"Now what?"Everyone looked at Xiao Rui

"Well, I was heading southwest just now. We should just turn the ship around and head in the opposite direction now."Xiao Rui looked at the fog around him and replied.

"Will I encounter aliens if I return like this?"Hei Siyuan asked

"We can move the angle slightly to the south and we should be able to avoid it if we leave the foggy area!"

"Yes, this is a good idea!"

"Okay, we're getting ready to return, so we're all in our places. Shandis should go to the observation deck, and Siyuan is here to assist me! As for everyone else, get some rest and get some sleep!"Xiao Rui finished his instructions.

After everyone left, only Xiao Rui and Hei Siyuan were left in the cabin.

"Uh, are you sure the direction is correct?"Hei Siyuan looked into Xiao Rui's eyes.

"how? You don't believe me!"Xiao Rui looked relaxed.

"No, I always have a bad feeling in my heart!"

"It's okay, I will take you out!"Xiao Rui reached out and scratched Hei Siyuan's nose.

"Well, just be by your side!"Hei Siyuan rested her head on Xiao Rui's shoulder, and Xiao Rui reached out to hug her.

The boat started to start and set off in the agreed direction. Xiao Rui and others' speculation was correct, they were indeed in the southwest. However, they forgot one thing, that is, they cannot determine the direction without a reference object, and their five senses will lose their ability to judge.

So shortly after they set off, they deviated from the planned route and made a circle toward the southwest.. After driving in the fog for two days, they finally discovered something was wrong. The initial speculation was far from that deep. They were completely lost in the fog.

Xiao Rui gathered everyone together again to discuss what to do

"Gadore, how's the fresh water and food situation in your inventory? Xiao Rui asked

"Based on the ten of us now, we can probably sustain it for ten days."

"Batu, where's the fuel?"

"If there is plenty of fuel, it won’t be a problem in a short time."

"Well, everyone, I have some bad news. Xiao Rui paused:"We seem to be completely lost. We haven't found the boundary line after walking for two days. I'm afraid we are going in the wrong direction!""

"ah? how so!"Then what do we do now?""The reaction of the Chenguang team was not big, but the four sailors sent by Wushuang were a little panicked.

"Don’t worry, we will get out! As long as you go in one direction, there will always be a boundary!"Xiao Rui consoled him.

"Captain, what if we run out of supplies and still haven’t found land?" asked one of the sailors

"Then we can only leave it to fate!"Xiao Rui became cold.

"Don't worry so much, even if you die, it will be for the sake of the mainland! We deserve to die! said another sailor.

"That is, besides, there is always a way, there will be a way!"

"Well, from now on, all supplies will be distributed uniformly by Hei Siyuan, and we will try to gain as much time as possible"

"Brother Xiao, I can't find any direction in this fog, what should I do?"

"It just takes a little more time to get through!"Xiao Rui said this with confidence. There is still a large amount of supplies in his"Extreme Ring", enough to last for a year and a half, but he can't say it now. After drifting in the sea for more than ten days, he saw supplies before his eyes. At the end, some people began to panic. But they soon calmed down, because Xiao Rui replenished a lot of supplies like magic.

This made everyone more confident, it was nothing more than time.

On the twentieth day, the front A large transparent area appeared, but it was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder. After negotiation, despite the dragon's pond and tiger's den, we decided to rush in and face death. Maybe the way out is right in front of us.

Xiao Rui drove the boat carefully Towards that area, the wind and waves were very strong, and the boat was drifting like a leaf.

After driving for a night, it started to rain heavily again, and the bigger wind and waves almost overturned the boat several times. Fortunately, thanks to everyone's efforts, it finally stopped. Sunk.

After a long drive, we finally arrived at the central area of ​​​​this area. There is a huge whirlpool here, as big as a city, and it is spinning silently. The scene in front of us is so spectacular and shocking , everyone came to the deck, looking at this breathtaking whirlpool with their mouths open.

It seemed very quiet, there was no storm, no huge waves, the only thing was the colorful lightning shining on it

"Where do you think it leads?"Hei Siyuan poked Xiao Rui's arm.

"have no idea! So beautiful!"Xiao Rui is still in a daze.

"The power of nature is truly miraculous. I have never seen such a beautiful scene in my years of adventure."Shandis also sighed.

"What on earth is this?"It was also the first time for Gadore to see him, so he asked innocently

"Who knows? Is this fog just to hide it?"Xiao Rui also asked a question.

"This was definitely not formed by the force of nature, it was definitely created by a powerful being who could reach the heavens and the earth!"Hei Siyuan withdrew her gaze.

"What do we do now?"Everyone looked at Xiao Rui

"I don’t know what to do either!"

"I can feel that it is full of violent energy. Could it be leading to another world?"


"So do you think you want to try it out?"

"Since I can’t get out now, I might as well give it a try!"

"Okay, let's vote now and raise our hands in agreement."Xiao Rui initiated a vote.

Surprisingly, four sailors were included this time, and all of them agreed to have a try. In these days of getting along, I also saw the perseverance of Xiao Rui and others, and unknowingly they have completely integrated into part of the team

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's give it a try and live towards death!"

A few people discussed some details together, including emergency plans, battle formations, etc.

After the discussion, everyone had a good dinner together, and Xiao Rui came out to show off his skills. His skills can indeed conquer everyone. appetite.

After everything was prepared, with Xiao Rui's"Sail", the small iron boat began to sail towards the center of the whirlpool.

After entering the scope of the large whirlpool, the boat drifted with the rotating seawater. This whirlpool was really too big. , it took a long time, and finally entered the central area.

The energy here was so violent that everyone's hair stood up. As the vortex got faster and faster, the boat also got faster and faster, and finally entered the core of the vortex, and gradually The ground lost its figure.

Everyone on the boat felt dizzy, and the surrounding light gradually dimmed.

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