Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1146: Blood knife

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The boy is a peerless Tianjiao who is jealous of God.

Since childhood, only others are afraid of him. How can he be afraid of others?

The opponent's hole card is even better, Lin Tianyou will not look at it.

"Relax, not only will it not let you down, it will also make you despair.

Because he is in the first-tier cities, Feng Ye, known as the blood drop knife.

As long as Feng Ye appears, you will die! "

The owner Tian Tian shouted.

His face was haggard, and there was a hint of madness between his looks.

"Bloody knife?"

Many people were scared to hear this name.

Many more people started snoring directly.

Obviously, they know who this blood drip knife is.

"The owner of the Tian family even invited Feng Ye, the blood drop knife?

How much does it cost to move? "

"Don't worry about how much it cost. I only know that blood drip knife is a ruthless person.

With one-handed swordsmanship, there is more than enough skill in the first-tier cities.

Just last year, he even reached the 180th place on the Golden Dragon List with his first blood knife technique.

The governor's office spoke highly of him.

It is said that regardless of the realm of soul power, the sword of blood can rank among the top three! "

"Oh my God, did the governor ’s office give him such a high rating?

The Ghost Dragon King is miserable. Even if he is even more powerful, he is just a figure on the potential list. How can he be compared with the strongest in the Golden Dragon List?

I heard that the Emperor of the Fire would like to invite the blood drip knife to be a ghost general. "

Those who previously felt that Lin Tianyou was extremely domineering, because they heard that the Blood Drip Knife was coming, they all cast their sympathy on Lin Tianyou.

The blood drop knife is too strong, and it is the top two hundred strongest on the Golden Dragon list.

There are thousands of underworld powers.

But there are only two hundred people who can enter the Golden Dragon List.

Although the blood drop knife ranks lower, it is not an existence that the ghost king can fight.

Chen Hao's face changed wildly. Of course, he also knew what kind of role the Blood Drip Knife had, and just saw the Chen family had hope of rising, but because of the name of the Blood Drip Knife, he broke his hope again.

And Mu Ling's father, because of the name of the blood drip knife, made the inner regret lighten a lot.

It is a good thing to get the goodwill of the Ghostbuster Dragon King.

But the blood dripping knife was offended by the ghost-gathering dragon king, and that was not worth the money for the Mu family.

"The **** Tian family actually invited a blood drip knife from their backs to participate in the battle for places.

Do you want to compete for a place with the Duck King?

Fortunately, there was this Ghostbuster Dragon King, who led the Blood Drip Knife out in advance, or maybe I would really plant it here this time. "

In a corner of the crowd, the King of Water Suckling stared at the owner Tian Tian, ​​his eyes filled with vicious killing intentions.

"Bloody knife?"

Lin Tianyou looked indifferent and smiled disdainfully.

"Okay, although the name frustrated a little, but you value him so much, so I'll wait here for him.

Ben Shao has to look at what he can do to make you feel so confident! "

A luxurious carriage was rushing towards Jishui Square.

Inside the carriage were three men.

One of them was a middle-aged man wearing a strong suit with a machete on his waist.

Next to him was a young man in his twenties, looking handsome, with a little pride on his face.

The third person is the steward of Xu Daliang's family.

He saw the middle-aged man motionless and the steward did not dare to speak directly to him.

Had to look at the young man next to the middle-aged man.

"Master Libei, no matter what, this time, I want to ask you to take a shot.

That kid has been arrogant all the way to Jishui Town. Not only did he break the legs of the owner ’s son, but now he is on the soul stone platform and seriously injured the owner himself! "

Hearing the words of the butler of the Xu family, the handsome young man opened his eyes slightly and seemed unbelievable.

Who is so bold, came to other people's territory to bully the snakes here?

And hit a small, now even the old one?

This is too arrogant!

However, soon after leaving the North, he folded his surprise and scratched the corner of his mouth.

"It's just a little bit of strength.

You said that he could destroy one hundred at a time. In the eyes of our genius, we can do it casually. "

He is very confident and confident.

"Master Libei, he is no longer a small man. I heard that he was also ranked first on the potential list by the governor's office.

And you, you are just seventh ... "

The steward said here, it seemed a little nervous, afraid that this sentence would offend Li Bei.

"I don't agree with that potential list.

A waste that just rushed to the first place by luck.

If he, like us, goes up from the tenth to the next challenge, then he is the first, I serve.

Never experienced a challenge, still want to be the first? Even if the governor's office agrees, Ben Shao will not agree! "

Li Bei proudly opened his mouth.

He believes that this time the potential list is the first, there must be water, maybe it was the huge cost of the ghost hunting king, bought the governor of the governor's office, and won the first title.

Really want to fight, Li Beibei ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He closed his eyes can defeat the ghost king.

The Xu housekeeper on the side listened with admiration.

Talented young people like Libei were already among the top 10 in the list of potentials five years ago.

In the past five years, the ranking has not changed because of disdain to compete for the rankings.

But no one dares to underestimate Libei because he is seventh in the potential list.

If Li Bei is willing, you can always go to Mei Zhi, the third place in the potential list, to challenge.

Li Bei once made a big talk and fought against Mei Zhixiang. Within a maximum of 20 moves, he could defeat Mei Zhixiang.

To challenge the third place with the seventh place, it is already very good to be able to do this step.

Libei no longer spoke to the housekeeper, but instead looked at the middle-aged man around him.

"Hey, Blood Drip Knife, my invitation from the Lihuo clan, how are you thinking?

Although I am not a member of the Li family under the leadership of Lihuo, but I am also a clan family. I personally came to invite you to join the Lihuo camp.

You better think about it. "

Li Bei frowned.

"Lit son, it's not that you don't want to join your camp. It's because Jiuyou Ghost Emperor also sent someone to invite you.

This embarrassed the next.

If you join your out of fire camp, you will offend the Nine You camp.

So let me think again! "

The middle-aged man opened his eyes and said that his face was distressed.

"Nine ghost ghost emperors are indeed the strongest ghost emperors in the underworld now.

But soon, his title of the strongest ghost emperor will be surpassed by His Majesty.

Did you know that a while ago, the corpse ancestor went to trouble from the city of fire?

His solemn ancestors fought with us for three days and three nights, but ended in a serious injury.

Switching to Jiu You Ghost Emperor, can you do this in 3 days and 3 nights? "

Li Bei looked proudly showing off.

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