Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1464: The power of *** [seven more]

"Jiang Xiong, he is called Cheng Jun, the repair of the peak of the late King of the King, is also the top genius of the foreign government, is a *** person, very arrogant on weekdays, we are not afraid to provoke, you beat Feng elders today, quite I’m completely offended by ***, and there will definitely be big troubles in the future. If I look at Jiang, you still have to endure it, don’t make things too big.”

Dong Fei’s voice appeared in Jiang Chen’s ear. Dong Fei’s impression of Jiang Chen was very good. He was shocked by the power and domineering of Jiang Chen, and he knew that the genius in the genius was greasy and knew the power of ***. How big is it, so I want Jiang Chen to endure it, otherwise it will be troublesome.

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed a little timid, then turned to look at the momentum of Cheng Jun, Dong Fei's kindness he understood in his heart, but he understood more clearly, after the event of the Wang Wangfu, even if he does not fight Yangling today, even today Forbearance, the troubles in the future are still constant.

Jiang Chen doesn't like to swallow his voice. He needs a domineering arrogance. It is the arrogance of who I am, and the essential condition that must be possessed by practicing the dragon. His path is still far away. On this road, forever. There is no compromise.

"Jiang Chen, you dare to beat the elders, it is too lawless, no one is in sight. This is a genius, not a place where you are arrogant. It seems that you don't even know your environment."

Cheng Jun said coldly, according to his past habits, he would not stand here and Jiang Chen nonsense, it must be directly shot to abolish it, but Cheng Jun is not a fool, he can feel the power of Jiang Chen, even if He did his best to shoot, not necessarily the opponent of the opponent, or even Jiang Dian's opponent, so he did not choose to directly shoot.

"Whoever I fight, I don't want to take care of you. Don't think that you can be able to cover the sky here. Even if I play the elders, I won't be able to teach you, don't take your position. It’s too high, so it’s easy to fall, it’s an example.”

Jiang Chen said that he was not salty and not light. He said that he did not forget to use his fingers to point to Yangling, who was lying on the ground and mourning. At this moment, Yangling was beaten up, but his mind was glad that he could feel countless eyes falling on himself. For his elders, this is a shame and an endless humiliation. He hates Jiang Chen’s gnashing teeth and wants to let Jiang Chen die immediately, but unfortunately, Jiang Chen’s death is not dead. He said that.

Manic, too arrogant, never seen such a arrogant person.

Everyone was convinced by Jiang Chen’s arrogance. There were too many cows in the genius house, too many arrogant people, but Jiang Chen’s arrogance showed a new height, which was beyond the reach of others. They tried to converge on their own edge, but Jiang Chen did not hide it at all. When he came up, he beat the elders of the registry, and now he does not put the people in the eyes at all.

Looking at the whole genius, dare to speak with such a tone and ***, I am afraid he will be Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I advise you to take back the words just now. You must not know what this words mean in the genius."

Cheng Jun is angry, he has never been so angry. He is now trying to restrain himself. He is restrained that he does not directly worry about it and strongly suppresses the impulse to shoot. In fact, he is afraid of shooting and can not beat Jiang Chen.

"You better not to provoke me, this is the most kind advice."

Jiang Chen said faintly, this Cheng Jun looks stronger than Fuwei, but he wants to fight against Jiang Chen in the state of dragon change. There is still no chance of winning. It can be said that it is not an opponent at all, so Jiang Chen does not put him at all. In the eyes, if the other party really wants to give it to himself, then Jiang Chen’s shot will definitely not be polite. Even the elders will fight, and then a disciple will be counted. Anyway, they are all ***, since they have offended, they are not offended. Thorough.

Moreover, the king and the prince are inconsistent in the morning and evening. Since Jiang Chen is a person on the king's side, there is almost nothing to say about ***.

"Jiang Chen, I really don't know where you come from such a courage. I know that you are following the king, but do you really think that Van Wang can be right with the Prince? It is naive."

Cheng Jun said coldly, now he personally came forward. If he could not let Jiang Chenfu a soft apology, then he would come out and find his own insults, not only those who lost their own, but also those who lost their sins.

"You guy, really hate."

Jiang Chen shook his head. When he shook his body, he came to Cheng Jun's body. He lifted his slap and fanned to Cheng Jun. The speed was as fast as electric light.

Cheng Jun's face changed, he did not think that Jiang Chen turned out to be so mad, and he said that he would directly deal with himself in a few words. Cheng Jun immediately snorted and lifted his palm to block. He was still confident in his own strength. In his opinion, even if you can't beat Jiang Chen, you won't be worse.

Unfortunately, Cheng Jun’s cognition is very terrible. Now Jiang Chen is more powerful than when he killed Fu Wei. Because of Xue Yu’s ginseng, he now has a number of dragons in his body. Ten thousand, then another 20,000 dragons can directly impact the realm of Xian Wang.

The role of Cheng Jun, even if he exerts all the problems, can not be the Jiang Chen opponent in the state of the dragon.


Cheng Jun’s reaction was also extremely fast. At least it was much faster than Yang Ling. His palms blocked Jiang Chen’s dragon claws, which made Jiang Chen’s slap not fanned to his face, but Cheng Jun did not feel good, and collided with Jiang Chen. The palm of his hand creaked, the sound of broken bones.


Cheng Jun was constantly retreating from the earthquake. The injury on his hand has made him feel that the whole palm has become numb. When he really collides, he realizes the power of Jiang Chen. It is an irresistible force. He feels himself and Jiang Chen is not a grade at all.

"Jiang Chen, you dare to beat me."

Cheng Jun smashed up, this new disciple is really daring, and it is completely lawless, no one in sight, and does not put *** in his eyes.

Jiang Chen did not speak, and his face covered his face. He hated this embarrassing person. He didn't want to shoot. But now it seems that he has to deal with Cheng Jun, who is arrogant and arrogant. It is useless. The best way is to fight. He is looking for his teeth.



Cheng Jun is also angry, he released his own momentum, but unfortunately, his momentum has just been released, he was shot by Jiang Chenyu, like a mountain-like palm to photograph Cheng Jun's body, hoeing his face, playing Cheng Jun screamed again and again, Rao was the genius of his late Xian Wang, under the dust of Jiang Chen, there was no counterattack force.

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