A month passed in the blink of an eye, and the traditional ogre gladiatorial finals were about to begin.

Half a month ago, the two pieces of news announced by High Priest Gemgao made the atmosphere in Stone City even more frenzied.

The top five in this year's competition will get the chance to enter the Ogre Treasure House. You know, the ogre treasure house can be regarded as the first-class weapons arsenal in the mainland. If you take out any one, it is a priceless artifact.

Because the previous ogre chiefs all had a fanatical habit of collecting weapons, the ogre treasury has gathered quite a lot of top-notch weapons.

Many mainland powerhouses are covetous of the artifacts inside, but this ogre treasure house was designed and built by Leonardo da Vinci, the greatest architect two hundred years ago. It was designed based on the seal of the Fortress of Doom. The door of the treasure house needs to be grated. It can only be opened by the handprints of Romash and Gemgor, so unless both of them are willing or both are controlled, no one can force it open.

For this reason, Fengyu's plan changed again. The original plan to take action in the gladiatorial competition was now changed to opening the treasure house and acting as the opportunity arises.

Fengyu was not interested in the weapons of these low-level creatures, but he heard that there was a considerable amount of Sarangite iron in them, so this still made him excited.

After re-formulating the plan, Feng Yu is bound to win the championship this time. He wants to get a quota, enter the treasure house, and then get rid of Gromgol and Grommash.

Similarly, Xiao Rui and the others were also very interested in the Ogre Treasure House. They were very excited when they heard that there were artifacts in it, so he must get the ranking.

When the gladiatorial match officially started, the entire Stone City was pushed to another climax.

On the day of the finals, a giant war drum was set up in the stands of the Colosseum. After Grommash made a simple opening speech, he held the drumstick in his big hand and hit the drum hard. Along with the passionate drum beat, cannibalism began. The demon war song sounded, and then a group of ogres came on stage to perform a primitive and wild war dance.

The drumming stopped, Grommash announced the start of the game, and fanatical shouts erupted from the surrounding stands.

The first round of the competition was from 64 to 32, and it lasted four days in total. Although it is already the rematch, none of the players this year are weak, so the competition is quite fierce.

Xiao Rui's first encounter was Kazakh, a highland barbarian. He was powerful and had sufficient strength and explosive power. The only weakness is that the barbarian's brain is not very good. After facing an opponent like Xiao Rui, he has no strength and cannot use it, which makes Kazak feel as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

Therefore, although Kazakh's attack was very lethal, Xiao Rui was as slippery as a loach. After fifty rounds, he was as tired as a cow panting.

In the end, Xiao Rui easily won the first game after Kazakh exhausted himself. However, the stands of this game were also full of boos. In the eyes of these spectators, Xiao Rui was really defeated and could only express their contempt for Xiao Rui by booing.

But Xiao Rui doesn't care. After all, his main attention is on Feng Yu. It is best to retain his strength in such a competition.

On the other side, Hei Siyuan's game is much more interesting. She has the reputation of"female Rakshasa", and this game is worthy of her reputation. What she faced was the"Iron Tower" of the ogre. This ogre came from the tribe of Grommash. He was originally considered a popular candidate for the championship in underground casinos. He had a tough style and strong strength.

It's just that such a player is unlucky to face Hei Siyuan. Hei Siyuan is also a strong player. Although he is one size smaller than"Iron Tower", the battle with him is like a steel hammer hitting an anvil - a head-on confrontation without flinching at all..

Therefore, this game made the audience in the stands scream and shout one after another, saying that this game was worth the return ticket.

The result of the game was that Hei Siyuan knocked"Iron Tower" to the ground, and then punched him into the floor with one punch after another. It was not known whether he was still breathing in the end.

When the referee finally announced that Hei Siyuan was the winner, there was a huge cheer in the stands.——""Rakshasa""Rakshasa"

Xiao Rui's scalp went numb for a while in the stands. If he faced her, he could only kneel down and beg for mercy.

Fengyu's game was in the seventh game, and Xiao Rui and Siyuan both went to watch it. There was nothing particularly eye-catching about his game. He played steadily and easily and won the victory. But Xiao Rui could see that Fengyu didn't use all his strength at all, and it ended without arousing much desire to fight. Through this Through this observation, Xiao Rui made a preliminary estimate of Fengyu's combat effectiveness - if he is stronger than him without special means, he should have a slight chance of winning by teaming up with Hei Siyuan. It's easier to deal with it if you know what to do. It was clear that he was hiding something, so you just had to be careful of his back-up moves.

In the next few days, except for the game in Batu, I spent the rest of the time doing deductions and plans at the place where I stayed.

There was also a considerable amount of time in the middle of it being pulled by Hei Siyuan. He went out for emergency training. It was said to be emergency training, but it was actually a sparring session. He simply wanted to rub him! However, in the past few days, Xiao Rui's fighting skills have improved a lot. After all, he himself was born in the wild, and he was not as good as Heisi. Professional players like Yuan benefited a lot in the past few days.

On the fourth day, the top thirty-two were decided, and the second round of competition was scheduled for ten days later. Several dark horses also appeared in these competitions. Tiger from the Ami Empire, Shandis from the Elf Tribe, etc. All of their attacks killed their opponents instantly. Even those who entered the top sixty-four were not weak players, but they could not last two rounds under their attacks.

"Interesting, it seems that it is not easy to get into the top ten in this competition!"Xiao Rui said angrily.

"Haha, didn’t you say you wanted to be among the top five to see the artifacts in the treasure house? This is the first round and it hits you!"Hei Siyuan laughed.

"Hey, I definitely want to be in the top five. I don’t want the opportunity to get the artifact to slip away like this."

"Then why don't you continue practicing? Come on, let's have another fight."

"No, no, no, I'm done."

The second round of competition started ten days later. Gemgao once again announced that in view of the outstanding performance of all players, the players who entered the top 16 this time will be qualified to enter the treasure house. This news was like a bombshell , directly bringing the climax of the game to today. For Xiao Rui and others, this is also good news. After all, the chance of entering the treasure house has been greatly increased. However, some people are happy and some are worried. This is not friendly to Fengyu. The more people enter the treasure house, the more difficult it will be to assassinate Grom'gol and Grommash. But for them who are determined to win, it only adds a little more trouble. In addition to a few more changes, other Nothing has changed, we still take action after entering the treasure house. Grommash and Gromgol must die!

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