Today, the Colosseum is crowded with people and the voices are loud. With the wild war dance completed, Gemu Gao once again stepped onto the high platform. He will now preside over the drawing of lots, and each contestant will go up to the stage to draw the opponent. It is not known whether it is luck or misfortune. Xiao Rui won Feng Yu, and the two The real battle between people is about to begin.

Xiao Rui's game was scheduled to be the last one today. Taking advantage of the preparation time, the three of them came to the lounge to discuss countermeasures.

"Do you think I should laugh or cry?"

"I originally thought I wouldn't meet him so early, but now I have to fight him"

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Don’t you want to take advantage of the cannibal’s treasure house? Do you want any suggestions? Just kill him!"Hei Siyuan said simply and rudely.

"So what would Fengyu do if he was defeated? So either I have to lose, or I have to force him to hand over his money, or do it directly."

"In this case, we must pay attention to the surrounding crowds to ensure the safety of Gromgor. If he becomes angry and directly assassinates on the field, then the Bat King's mecha suddenly takes action, and Gromgor's guards are no match."

"Okay, I'll force him to take action on the field. The two of you will directly focus on him after the match. You must protect Gemu Gao. You can't make any mistakes. Even if you don't get the promotion ranking, you must retain a certain degree of strength."

"Okay, then you must pay attention to safety!"

In this way, several people discussed some countermeasures before coming to the competition site again.

After several games, the atmosphere at the scene was unprecedentedly high. There was no flash kill scene in these top 16 competitions, but the process of the competition But it was more entertaining.

Only Hei Siyuan and Batu successfully advanced. Batu also had a chance to advance, but in order to preserve his strength, he voluntarily gave up the game. As the white towel was thrown on the ring, the scene was booed Sound!

Finally, today’s final match of the top 16, Xiao Rui vs. Feng Yu, the audience shouted the names of Feng Yu and Xiao Rui. They had already placed their bets in the underground casino!

Xiao Rui and Feng Yu stood up In the ring, neither of them made a sound. Fengyu stood motionless with his arms folded and a dark green long sword on his back, while Xiao Rui had fist blades on his hands to protect his chest.

As a war drum sounded, the two of them They launched an attack at the same time. Fengyu pulled out his long sword and stabbed Xiao Rui in the face. Xiao Rui punched the outside of the long sword with a left hook and knocked it away.

With this simple collision, both of them felt something in their hearts. In the end, the opponent was stronger than expected!

Xiao Rui and Fengyu exchanged positions and faced off again. Fengyu changed his hands from one hand to holding a sword with both hands and attacked Xiao Rui again. Xiao Rui also prepared his defense. At the same time as the long sword thrust, they neutralized Fengyu's offensive one by one, and found the right opportunity to launch a counterattack.

In the blink of an eye, the two had fought hundreds of times, and each other's attacks were dazzling, winning the approval of the audience. Cheers and applause!

The two separated again. Fengyu smoothed his messy hair and said loudly:"Yes, you are very strong, but I must advance today!" Go to hell!"

"If you have any other moves, feel free to use them, I'll take over!"Xiao Rui raised a middle finger to Feng Yu.

"you wanna die!"

The two fought together again, fighting sword flowers! This time they both achieved results. Xiao Rui was stabbed on the left shoulder and slashed on the right arm, while Fengyu was slashed on the face. There was a long gash, and the three blood marks on the chest also showed that the injury was serious!

Fortunately, the sword did not penetrate deeply, otherwise Xiao Rui would have lost his fighting power. Fengyu now looks very scary, with half of his face covered in Blood.

Fengyu wiped the blood on his face and launched another attack. This time the two of them fought for a full quarter of an hour!

When the two separated, they saw that both of them had turned into bloody people! Each other's body was full of wounds, But Xiao Rui only looked scary, but in fact they were only injured on the skin, while Fengyu left several wounds that were deep enough to show the bones. His hair was disheveled!

Fengyu roared, and the two fought together again.! The dust stirred up on the ring obscured his vision, and suddenly a black shadow was knocked out! Looking closely, he saw Fengyu being kicked out by Xiao Rui in a flat-sha Qiuyan butt landing style, and was hit hard. On the stone floor of the arena!

Xiao Rui's figure walked out of the dust and smoke, pointed at Feng Yu with his fist blade and said deliberately:"You lose, I will spare your life!"

Fengyu stood up and said slowly:"Very good, it seems that the plan has to be advanced!""

He took off his coat, revealing hideous wounds all over his body. He stared at Xiao Rui, his eyes slowly turned green, and then the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a blink of an eye, the wounds all over his body were healed. The wound has disappeared, and the exposed skin all over his body has turned green!

"What it is?"What kind of magic is this!""What kind of monster is he?""The audience at the scene was noisy and looked at the venue with countless questions!

"I guessed it right, you are indeed an alien demon!"Xiao Rui pointed his fist blade at Feng Yu.

"Hey, you know it's too late now, everyone here will die!"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill your wish. I won't let you succeed!"Xiao Rui put on an offensive posture.

"The mantis's arm is like a chariot, and he does not know his own strength."

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