Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1145: regret

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This is the thought of everyone at the scene.

They haven't seen anyone who can live in front of a hundred crossbowmen.

What's more, that's still the Soul Crossbow.

Hundreds of arrows are released, even if the King of Water Ducks puts on his coat, he may not dare to carry it down.

"Hum, is it great to have more people?"

Lin Tianyou grinned. He raised his finger and hit his finger again.

"Zhu Geliang, blessing of wind!"

The voice fell, and an invisible wind lingered around Lin Tianyou instantly.

In line with Lin Tianyou's own soul power, the strong wind formed a sharp blade, sweeping rapidly in all directions.

The hundreds of crossbow ghost servants had not yet come to pull the crossbow's machine, so they were cut off by the wind blade.

The blood splattered like a heavy rain, and fell to the ground, making a noise.


The painful howls followed, flooded the square.

This weird scene shocked everyone in the audience.

Even the King of Draining Water, who was hiding in the dark, remained speechless for a long time.

He didn't know what Lin Tianyou's trick was. He had been in the underworld for so many years and had never seen the wind-based ghost technique.

Xu Daliang shivered, yelling as he ran:

"Isn't Feng Ye, the blood drop knife, here? Hurry up and let him come over, otherwise the owner's life is gone!"

Lin Tianyou sneered:

"Want to escape? How could it be so easy?"

As he said, he held it with one hand in the air, a claw shadow flew out and buckled on Xu Daliang's body.

Then he pulled hard towards himself.

Xu Daliang just felt as if he was driven by a strong force, his body flying backwards uncontrollably.


With a distance of hundreds of meters, Xu Daliang was pulled to the side by Lin Tianyou's claw shadow, smashed on the soul stone platform, and fell on his feet.

"Ah, no, don't kill me!

I, I am willing to lose money!

I'm willing to pay as much as I want, and so is Ling Cai. I paid all the inventory in the house to the Chen family, and since then I have been mainly Chen family.

Please don't kill me! "

When Xu Daliang saw Lin Tianyou around, he made a terrified howl.

With this remark, Chen Hao exulted.

He never thought that Lin Tianyou's method could actually allow Xu Daliang to take the initiative to recognize the Chen family as the boss.

His Chen family has been in the town of Jishui for so many years, and has been kept behind by several big-name families.

This time, the Xu family recognized the master, and his Chen Hao family would surely be among the top families in Jishui Town.

Maybe, you can fight with the King of Water.

Thinking of this, he clenched his fists in excitement and wanted Lin Tianyou to agree.

But how can Lin Tianyou's idea be imaginable by Chen Hao?

Just listen to Lin Tianyou's extremely arrogant opening:

"Ben Ben gave you a chance just now, because you didn't grasp it. Now it is too late to agree to the conditions.

Ben Shao killed you, and then took away the wealth of your family, it is more cost-effective than you recognize the Chen family as the main! "

Lin Tianyou reached out and pressed Xu Daliang's head with a bang. The proud Xu family's head was inlaid on the soul stone platform.

You know, that soul stone platform is extremely hard, let alone the ghost king, it is impossible to even draw a mark on it.

And Lin Tianyou just clasped Xu Daliang into the soul stone platform.

This is enough for everyone to understand that even if the ghost dragon king does not summon the heroes, they can completely abuse them.

The moment Xu Daliang's head was embedded in the stone platform, the tragic sound rang through the entire space, and countless people took a sip of coldness, looking at Lin Tianyou's eyes with deep fear, as if looking at a deepest place from **** Jump out of ghosts.

In one go, the three masters and hundreds of crossbowmen were wiped out.

The only cruel boy left with one hand standing proudly stood on the soul stone platform, defying the audience of ghosts.

"Father, Ghost Dragon King is so handsome, even standing there without even touching it, he defeated all his opponents.

How could there be such a powerful person in this world? "

Mu Ling was about to jump out of a heart. What Lin Tianyou did had surpassed the peak she could imagine.

Strong and handsome, the entire underworld, perhaps only the youngest son of Jiuyou ghost emperor, can barely compare.

"Linger, my father really regrets it. When you asked me to help the ghost dragon king just now, he shouldn't hesitate for his father. Well, I really regret it!"

The Mu master patted his thigh heavily, and his regret on his face could not be described with words.

Mu Ling silently.

She certainly understood why her father regretted it.

If my father was fighting the danger of family overturning just now, he would also help the ghost dragon king.

Even if I can't help in the end, I will definitely get the favor of Ghost Dragon King.

A strong man like this can get his favor, and for the Mu family, the benefits will be endless.

Unfortunately, her father missed such an excellent opportunity because of his timidness and unwillingness to take risks.

No matter who it is, you will definitely regret it.

"Is there anyone else who disagrees, just come up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It just happened to kill less!"

Lin Tianyou sat with his legs crossed, and as soon as he was about to sit on the ground, a wooden chair with extremely delicate workmanship appeared.

Pad under Lin Tianyou.

This is the ghost art of Luban.

Just now Zhuge Liang used Guixianshu, and now it's his turn.

Lin Tianyou sat on that chair in such a arrogant manner.

If it was the first few minutes, Lin Tianyou said that, there would be many people who think they are ridiculous.

But now, seeing that the top beams and pillars of the three old-fashioned families fell to the ground, like a dead dog, no one would dare to doubt Lin Tianyou for half a minute.

This boy can do it when it comes to it.

But also a cruel and cruel role.

Whoever dares to provoke him will be unlucky.

The owner Tian gradually became awake from the confusion. When he saw a pool of rotten soul corpses behind him, his eyes almost fell out of fright.

"Ah, the housekeeper!"

He couldn't believe that the owner of the palace would die so miserably, even more so ashamed.

Immediately, he got up from the stairwell, shaking his body and looking at Lin Tianyou on the soul stone platform.

"Dream King, you dare to kill the people in our old family, it is unforgivable, you will continue to sit there if you have the ability, and someone will come and kill you immediately!"

The blood dripping knife Feng Feng, he already knew from Xu Daliang's mouth.

Now just waiting for that Feng Feng to appear, he believes that with the name of the blood drip knife, he must be able to surpass the ghost king.


Lin Tianyou's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly said:

"It seems that you still have hole cards that you haven't used yet. Fortunately, you just killed those ants.

Just spent a few minutes waiting here.

Hope you don't let Ben Shao down with your hole cards. "

(End of this chapter)

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