Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 81 Magic Scroll Exchange (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

"Hey! Piccolo, you wolf people are ridden by the Xilin monitor lizard. After riding for so long, can you let me ride?"

Liya, who didn't have a mount, followed the team with her feet.

Originally, she was a magician, so her stamina was not as good as this group of monsters.

"Hahaha~ stupid elf, the Xilin monitor lizard only recognizes one master in its life, if you dare to ride on it, be careful that the monitor lizard will eat you.

Piccolo laughed mercilessly at Liya's ignorance.

The Xilin monitor lizard will only agree to its master to ride itself, and if other people do not have the master's permission, they will definitely eat the person on their back without saying a word.

Of course, Bicro didn't tell Liya this sentence.

He didn't want to give Liya a chance to ride the Xilin monitor lizard.

"Oh? So you mean that the Xilin monitor lizard will only submit to the wolf man and not the red dragon?"

Liya caught the loophole in Piccolo's words, and gave him a big hat in a cold manner.

Plop one

"Hey! Let me tell you! Don't slander me, my loyalty to His Majesty the Red Dragon can be learned from the sun and the moon!"

Piccolo was so frightened that he fell off the monitor lizard.

Breaking out of cold sweat, he turned around and glanced at the direction of the Red Dragon Clan, then got up and warned Liya not to talk nonsense.

How long has it been since he left the Red Dragon Clan, if His Majesty the Red Dragon hears these words, there will be good fruit for him.

Crowe's fear of His Majesty the Red Dragon in his heart has reached its peak.

"Tch, then who knows, in case you think so."

Liya is not afraid, so what if His Majesty the Red Dragon gets angry when he hears it.

It was Piccolo who should be punished, not her.

"Okay, okay, I fell on you, the elf, and you can ride the Xilin Monitor Lizard, but let me tell you first, be careful not to be eaten."

Bicro pretended to scare Liya, hoping that Liya could retreat in spite of the difficulties.

But he frightened the wrong target, Liya is not the kind of elf who retreats in spite of difficulties.

If so, it would be impossible for her to follow the team to conquer the bear goblin tribe.

"Isn't it just a big lizard? Who is afraid of whom!"

Liya stepped on the special saddle on the back of the monitor lizard nimbly, and rolled onto the back of the monitor lizard.


Realizing that the person on the back is not the owner, the Xilin monitor lizard began to shake.

Trying to throw the guy on his back off.

If it hadn't been for Bicro to send a signal to the Xilin monitor lizard, telling the Xilin monitor lizard not to hurt Liya.

Otherwise, with the temper of the Xilin Monitor Lizard, it would just lie on the ground and roll over, crushing Liya to death.

"Be quiet! Lizard!"

Liya grasped the protruding bone spurs on the Xilin monitor lizard's back with one hand to stabilize her figure.

However, words alone could not calm the anger of the Xilin monitor lizard, and the Xilin monitor lizard gradually jumped up and down in place.

Liya, who didn't react for a while, was thrown out and landed in the grass next to her.


in an instant.

The monsters in the team who saw this scene laughed without showing any mercy to Liya.

It's really ridiculous, even if you subdue the monitor lizard by force, it's impossible for the monitor lizard to carry you.

The dead brain of the Xilin monitor lizard is doomed, and it only recognizes one master in its life.


Liya rubbed her painful back, spit out sand and weeds, and walked out of the grass.

"How about it, stupid elf, are you convinced now?"

Piccolo returned to the back of the monitor lizard, lowered his head and said to Liya who was walking.

"Where can I catch such a big guy?"

Liya didn't get angry because of the ridicule of the monsters, but fell in love with the loyal mount of Xilin monitor lizard more and more.

She wanted to know where this creature appeared, and she would go find it some other day.

"Don't think about the elves. The Xilin monitor lizards in Kazaklin are all in the wolf tribe. If you want to catch them, you probably have to go to other forests."

How could the Explosive Wolf Tribe let such a powerful mount like the Xilin Monitor Lizard go by.

All monitor lizards in the Kazak Forest were captured, and even the Xilin monitor lizards that were still in their eggs were collected and hatched in the Exploding Wolf Tribe.

