Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 85 The Overwhelming Battle Of The Red Dragon Clan (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

"Which eye of yours saw that it was your grandfather who did it?! Is there any evidence!"

Piccolo spat a mouthful of water on the ground in disdain.

He asked Liya to do it, but he just doesn't admit what you can do, come down and fight me if you have the ability.

Now that the camp behind you is on fire, he wants to see if the group of goblin bears will stick to the camp and be killed alive, or they will all jump off the high wall.

wooden wall.

"Boss, if we don't leave, we will be burned to death!"

The rest of the bears began to panic, the fire spread too fast, a group of bears tried to put out the fire.

In the end, he was burned. All the hair on his body was burned off, and even the people with him were burned into charcoal. The brothers said it was delicious when they smelled it.

"Ah! Damn Gnolls! We fought them! Pick up the weapons that belong to us and kill them!"

Anyway, they are dead anyway, and the leader of the goblin bear decided that it would be a big deal to fight with the opponent.

As soon as the words came out.

The goblin bears, who couldn't bear it any longer, picked up the big wooden sticks one after another, opened the barbed wooden door, and ran outside with all their strength. "Four Five Zero"

"Back up to 500 meters!"

Piccolo's eyes lit up when he saw the goblin bears running down, but he wasn't stupid enough to fight against each other here.

There are still many traps left by the goblin bears nearby, so they have to retreat to a safer place before fighting with the goblin bears.


The retreat of more than 10,000 monsters caused quite a commotion.

Looking at the evacuating gnolls, the leader of the goblin bear was confused for a moment. Obviously, this group of gnolls had the upper hand, why did the goblin bear run away when he saw them?

Could it be that the prestige of our bear goblins makes the gnolls frightened?

"Haha! Brothers! These gnolls are afraid of us! Kill them and let them know how scary we are!"

The leader of the goblin bear became even more excited, thinking that this group of werewolves with so many monsters was very brave.

Unexpectedly, it was just a group of chickens and dogs.

The crazy attack of the bear goblins made Piccolo, who was 'escaping' with a mace, even more happy, that's right, that's what it was going to be.

When you get to a place suitable for combat, you yellow-haired monsters will die for me.

the other side.

When the bear goblin tribe came out in full force, Liya and the others returned to the place where the two armies fought.

"They ran away, let's catch up quickly."

The kobold sniffed the smell in the air and said.

"Don't worry, since we are going to set fire to the mountain, let's make it all more violent, and completely cut off the goblin bear's way back."

"Praise your natural fire, your flame can burn everything in the world - fireball!"

A flaming crimson fireball rose above Liya's head, and then slammed into the grass in the distance.


The flames were radiant, and the flames contaminated by weeds expanded rapidly. Any object that blocked the flames would become a sharp weapon for the flames to ignite.

"It's done. In this case, even if the bears withdraw, they will be left with a sea of ​​flames."

Liya clapped her hands, panting heavily.

The continuous use of these fire magics made the magic power stored in her body almost dry up.

At most, she will use a few more fireballs, and she will completely lose her fighting power.

"Good job, Elf, leave it to us, you guys escort her back to the temporary camp to rest. w

After the jackal instructed the kobold, he immediately ran forward.

The remaining kobolds escorted Liya back to the temporary camp to rest.

In this perilous forest, there is no kobold to protect her. If Liya encounters a wild beast, according to her current physical condition, there is a high probability that she will be killed by the beast.

not far away.

"Huh? Why did they stop?"

The leader of the goblin bear, who was still happily chasing him, suddenly noticed that the monsters in front of him stopped.

"It's very enjoyable to chase, right, Maoguai."

Piccolo raised his mace and pointed at the leader of the bear goblin and grinned.

This piece is definitely out of the trap category, so it's time to fight back.

"I thought you monsters didn't even have the courage to confront us head-on.

The bear goblin leader sneered.

"Don't have the courage to fight against you? Hahaha! What a big joke, look at the yellow-haired monsters around you, have you escaped from the trap you set?"

