Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1463: Toughly [six more]

This slap is extremely loud. Not only did Yang Ling hit it, but some people were stunned at the place. I heard that it was always a different matter to see with the eyes. After all the battles of the palace, they just heard that they saw Jiang today. The horror of the dust, they are still shocked.

"Awesome guy, this guy really only has a half-step fairy level? How can it be so bad, although Yang is old and not stable, but it is also a half-step emperor's cultivation, even he was hit by a slap in the face. There is no power to fight. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe it.”

"Yeah, I just heard people say that this dust is very bad, very abnormal. Today, I saw it with my own eyes. It is really outrageous. Even if we are the whole genius, we have not seen such a genius."

"Do not say that the genius house, the entire East Xuan domain can not find a second, and do not know whether the legendary Xianting has such a enchanting."


No one is shocked. The geniuses present are geniuses. There are too few people who can be recognized by genius. It is even more difficult to be shocked by geniuses. But in the face of such enchanting Jiang Chen, they have no way to praise them, even Those who are arrogant and arrogant have to admit that they are simply not comparable to this Jiang Chen. They are not at all a level. When they think of what they were like when they were doing this, they feel even more horrible.

"Bastard, you dare to play this elder."

Yang Ling felt great humiliation and instantly became extremely angry. He couldn't believe that there was a disciple in the genius's house who dared to hit his face, really playing, and was a new disciple, in the presence of so many disciples. Face, this makes him feel good.


It is a pity that Yang Ling’s words have not been finished yet. Jiang Chen has another slap in the face. The fan is in the same position. Yang Ling has been beaten two times in the same place. Half of the face has swollen, and the blood of the mouth is involuntary. Flowed out.

This time, Yang Ling was really horrified. Jiang Chen’s movement was too fast. He blocked it, but it did not help at all. He simply could not detect the trajectory of Jiang Chen’s shot. If it was the first accident, because of his own will, Then the second time, it is definitely not an accident.

The only thing that can be explained now is that he is definitely not the opponent of Jiang Chen. This makes Yang Ling’s heart very uncomfortable, so that he can’t accept it because he has just been promoted to the half-step Emperor. He thinks this realm is very strong, at least In this foreign capital, half-step Xianhuang is the most powerful existence.

Now this self-righteous bull is forced to be crushed by a half-step fairy king, ruthlessly trampled, and that kind of blow is really unbearable.

"Old miscellaneous hair, I have already told you about it, let you not provoke me, you are provoked me, it seems that you are here to get used to it, and someone should fix it."

Jiang Chen said, the whole person rushed over, the powerful momentum turned into a prison cage, and Yang Ling was completely shrouded. Yang Ling’s face changed greatly. He felt that under the pressure of Jiang Chen’s momentum, it was like a chest pressed against a mountain. The same, even breathing is a bit difficult.

In fact, with the current strength of Jiang Chen, if he is not a rival to the half-step genius of the Heavenly House, but Yang Ling and other geniuses in the genius are not comparable, he is half. Steps to the Emperor, but the combat power is at best equivalent to the general genius of the late Xian Wang, and even worse.


Jiang Chen used the momentum to firmly suppress Yangling, and then opened the bow to the left and right. The slap was like a raindrop on the face of Yangling. The cockroach was the skin of Yangling’s face, the blood was flowing, and the teeth were sprayed out. Yangling During the period, he tried to resist by hand, but Jiang Chen even smashed it.

This scene is too hot, everyone is shocked, and there is only a slap in the courtyard. It seems that Jiang Chen does not mean to stop, the means is fierce.


Dong Fei swallowed a bite and spit. He only felt as if he was dreaming. The genius who dared to beat Yangling, I am afraid that this is the only lawless Jiang Chen. This scene is too violent. Jiang Chen’s storm hit Yangling, and the nature is completely Changed, everyone knows, Jiang Dust will definitely have trouble.

After all, the nature of the violent elders is still very bad, and, in this genius, it is indeed not easy to provoke, Jiang Chen is undoubtedly a good excuse to find him trouble.


At this moment, a sudden drink suddenly remembered, there are seven or eight talented masters rushing into the courtyard, the day before the lead, repaired as the peak of the late king of the king, only one step to reach the half-step fairy In the foreign government, the true half-step masters of the Emperor level rarely appear in the weekdays. They put all their experiences on cultivation. Just as they break through the emperor as soon as possible, they can fly into the house and get into the house. Better resources, from now on, can have a high status in the Dagan Empire.


In front of these people, people are no strangers. In the genius, the power is great. The people who were beaten by Yang Ling finally appeared.


Jiang Chen took another slap in the face of Yangling, and shot Yang Ling directly on the ground. He couldn’t stand up anymore. Yangling’s face was squirting blood. Now the whole face is close to the ground, and the blood can’t stop flowing. It’s called a miserable .

Jiang Chen snorted at Yangling and treated the person who wanted to make his own life. He never politely, and never knew what it was to be kind and soft. With his original style of work, he did not directly kill Yangling. It is already very big. Kindness.


The whole scene was quiet. Everyone’s eyes fell on Jiang Chen and Yang Ling lying on the ground. Such scenes have never been seen. This is the first time in the genius, which may lead to a The field was turbulent.

But one thing is certain. Jiang Chen is completely famous, and many of the talented disciples present have begun to admire Jiang Chen. The same genius, the same genius, is also a **** man, which one is not bloody. Everyone wants to do something earth-shattering. When they are killed by the elders, everyone wants to beat the abominable people, but they dare not, but Jiang Chen dares, so they admire Jiang Chen and worship Jiang Chen.

The world worships the strong, and this is unchanging.

"Jiang Chen, I let you stop, have you not heard?"

The genius who spoke before said something again. He looked very angry, because Jiang Chen’s face was not only the face of Yangling, but also the face. In this genius, no one dares not to give face, let alone sweep the face. .

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