Once hatched, the Xilin monitor lizard can recognize its master.

The young Xilin monitor lizard is easier to recognize the owner. Whoever it sees at the first sight when it opens its eyes, it will recognize him as mediocre for the rest of its life.

"Then can you give me an egg of a Xilin monitor lizard?"

Lia asked.

"Hey, stupid elf, do you think our relationship is good?"

How could Piccolo give Liya such a good thing for nothing? Their relationship was not good enough to give away such a precious thing.

"If you are willing to give me an egg of the Xilin monitor lizard, I can ask my mother to give you some magic scrolls."

Liya knew that Piccolo would not give her away for nothing, so she proposed an exchange.

Magic scrolls, things that can only be made by senior magicians or above.

It is to write the magic that needs to be used on weekdays on the scroll in advance, when you want to use magic next time.

You can directly throw the magic scroll to release the magic attack without urging the spell.

At the same time, because the magic elements are stored in advance, the use of magic scrolls does not require the support of elemental power, so even the weakest creatures.

Anyone who owns a magic scroll can experience the feeling of being a magician.

Since the extraction of magic scroll materials would harm the forest, the elf tribe did not make magic scrolls.

But now it's different, the elves have joined the Red Dragon Clan, and it's no longer a big deal to destroy the forest.

"A magic scroll?"

Piccolo touched his chin, thinking that this is quite a bargain.

He is very clear about the strength of the elven magician Philosia. If he can own a few scrolls made by her, wouldn't his strength be greatly improved?

Thinking of this, Piccolo's eyes gradually lit up.

"What do you think, do you want to exchange, a word."

When Liya saw Piccolo's eyes, she knew that she was most likely to be safe.

"Okay! Exchange! But I need ten magic scrolls in exchange."

No surprise, after thinking for a while, Piccolo agreed.

"Ten copies? Impossible, drawing a magic scroll is very energy-consuming, at most five copies.

Liya stretched out five fingers as white as jade.

Making a magic scroll is not very difficult, the only trouble is that it takes a lot of energy to describe the spell.

"Five! You... good! Five is five!"

Piccolo gritted his teeth and nodded.

I also want to negotiate with Liya a few more times to see if I can improve a little more.

Unexpectedly, Liya directly cut in half, and ten shares became five shares.

Seeing Liya's dazed look, Piccolo simply agreed.

Seeing that they are all loyal to His Majesty the Red Dragon, five magic scrolls are fifth-order magic scrolls.

"Then congratulations on the completion of our transaction, Chief Bikero, remember to give me an egg of the Western 610 Forest Monitor Lizard when you go back."

Liya said happily.

"You too, Elf, remember to give me five magic scrolls, I won't give it to you without the scrolls."

along the way.

Piccolo and Liya began to bicker, and the bickering between the two almost became the fun of walking in the team.

Brings a lot of flavoring to a dull march.

Yawar Mountains.

After three days of trekking, the monsters of the Red Dragon Clan successfully arrived at the place where they fought with the bear goblin tribe.

The temporary camp once set up here has been completely destroyed by the goblins.

"Finally back, this time we must take down those damn bears!"

Piccolo carried the mace and looked forward vigorously.

Over there is the territory where the goblin bear lives, and it is also the territory of the Black Dragon Clan that His Majesty the Red Dragon mentioned.

"Boss Piccolo! Those guys are here again!"

Such a huge Red Dragon Clan naturally attracted the attention of the steadfast false monsters investigating in the sky.

Looking up, I saw three dormant pseudo-monsters hovering in the sky, and flew away after a while.

And the Red Dragon Clan watched these guys fly away helplessly.

There is no way, there is no combat power to fly.

Even if you shoot with a bow and arrow, you may not be able to hit the opponent.

The archery level of the monsters is extremely poor, and the long-range level of the waste frogman is better.

"Wind of thousands of worlds, may you drive away all enemies in front of me - storm arrows!"

When the monsters were all looking at the departing dormant pseudo-monster, Liya behind her suddenly released her wind magic.

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