Hei Siyuan charged very quickly, reaching a distance of ten feet in just a few breaths! She raised her knife and struck at the elemental spirit. The elemental spirit used both hands and shot out a bolt of lightning and wind blades to force her back.

Hei Siyuan dodged the incoming lightning and wind blades, jumped up again, and continued to chop at the elemental spirits. The elemental spirit formed a seal on its hand, and an earth wall emerged from the ground, blocking it from Hei Siyuan! This time, Hei Siyuan did not evade, and directly slashed at the earth wall with the double-edged sword, causing the earth wall to collapse suddenly.

Stepping on the fallen earth wall, Hei Siyuan roared and did not stop chopping with her hands.

The elemental spirit made a"Jie Jie" sound, and a circle of fire surrounded Hei Siyuan in the middle, and then transformed into legs and retreated.

This elemental spirit is very intelligent and has calculated every step of Hei Siyuan's actions in advance.

As it retreated, the movements of its hands did not stop, and more flames trapped Hei Siyuan!

Hei Siyuan was anxious and took out a bottle of"Explosive Potion" and drank it. Her strength and agility instantly increased. She waved her giant sword, opened a gap in the ring of fire, and rushed out.

Look at the location of the elemental spirit and continue to charge. Due to the improvement of the"explosion potion", Hei Siyuan's speed reached the extreme, and she finally got close to the elemental spirit. While getting closer, she put the giant sword on her back and took out the dagger for close combat.

Elemental spirits have super strong control over natural energy, but their melee capabilities are too weak. They can only parry after being approached by Hei Siyuan.

Under Hei Siyuan's raindrop attack, the elemental spirit was unable to release spells and gradually fell behind. As its energy was exhausted, it became weaker and weaker. Finally, with a blow from the blasting hammer, the elemental core was shattered by Hei Siyuan, turning into several wisps of energy and dissipating in the air.

After the elemental spirit dissipated, except for the traces of the struggle left behind, it seemed as if nothing had happened. Hei Siyuan walked towards the elemental cage. Although it only absorbed it for a while, it still left a piece of crystal as big as a thumb. This is the power of the element. Hei Siyuan picked it up and put it in her hand, and she could feel the surging original energy inside..

After gaining the power of the elements, Hei Siyuan was about to leave when she suddenly saw a trace left behind where the elemental spirit dissipated. She walked over and saw that there was indeed a little bit of ashes on the ground. She dipped a little of it with her fingers and twisted it, then put it under her nose and smelled it.

Evil energy, the elements here are also contaminated by evil energy. No wonder Weiss said that the elemental spirits summoned in the past two years would attack people. It turned out to be contaminated by evil energy.

It seems that things are far from being as simple as they appear, and the evil energy's erosion of the continent may be more serious than imagined.

Hei Siyuan stopped here to think for a moment, and then explored the entire elemental highland. Sure enough, several evil energy cracks were discovered in the area of ​​the earth element, and a little bit of evil energy was slowly escaping.

"Sure enough, evil energy has invaded here. The alien race must have a base here?"Hei Siyuan said to herself

"It seemed that Weiss needed to be reminded to investigate."

Hei Siyuan returned to the Su'al village with the power of the elements. When she returned to the room, she asked the Su'al woman who took care of them to inform Weiss. Not long after, Weiss came to their room.

"Black girl, have you succeeded?"Wes asked

"This is the power of elements, right?"Hei Siyuan took out a crystal and said

"Yes, it's the power of elements"

"Can you wake him up now?"Hei Siyuan looked at Xiao Rui

"Yes, now all it takes is a small ritual to wake him up"

"Well, please, Master Weiss."

"It can only be done at night when there is moonlight"

"Okay, by the way, Master Weiss, look at this."Hei Siyuan took out a paper bag from her pocket, with some green ashes in it.

"This is? Evil energy?"

"Yes, the elemental spirit also attacked me. This is the ashes left after I defeated it, and I also found several evil cracks in the corner of the earth element."

"It turns out that the elemental spirits were contaminated by evil energy and then became so violent"

"Could that revelation be true?"

"What revelation?"

"Two years ago, the soul of the ancestors gave me some revelations. I saw a destroyed world, with green flames burning everything. But I am too stupid to analyze the implications."

"Doomsday wasteland. The void has invaded our world with evil energy. What you see is the destruction of the continent."

"Did you see it too?"Wes asked

"My ancestors also showed me that it takes the entire continent to unite to resist"

"Although the wilderness has never formed a country, if the mainland is in trouble, the various tribes can still unite."

"Then Master Weiss, it’s up to you in the Savage Land. It seems that the situation is very serious, we must take action"

"Yes, everyone is responsible for the Void Invasion"

"Let’s wait until Xiao Rui wakes up to discuss any specific plans."Hei Siyuan said

"He should also know everything"

"As soon as the moonlight comes out, I will perform a ceremony to wake him up."

"Thank you, Master Weiss"

"You're welcome."

At midnight in the evening, the bright moonlight shone on the earth, coating it with a layer of silver. Xiao Rui was lying on a piece of grass.

Weiss put the power of the elements in a wooden plate in front of him, made a seal with his hands, and said Reciting obscure spells. The soft moonlight shines on the power of the elements, causing it to emit strong energy. Weiss guided this energy to Xiao Rui's chest, constantly washing his body. The whole process continued After a quarter of an hour, the power of the elements finally dimmed. Xiao Rui moved and made a few coughing sounds.

Hei Siyuan hurried over and helped Xiao Rui up. Finally, his eyes slowly opened

"You finally woke up!"Hei Siyuan had tears in her eyes.

"Thanks a lot."Xiao Rui reached out and wiped away Hei Siyuan's tears.

Hei Siyuan finally couldn't help it anymore, and lay on Xiao Rui and cried loudly. Xiao Rui stroked Hei Siyuan's back and said:"You are not as iron as you. Well, how can you cry!"

Hei Siyuan kept slapping Xiao Rui with her hands:"It's you, it's you, I thought you wouldn't wake up!"

"Silly girl, I really made you suffer."

"It won't happen again, I won't let you cry for me again."

Weis and others have already left, and there are only two people, Xiao Rui, on the huge grass.

Hei Siyuan leaned on Xiao Rui's shoulder, and Xiao Rui hugged her gently. The two said nothing more, only the silvery moonlight shone on them. On both of them.

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