Xiao Rui launched three attacks, causing huge losses to the aliens.

On this day, the sea was calm and no foreign fleet had passed by for almost five days. Xiao Rui was observing the bow of the ship, and suddenly a white sail appeared on the sea level in the distance, coming!

When it was only a few hundred feet away, Xiao Rui discovered that this time the fleet was covered with black cloth, and it was unclear what type of ship it was.

"It seems they still don’t have a long memory!"Long Shun stood beside him and said

"Well, how can you not eat the meat that is brought to your mouth!"Hei Siyuan also agreed.

"There was something weird today, there were a lot more of them, and they were covered with black cloth. I think it’s better to be careful! Xiao Rui put away the telescope and said

"What are you afraid of? The worst we can do is run away!"

"Well, that's it"

"How much ammunition is left??"

"Oh, Brother Xiao, it’s enough to finish the fight this time. Let’s call it a day and return to Hong Kong for supplies!"Long Shun had a great time fighting in the past few times, but now he feels itchy when he sees the alien fleet.

"Okay, let’s do it again!"Xiao Rui still felt that he had to eat the meat in front of him.

Just when the alien fleet came in front of him, Xiao Rui repeated his old tricks and rushed towards them with full power. The boat rode the wind and waves and soon entered the battle area. Long Shu couldn't wait He manually operated the naval gun, and a shell flew towards the foreign fleet with a"swish".

But just when Xiao Rui and others were having fun, the shadows of ships appeared on the sea to the east. The fleets in front of them were revealed. Open the black cloth, the black hole of the muzzle burst into flames

"No, I fell into a trap!"As a lookout, Shandis saw the sails emerging from the east and knew that the aliens were at a disadvantage and came to encircle and suppress them.

"We have fallen into a trap, these are warships, and there are also ships coming from the east!" Shandis shouted

"Everyone retreats!"She quickly sent a signal to the other two friendly ships, and Xiao Rui immediately turned the rudder and sailed in the direction of the fog. The alien fleet pursued and opened fire at the same time. The shells fell one after another, and one of the ships also fired. They were hit by a cannon shell and smoke rose, but fortunately they did not lose power.

The fleet increased their power and escaped into the fog in a snake-like motion. The alien ships pursued them and bit them. This team encountered a crisis of destruction.

After a quarter of an hour of galloping in the flames of war, the team finally arrived in the fog, but the alien fleet was not ready to let them go, and chased them into the fog.

The visibility was very low here, and the fog was so thick Like milk, Xiao Rui listened to the sound of cannonballs and ships behind him, and ran away in the southwest direction based on his feeling.

He didn't know how long he ran away, and he didn't stop until he couldn't hear other sounds around him.

Xiao Rui ordered Long Shun to abandon Anchor chain, summoning everyone to the cabin

"What a near miss, these aliens are so cunning!"Shandis spoke first.

"I knew there was something wrong, so I was at a disadvantage!"Xiao Rui looked at Long Shun

"Haha, didn’t I also say that if we can’t beat him, we’ll just run away!"Long Shun scratched his head and laughed.

"Shandris, did you see the other two ships?"Xiao Rui looked at Shandis and asked

"Uh, I was there just now, why is there no sound now! Shandis replied:"It should be around.""

"So what do we do now?"Hei Siyuan also asked.

"Well, we can’t just return home!"After Xiao Rui finished speaking, he walked towards the deck.

When everyone came to the deck, they saw only a vast expanse of white around them. They couldn't see their fingers and couldn't tell the direction at all.

"Shandris, where's your compass? Xiao Rui asked

"Well, here it is. Shandis took out the compass from her bag and handed it to Xiao Rui.

Xiao Rui flattened the compass and turned the pointer on it, ready to determine the direction. But after turning the pointer, it circled randomly and couldn't stop at all.

Tried several times, but the result is the same

"It's over, it really failed!"

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