Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 82 The Plan To Set Fire To The Mountain (Please Subscribe! Please Customize! Please Ask For

No one thought that Liya would use magic without warning.

The invisible wind elements in the sky suddenly condensed into ten blue-green arrows of wind, attacking behind the dormant pseudo-monster.

call out!

The dormant pseudo-monster didn't even think that there was an elf who knew how to use magic in this group of red dragon clan monsters.

The arrows formed by the wind element pierced through the bodies of the three dormant pseudo-monsters in an instant.

The moment they fell down, their eyes were full of disbelief.

When did this group of jackals have the power to fight against the air.

Everything came too suddenly.

The dormant pseudo-monster didn't have a chance to react at all, and landed in the woods in front of it, a group of birds were frightened and flew around.

On the other hand, on the side of the Red Dragon Clan, Piccolo opened his eyes and mouth wide, and then looked at Liya in disbelief.

"How about it, I said that you brought me here this time, and you are definitely capable of dealing with the dormant pseudo-monster."

Liya put down her magic wand, and crossed her waist with air.

Let Bicro, who had always looked down on him before, know his own strength now.

The dormant pseudo-monsters that you can't deal with are like flying targets in the sky in front of my intermediate wind magic.

The defense of the dormant pseudo-monster is not high, whether it is physical defense or magic defense, it is extremely low.

The only advantage is fast flight and high damage.

bang bang~

"I really underestimated you, Elf."

Piccolo applauded Liya: "You guys don't run over to have a look, if you are not dead, drag me back.


The kobold next to him hurried forward and ran into the forest. In less than five minutes, the kobold ran back to the camp, dragging three dying dormant pseudo-monsters in his hands.

The arrows of the wind that penetrated their bodies had dissipated long ago, and several small blood holes appeared on their bodies, and black blood was continuously lying there.

"Hey! Look at who we found, weren't you very attractive back then?"

Piccolo, carrying a mace, swaggered towards the dormant pseudo-monster, with a mocking look on his lips.

It was this group of damned guys who harassed the Wolf man from time to time when they flew in the sky, and even said some insulting words to the Wolf man.

Once without the combat power of flying and long-range, he could only endure all this silently.

Now with Liya, the elf magician, the effect is different.

"The Jackal..."

A dormant pseudo-monster looked at Piccolo dying.

He remembered this jackal very clearly, it was the jackal who attacked the territory last time.

I thought that this group of jackals would never come back again, but I didn't expect to kill them again so soon.

Also bring magicians who can target their sky troops.

"Behind you is the black dragon, right? The fourth child among the five-color dragons, do you know who is behind us? It's His Majesty the Great Red Dragon"!"

"Even if your black dragon comes, you have to kneel down in front of His Majesty the Red Dragon! It's a pity you won't see that day."


After finishing speaking, Bigongai raised the mace without hesitation and smashed it at the pseudo-monster.

The dormant pseudo-monster didn't even utter a whimper, and died with hatred.

Under the impact of the hard mace, Piccolo smashed his head into meatloaf.

Black blood splashed onto Piccolo's face, reflecting his ferocious wolf face.

"How could a creature without bones appear in the continent?"

Piccolo wiped the black blood from his face and looked at his dead body.

I thought I could smash the bones of the dormant pseudo-monster, and then suck its bone marrow.

Never expected that the dormant pseudo-monster doesn't even have a skull, let alone a bone marrow.

It is a body made entirely of muscles.

This kind of large creature can fly into the air, thanks to the magic of the Western Fantasy world, otherwise it is not scientific at all.

"Although I don't want to disturb your elegance, but generally small bugs don't have bone condyles."

Liya complained about Piccolo while holding the magic wand.

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding monsters laughed out loud, after all what Li Ya said seemed to make sense.

"I said Elf! Can you stop being against me, at least we have reached a cooperation deal, haven't we?"

Piccolo couldn't hold back anymore.

Why is this elf always against him, and he can't be allowed to maintain his serious side as a leader.