Piccolo was already immune to the words of the leader of the bear goblin, and he looked at the bear goblin as if he looked at poor garbage.

How stupid.

He was about to die, and he thought he had an advantage.


After listening to Piccolo's words, the leader of the goblin bear realized that this was indeed the case.

Chasing and running out of the only trap that can give them an advantage.

"Aww! Bastards! It's time to drink blood and eat meat! Break their bones and suck the marrow from their bones!"

Piccolo stood on a stone and gave the order to charge.

Immediately, the stone people were the first to bear the brunt, like boulders walking one by one, rolling towards the enemy, leaving deep marks with every step.

The goblin bears looked at the stone man who had hit them like this, and quickly picked up the wooden shield on their backs to resist.




Without the slightest surprise, these tattered wooden shields couldn't withstand the strong impact of the stone man at all, and they smashed into pieces of wood slag.

The goblin bear who used the wooden shield to resist was even sent flying, and fell heavily on the ground.

"The great Red Dragon Clan cannot be tarnished!"

The leader of the boulder, Malphite, canceled the impact form and transformed into a human form. He grabbed the two goblin bears with his thick hands, and slapped them hard on the heads.


The two heads collided and exploded, bursting out white brains mixed with dark red blood.

Jean threw the corpse of the bugbear on the ground like trash, and the bugbear next to him tried to smash Fett with a wooden stick.

It's a pity that where wood is an opponent of stone, Malphite doesn't need to do it. These wooden sticks will all crack at the sound.

"Your weakness doesn't interest me at all."

Sensing that there seemed to be a few bugs behind him, Malphite turned around and condescended to mock him.

Even if you stand still and let you fight, you will not be able to defeat my defense.

Although the rest of the stone men were not as relaxed as Malphite, they were more than capable. The weapons in the bear's hands were too poor to pose a threat to their bodies at all.

Four or five kobolds, like crazy wild dogs, jumped on a goblin bear, opening their mouths and claws to bite and pull.


The goblin bear wanted to throw the kobold off his body, but he couldn't do anything.

In the end, he could only suffocate and die.

He was swarmed up and killed by kobolds alive.

The kobolds are very short compared to the goblin bears, and they cleverly adopted crowd tactics.

Discard all weapons and the like, and jump to bite a goblin bear when he sees the opportunity, and the other kobolds will follow closely behind.

The siege launched by four or five kobolds together, no bear goblin can resist it.

The magic frogman uses a poisonous spear to poke the bear goblin, and the weaker magic frogman cannot completely pierce the bear goblin's muscle.

But the goblin bear found that his head became dizzy, and the more he fought, the more powerless he became. Finally, he fell unconscious on the ground and was hacked to death by the magic frogman.

Gnolls don't need to be so troublesome. They are about the same size as goblin bears. They are all masters who are good at using maces, and they directly confront goblin bears head-on.

At this time, the sophistication of the weapon reflects the advantage, and the mace made of steel is much stronger than the mace made of wood. 1.5

When two maces collided, the wooden sticks would often break first, and the goblin bear who had lost his weapon was naturally no match for the wolf man with the weapon.

Even if the Gnoll was accidentally hit in the back by a sneak attack by the bear, he would still be unscathed relying on his hard armor.

At most, his back was numb from being shocked by a blunt object like a wooden stick.

In the team battle that had just started, the situation turned directly towards the Red Dragon Clan. The Bear Goblin Clan had no power to fight back and was beaten back steadily.


"Ah! Get out!"

The leader of the goblin bear kicked away the gnoll in front of him, turned around and ran away.

If the battle continues like this, the bear goblin tribe will be completely wiped out.

To be on the safe side, return to the place with traps for the time being.

When the leader spoke, the goblin bear, who didn't have much fighting spirit, quickly dropped the weapon in his hand and ran away desperately.

"Want to run? Ask me if I agree!"

Piccolo smashed the head of a bugbear next to him, and without caring about sucking any bone marrow, he quickly jumped onto the back of his mount Xilin monitor lizard, and rushed towards the leader of the bugbear. .

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