The far north of the continent does not belong to any empire, and is home to the only elf group on the continent. According to them, they are far older than the current continent.

In the ancient wilderness, when the world first opened, in this far north, a snow pine was born by absorbing the essence of the world. After thousands of years of gestation, it produced five pine cones. After they matured, they took shape and became the ancestors of the five elven races.

The powerful ones include the Bear Clan, the swift Running Wolf Clan, the defensive Steel Mane Clan, the insightful Night Blade Clan, and the wise Lu Lin Clan.

The elves are children of the earth since they were born, and have been blessed by the forest. They are born hunters and warriors. As long as you activate the mark on your forehead, you can obtain the corresponding ability.

It's just that the elves are peace-loving and have hardly intervened in any disputes on the continent for tens of thousands of years. However, the crisis spreading across the entire continent is unavoidable.

The Northland Forest is covered in ice for more than half of the year. At this time, there is ice and snow everywhere, and it is covered in silver. It has entered a long winter.

On the empty ice lake, a middle-aged man was walking. He was wearing a cloak, covering most of his face. He walked slowly, leaving a long trail of footprints behind him.

Although the surrounding scenes looked similar to ordinary people, he could find a way through the subtle differences. It was obvious that this was not the first time he had walked here.

Crossing the glacial lake, he continued east along the forest. After walking for a long time, I finally saw a different forest. Here is a large area of ​​snow-covered pine trees. The trees are tall and straight, and do not shed their leaves all year round. The branches are covered with thick snow.

The man looked around, determined his direction, and walked between two giant pines. But before he took a few steps, several arrows were shot in front of him.

"Stranger, go no further."A warning sound came from the trees.

"I'm your old friend."The man took off his cloak.

"Xiao Ji?"With a questioning voice, two female hunters jumped down from the tree.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here to see your queen again"

"You've been here five or six times, isn't the Queen's attitude clear enough?"The two hunters put away their bows and arrows and took off their white cloaks.

"This time I have definite evidence, please take me to see her."Xiao Ji said.

The two hunters did not answer, but turned and left. They walked through the forest with nimbleness and speed. Xiao Ji also followed, not falling behind at all.

They flew through the forest for half of the time. After an hour, they finally came to a giant snow pine. The two hunters stood up and leaped up, bouncing up the branches.

Xiao Ji looked at the vines hanging from the giant pine. He grabbed it and pulled it, along the vines. I also climbed up.

This snow pine was very big and ancient. It was too big to be described, and it was as old as the mainland. There was a platform on the waist of the snow pine tree, and there was a settlement on the platform. Hanging hangings on the surrounding branches There are tree houses of all sizes, extending to the top of the tree. On the hollow platform is a market composed of countless wooden houses. This is actually an elven city halfway up the tree. There are elves for hundreds of miles around. The territory of the Wang Lulin clan is the royal city of the Elf Queen - Kedrassil."Kedrassil" means"Pearl of the Earth" in the Elvish language, referring to this giant snow pine, which has given birth to many The Lulin family has lived here for generations.

A peace-loving and aloof race, they rarely participate in world conflicts, but they are a force that cannot be ignored in this continent, because they are born to be the best. hunter. When

Xiao Ji came to Kedar Hill, many elves greeted him, and it seemed that he had been a regular visitor here. Indeed, Xiao Ji had lived here for a long time.

He walked along the streets surrounding Kedar Hill Hill's spiral staircase headed towards the top of the tree, and the sentries along the way greeted him.

The tree house at the top of Kedar Hill is much larger than other tree houses. To be precise, it can be regarded as a palace. Xiao Ji Walking in, the rattan hanging from the roof is covered with green leaves, and some are blooming with small flowers of various colors. The walls are also covered with many green plants.

If it weren't for the ice and snow outside, it would be difficult to tell from inside the house. The season is more like the warm spring-like south than the biting cold wind in the extreme north.

There are no guards in the tree house, and Xiao Ji walks straight into the room.

A woman with a white gauze curtain is pruning the hanging canes. , she was wearing a veil, her two pointed ears were shaking slightly, and she seemed to have discovered something. She was Lu Linyao, the queen of the northern elves. She remained calm and continued to play with the vines and the little flowers on them.

"met the queen"

"Um?"The elf turned around, and his veil was blown off by the vines, revealing his beautiful face.

"I am Xiao Ji."Xiao Ji made an elf salute to Yao.

"What are you doing here again? I already said I wasn't going to get involved."Yao put on the veil again.

"This is about the fate of the entire continent, and you cannot stay out of it. This time I brought new evidence."Xiao Ji said seriously.

"You say it."Yao walked towards other flower gardens.

"Now evil energy has been discovered all over the continent, so the target of the void is not a certain empire or a certain area, but our entire continent."

"You see, I found this on the shore of Bear Glacier Lake."Xiao Ji took out a withered yellow leaf.

Yao took it and looked at it for a while:"It is indeed not a normal withered and yellow leaf. There is still the smell of evil energy on it."

"Bell Ice Lake is only less than three hundred miles away from you, so you can't stay out of it if you want. And if I didn’t make a mistake in my judgment, there must be a mecha base around the lake."

"I'll deal with them, I'll get them out."Yao returned the leaves to Xiao Ji.

"This is not a crisis for you alone, but for the entire continent, and we need to unite"

"I don't want the northern elves to get into a war. If they dare to come, I won't be polite."

"Now it is impossible to fight against the void by oneself. Only unity can have a glimmer of hope. Their conspiracy has been brewing for decades. Once implemented, it will destroy the entire continent with a devastating force."

"Nothing has happened yet? Yao retorted

"By the time it happens, it's already too late."Xiao Ji said excitedly

"Okay, I can think about what you said this time, but not now."

Xiao Ji has experienced such scenes countless times. Whether it is the human empire, the elven territory, or some other mainland tribes, the news Xiao Ji brought is not enough to make them believe it. Their distrust of different races makes them distrust each other. They cannot unite for the time being, and the current development has made Xiao Ji very anxious.

The only thing worth gratifying is the ancestor of the Southern Barbarian Su'ar, who is regarded as the only prophet, but he has no entity, so the help he can bring is also very limited.

After bidding farewell to the Elf Queen, Xiao Ji went to the market below. He was strolling around casually, when someone patted his shoulder from behind.

He turned around and saw an elf looking at him with a pout. This elf's Although his face is not stunning, his skin is as good as snow, his green pupils are full of playfulness, and the small black mole under the left corner of his eye adds a bit of charm, and a bit of the Elf Queen can be vaguely seen between his eyebrows.

"Humph, why didn’t you come to see me when you came?"

"Jue, I just came down from your sister's place"

"Why don't you come to me even if you go to her?"

"Didn’t this just come down?"


This elf's name is Lu Linjue. She is the sister of the Elf Queen and the captain of the Elf Sentinel Guard in the North. But at this time she looks like a jealous little girl.

"Did she still not agree?"Juan continued to ask

"Well, she said she doesn't want you to get into a war, but the war is already at the doorstep."

"Elves love peace, and you can’t blame my sister for this."

"It’s just that the evil energy is invading faster now, and a war is about to break out."

"I'll go talk to her again and I'll help you."

"Well, I can only try it"

"I'm leaving tomorrow, and I still need to go to the Grizzly Bear Tribe. Even if we can't unite, I think it's good to give them a warning first."

"Then I'll go find my sister in the afternoon. You go to the Oak Hotel and wait for me.

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