"I'm just stating a fact. Compared to this matter, Chief Piccolo, our top priority is to find a way to take down the bear goblin tribe while minimizing casualties."

Liya changed the subject, and if Piccolo wanted to save face, he would talk to him.

She also specifically and respectfully addressed the leader of Piccolo.

Otherwise, according to the usual address, he would either be called Piccolo directly, or the idiot Gnoll.

"Thank you for reminding me."

Piccolo responded angrily.

Then the chiefs of the major tribes gathered together.

The leader this time is Bikero, but the discussion on tactics still has to be discussed by the leaders themselves.

Liya was alone, and Piccolo took the initiative to let her join the discussion because of her good strength.

But she was rejected by Liya, on the grounds that she preferred to be a brave warrior rather than a leader who made a decision.

In other words, don't bother to use your brain.

"What's the point of discussing this? Our stone men can stand in the front and block the damage for you. Just be careful of the dormant pseudo-monsters above your heads."

Moffitt's idea was simple.

Lead all the stone men to walk in the forefront of the team, and basically iron tools cannot cause damage to the stone men.

At that time, the tribe of goblin bears has been pushed horizontally, and the rest of the monsters only need to pay attention to the attacks of dormant monsters at all times.

Such casualties are not the smallest.

"Don't think so simply, Malphite, this is his territory. Do you know how many traps those bear goblins planted here last time?"

In addition to being attacked by dormant pseudo-monsters last time, the Gnolls also had various traps laid by the bear goblins.

Bear goblins are monsters that are very good at making traps.

Even though the stone man is very strong and tough, if he stepped on the trap and fell in, it would be a sacrifice in vain.

By the time the stone man climbs out of the trap, the battle is probably over long ago.

"..I remember that elf knows wind magic? When the time comes, let the elf blow with the wind, no matter what trap it is, it will be clear at a glance."

The lava kobold suggested.

Let the elves use wind magic to blow out the trap.

"This method seems to be good."

The idea put forward by the lava kobold made the monsters present feel a little reasonable.

"Elf, I want to ask you something, can your wind magic blow up the things covered in the trap?"

It happened that Liya was basking in the sun on the stone next to her, so Piccolo turned around and asked.

"One or two is fine, but if I blow out a piece of trap, I can't do it with intermediate magic, at least it has to be advanced magic.

Lia shrugged.

There is another point that she didn't say, even if it is advanced magic, it is probably a kind of wind magic that consumes a lot of magic power.

It is estimated that it takes more than half an hour to recover after one use.

Immediately, this plan was canceled by Liya's words.

"Unfortunately, if it weren't for the 500 casualties set by His Majesty the Red Dragon, we could have pushed them across. The Red Dragon Clan is all fighters who are not afraid of death!"

Piccolo knocked on the stone with his claws in frustration.

The frequency of the knocking on the stone was like his heart, distracted.

The discussion (of Li's) among the leaders of the Red Dragon Clan went on for more than half an hour without any results.

Liya next to her couldn't sit still.

"I said, is it necessary for you to discuss it for so long? What is the task His Majesty the Red Dragon gave us? Defeat the bear goblin tribe and warn the Black Dragon clan."

"We just need to defeat them, there is no need to occupy their territory."

Liya couldn't stand it anymore and walked into the discussion team.

"You mean and?"

The leaders looked at the thin elf.

The 1.5-meter-long elves looked very petite in front of this group of huge monster leaders.

"My mother and I both know wind magic, and practice another kind of elemental magic. My mother is thunder, but I am a little different. I am fire magic."

"It just so happens that there are forests around here, at worst, I will cast fire magic and burn all of them down.

"Won't the group of goblin bears be forced out by then? We also avoid the threat of traps. After we solve them, I can use water polo to put out the fire."

Liya proposed a plan to persecute the forest.

Set fire to the mountain.

At that time, even if the group of bear goblins can't be burned to death, they will be killed repeatedly.

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