When Xiao Rui woke up, he was on a white beach, with sea water lapping at his face. He spat out water before waking up leisurely.

"Where is this?"Xiao Rui shook his head and slowly sat up.

Only then did he realize that he was on the beach under a cliff. He got up and looked around, but found no one else.

"Where is Siyuan? Where is Long Shu?……"

"Will they be okay?"

"Siyuan...Long Shun……"Xiao Rui shouted several times loudly.

Xiao Rui tried hard to recall the scene when he passed through the maelstrom. At that time, a large amount of seawater poured into the cabin. Soon the boat lost power. The ruthless seawater hit the hull. It was not known how long it took for his eyes to go dark before he opened his eyes again. Just arrived at the place in front of me

"I can survive, and Siyuan and the others should be fine too. I have to go find them, but where is this place?"Xiao Rui determined the direction and began to search along the beach.

After walking for a long time, he found no trace of anyone else. Suddenly Xiao Rui caught a glimpse of the Su'al mark on his wrist. He had not paid attention to it since he got it, but At this moment he noticed it, he touched it with his hand, and instantly felt a surging vitality.

"Huh? I have never felt this way before! How is this going?"Xiao Rui was very confused, and felt it carefully. It belonged to Hei Siyuan's life force, but there seemed to be another person mixed in. Now that he was sure that nothing happened to Hei Siyuan, Xiao Rui decided to first find out where he was currently. Let’s talk about the location.

After landing at a flat place, I found that this place may be a new continent, with green trees, birds singing and fragrant flowers. It seemed different from the ancient continent.

Xiao Rui walked forward along a path and walked to a small On the top of the mountain, his eyes suddenly opened up, with endless traffic, chickens and dogs hearing each other, and a huge village appeared in front of him.

He decided to go down and ask for directions, first to understand the current situation. When he came to a house, he knocked on the door gently. Door

"With a"squeak" sound, the door opened. What was peeking out was a strange race, with a round body, big black eyes, and two ears standing on top of its head. It looked like a giant panda. Judging from the decoration on its body, it should be a Madam.

After a brief shock, Xiao Rui slowly spoke:"Hello, what is this place?"

"Hello stranger, this is Pandaria."I was surprised that the panda in front of me actually spoke in Chinese.

"Do you know where this place is located?"Xiao Rui continued to ask

"Well, Pandaria is located in the mist, and it can also be called the Mist Island."The panda man replied patiently.

Sure enough, he and Xiao Rui guessed well. There is indeed a continent that has never been discovered hidden in the fog.

"Are you from China?"Pandaren asked.

"Have you ever met the Chainas?"Xiao Rui was shocked.

"Well, my grandfather has been there on an adventure, and he said that there is an empire called Zhenas on the mother continent!"

"No wonder you know the language of Chainus!"

"Just a little bit, stranger, how did you get here?"

"My boat encountered an accident at sea. When I woke up, I was on the beach over there. Did you see my other partner?"

"You are the first Chainas person I have ever met!"

"Okay, thank you. What's your name?"

"My name is Chen Lili, what about you?"

"My name is Xiao Rui"

"Do you want to come in and sit down? My grandfather went to Suzaku City and should be back soon."

"No, I am separated from my friends and I have to find them."Xiao Rui is ready to leave

"Well, there is no rush anyway. I can help you when my grandfather comes back. He is very knowledgeable!"Chen Lili really wants to keep him.

"Well, I'm not familiar with the place here, so it would be easier if someone could help me, thank you!"Xiao Rui stopped refusing and followed Chen Lili to the courtyard.

This is a small courtyard. The houses inside are all made of thatch, which is very distinctive. There are some wooden dummies scattered in the courtyard. It seems that they are also martial arts practitioners.

The two sat on the ivy swing in the yard, chatting. Chen Lili was very curious about the outside world, yearned for what Xiao Rui said, and shared the same hatred for the invasion of aliens.

By talking to Chen Lili During the chat, Xiao Rui also gained some knowledge about this new continent. It is located in the middle of the South China Sea and has been shrouded in fog for thousands of years, so this place is rarely known. It is said that a strong man from the ancient continent accidentally arrived a long time ago In order to prevent this paradise from being tarnished, Xiao Rui used his power to hide it.

However, after learning that Chen Lili’s grandfather had been to the Eternal Continent, there must be a way in and out of this place, and Xiao Rui was also looking forward to it.

Until the moon At the top of the willow tree, a slightly drunken singing voice came from outside

"Grandpa is back!"Chen Lili ran to the door


"Lili, see what delicious food I brought you?"

"Roast chicken! Grandpa, come in quickly, there are guests at home!"Chen Lili helped the old man in.

"Are you from China?"The old man looked at Xiao Rui and asked

"This junior is exactly the one who ended up here due to an accident!"Xiao Rui bowed respectfully.

"oh? Accident? I see you are also a warrior!"

The old man then sat down, lit a bag of dry cigarettes, and began to smoke

"Well, our ship drifted in the fog for more than ten days……"Xiao Rui explained exactly how he got here.

"So, have you entered that vortex? asked the old man

"Well, when it gets dark at the end, I don’t know anything anymore."

"It shouldn't be. If you entered the maelstrom, you wouldn't be able to appear here!"

"how do I say this?"

"If you passed that big whirlpool, you should have entered the inner city of the earth, and you would not have drifted here!"

"What city in the center of the earth?"

"I couldn’t explain it for a while. When I was young, I went to the Eternal Continent and had a long adventure with a group of like-minded friends."

"Do you know how to go back?"Xiao Rui's face showed eagerness.

"Let me tell you this, if you want to return to the Eternal Continent from the Misty Island, you still have to pass through the City of the Earth's Core, and then go back through the vortex, so I feel strange why you are here."

"You mean I went through the Earth's Center City to get here?"

"good! Maybe he encountered a time and space storm!"

"……"Xiao Rui's head is full of black lines

"Okay, boy! I'll help you, get some rest first! Lili arrange a room for him"

"Okay, grandpa!"

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