Back in the Su'er tribe, Hei Siyuan came to Xiao Rui's room. He was still lying on the bed motionless, his face still so calm.

Hei Siyuan sat beside the bed, took Xiao Rui's hand and put it in her palm

"Bastard, why aren't you awake yet?"

No one answered her, so she sighed and put Xiao Rui's hand back. At this time, she caught a glimpse of Xiao Rui's right wrist and there was a black mark, half a circle and half a triangle. Hei Siyuan put her left hand on it It passed by and formed a complete rune.

All this is real, not an illusion. Then why hasn't Xiao Rui woke up yet? When will the apocalyptic wasteland happen? Do father and Uncle Xiao know? They have already taken action What?

Questions were like tangled balls in Hei Siyuan's head. She shook her head and tried to make her thoughts clearer. What is the most important thing now?

Xiao Rui, now we need to let him Wake up first. But why haven't you woke up yet? Is there any more ceremony needed? At this moment, Weiss knocked on the door and came in.

"Black girl, if you have obtained the approval of your ancestor, then I can help you awaken him."Wes said

"Do you see this?"Hei Siyuan showed the mark on her left wrist to Weiss.

"Yes, this is the ancestral mark"

"So what needs to be done to wake him up now?"Hei Siyuan took Xiao Rui's hand and put it on his face

"His current situation is that his vitality has been destroyed and his soul cannot find a way back. As long as he activates his life force with energy, he can wake up, and the best energy is the power of elements. The power of elements is the most primitive power in the universe."

"How to obtain elemental power?"

"There is an elemental highland southwest of Su'ar, and only those with the ancestral mark can go up there. There are six directions on it, which is actually a giant six-pointed star array. Those six corners can collect the six essences of wind, fire, thunder, water, earth, and wood, and then take the essence to the location of the middle element cage to summon. When the elemental spirit comes out, the energy that overflows after it appears will be captured by the cage, and the crystallization is the power of the element."

"Xiao Rui can be awakened by bringing the crystal back." Weiss continued

"Did you notice anything above?"Hei Siyuan asked

"We have summoned the elemental spirit four times in the past two years, but three times it attacked our priest. I don’t know why the elemental spirit has become so violent in the past two years."

"Was there any interference?"

"We're also investigating, so here's what you need to pay attention to"

"Okay, thank you, Master Weiss."

"This is a crystal bottle, used to capture the essence of elements. Take it. Weiss handed Hei Siyuan six crystal bottles. Although they were similar to ordinary crystal bottles, she could feel that there was actually a small magic circle in the crystal bottles.

"After you encounter elemental energy, you can capture the elemental essence by opening the elemental bottle. After all the essence is captured, place the prison bottle on the table in front of the elemental cage, release all the essence, and summon the elemental spirit."

"Okay, thank you very much Master Weiss."Hei Siyuan bowed to Weiss again.

"It's okay, even if it's Ge Hong's relationship, I should try my best to help you, but there are some things that you have to do personally. You should have a good rest." Weiss said and exited the room.

The next day, Hei Siyuan didn't get up until noon. Because hope was right in front of her, there was no room for any mistakes, so she needed to face it with the fullest energy.

Go again After meeting with Master Weiss, Hei Siyuan took her double-edged sword and set off.

The Elemental Highlands are not far away, just over ten miles away. It only took an hour to get there on a black panther.

At the foot of the highlands, there is a six-pointed star Array, people with the mark of their ancestors can be teleported directly to the high ground through the six-pointed star array. After Hei Siyuan teleported up, she looked down. The four walls were smooth and the height was three to four hundred meters. Without this teleportation array, it would be difficult to directly Come up.

Before Weiss came over, she had already told her about the layout of the elemental highland. In fact, this highland is also a hexagram and a giant magic circle. The six corners correspond to the six elements, and there is a tower in the middle. Elemental cage.

She now needs to find the six essences, and then go to the location of the elemental cage to summon the elemental spirit.

Searching along the periphery, the first corner of the hexagram is the fire element. After reaching the range, the air is filled with hot Breath, fire visible to the naked eye flickered inside.

After walking forward for a while, the fire elements near the tip of the corner were already dense enough to ignite flames. Hei Siyuan unplugged the stopper of the crystal bottle, and saw white light shining inside. , and immediately inhaled a large ball of fire element. She plugged the stopper and saw only a spark jumping in the bottle. Success, she successfully captured the essence of fire element.

Then, Hei Siyuan followed the periphery of the highland, After collecting the essence of the four elements of wind, thunder, water, and wood, there was only one earth element left.

Arriving at the location of the earth element, Hei Siyuan searched around, but Hei Siyuan searched around and still couldn't find it. She stopped After thinking about it for a moment, the wood elements were collected around the branches. Where is the earth element now?

Hei Siyuan suddenly raised a large knife and thrust it into the ground, then tilted it hard, opening the turf, revealing the soil, and the breath of the earth element. Oncoming. She quickly opened the elemental bottle, and collected the last elemental essence.

Looking at the six elemental bottles, different elemental essences shined inside, and she could summon the elemental spirit.

Arrive The element cage in the middle has a low square platform in front of it. It is made of unknown material and has a silver-gray color.

Hei Siyuan took out the element prison bottle and placed it on the platform, and unplugged the stoppers one by one. Only I saw various elements slowly overflowing from the bottle, entangled together one by one, and the energy body composed of six elements rotated and slowly rose. The air was gradually filled with violent primitive power, and lightning flashed Thunder, wind and rain, hot and heavy, and then a slightly transparent elemental spirit came!

Like a floating cloud, it had an effect of distorting light, revealing its looming limbs and facial features. It exuded energy, that It is the most primitive power, and the elemental cage next to it is absorbing the energy emanating from it.

Hei Siyuan stepped back ten feet and looked at it from a distance. Suddenly something happened, and the elemental spirit expanded ten feet in an instant. Double the size, the so-called"hands and feet" slapped her chest, and a crazy roar came from her mouth!

Hei Siyuan was startled and quickly retreated, but was locked by the elemental spirit, and a lightning bolt as thick as a bowl came towards her. , she did a backflip and avoided the lightning.

Before she could stand still, another ice arrow and fireball hit her! Hei Siyuan quickly rolled over and narrowly avoided these two attacks!

She exerted force on her feet and rushed towards the elemental spirit!

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