Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 86 The Red Dragon Clan Wins (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)


The Xilin monitor lizard's four pairs of thick thighs ran with all its strength, and the bear goblin leader's legs could not run past it.

in a blink.

The Xilin monitor lizard caught up with the running goblin leader, under the stunned eyes of the goblin leader.

The Xilin monitor lizard opened its bloody mouth and bit the back of the goblin leader's neck, then frantically shook its head, and finally smashed it hard on the nearby tree trunk.




The big tree couldn't bear the violent impact and fell to the ground.

A thick cloud of dust was thrown up, covering the figure of the leader of the bear goblin.

bang~ bang~ bang~

Piccolo rode the Xilin monitor lizard to the unconscious leader of the bear goblin.

The huge impact force completely broke the back of the leader of the bear goblin, and he was not far from death.

This is also thanks to the monster, if it were a human with a broken spine, he would have died on the spot.

"It really disappoints me. I thought the yellow-haired monster who fought with me for a long time was very strong, but it turned out to be nothing more than that."

Piccolo jumped off the monitor lizard's back.

He raised his mace and aimed at the head of the bear goblin leader and smashed it hard.




The continuous smashing and blowing had already made the head of the bear goblin leader into a mess.

Looking at the exposed skull 11, Piccolo squatted down as if he had found a treasure, picked off the skull, put it in his mouth and sucked it hard.


"Ha~ It's really delicious!"

Piccolo seemed to have eaten the most delicious food in the world, and his whole person seemed a little smug.

I didn't expect the bone marrow of the yellow-haired monster to be so delicious, what a pity.

The chase of the monsters of the Red Dragon Clan continues.

When the only remaining goblin bear ran to the trap, he was stunned, shocked by the hot flames in front of him.

Didn't it burn up here before? Why did it burn up all of a sudden.

And even if it burns inside, it's impossible to burn to the outside so quickly.

"You have nowhere to go!"

The monsters of the Red Dragon Clan in the rear pressed on every step of the way, forcing the group of bear goblins to within a few meters of the flames.

Feeling the scorching heat coming from their backs, the group of bear goblins no longer had the slightest will to fight.

The leaders have all been killed, and there is no way out. What else is there to fight? Surrender.

Ping Ping Pong's armor was taken off by the bears, and the rest of the bears knelt on the ground, raising their hands to express their surrender.

If you surrender, you may still survive, but if you don't surrender, it is definitely a dead end case.

Seeing the surrender of this group of bears, the kobolds tied up all the bears with the simple ropes they had prepared.

With the rich forest of Kazaklin as the basis, small things like ropes can naturally be made.

Although it is extremely ugly compared to human crafts, it is more usable than the random vines that were torn off before.

So far, all the goblin bears have been captured, and the Red Dragon clan has not been wiped out.

It's not that Bei Luo has a heart of kindness, it's that he wants to see what kind of expression he will have when the black dragon returns and sees his former subordinates taking refuge in the red dragon.

after awhile.

Piccolo arrived at the scene riding the monitor lizard.

"Have you caught them all?"

Piccolo asked.

"Catch it, Chief Piccolo, do you want to have a few open meals?"

Crevo obsequiously stepped forward to curry favor with Piccolo.

"Shut up! His Majesty the Red Dragon said that all the goblins who surrendered will be captured and dealt with by the Red Dragon Clan. Don't tell me you don't take His Majesty the Red Dragon seriously by saying this?!"

Piccolo glared at Krivo angrily, his ferocious expression expressing his anger.

Since he was taught by His Majesty the Red Dragon last time, he no longer dared to take any chances.

Everything must be executed in accordance with the orders issued by His Majesty the Red Dragon.

"No... no! I, a humble wild dog, dare not take His Majesty seriously. Your Majesty's appearance is like a god in my heart, and I cannot be profane!"

Clive was trembling with fright, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

He just wanted to curry favor with Chief Bikero. Anyway, there were so many goblin bears, and His Majesty would not be able to tell if he had eaten a few red dragons.

And since His Majesty the Red Dragon is not on the battlefield, who knows how many goblin bears have been captured.

So eating a few is no problem at all.

But he never expected that Chief Bikero would be so angry.

It scared him silly.

"You'd better keep this sentence in my heart, Krivo, don't take chances, His Majesty's eyes are enough to see any corner."

Piccolo reminded Krivo in a cold voice, then turned around the Xilin monitor lizard, and ordered the other monsters to bring all the goblin bears with them and return to the temporary camp.

When leaving, Piccolo also did what he always wanted to do, which was to piss on the gate of the Black Dragon Clan's territory.

When leaving, Piccolo deliberately told the goblin bear about his majesty being a young dragon.

Regardless of what you say, our Majesty is a young red dragon, and sooner or later he will become the dragon king of the mainland in the future.

The reason why I said that was to tell the monsters of the Black Dragon Clan secretly.

Our Majesty the Red Dragon is a juvenile dragon, and your Majesty the Black Dragon is a young dragon. When your Majesty the Black Dragon comes back, you must come and attack us. Don't think about hiding here.

When Piccolo and the others left [a pair of eyes appeared secretly.

"Damn it! I thought the red dragon of the Red Dragon Clan was at least a young dragon like our Majesty, but I didn't expect it to be a young dragon!"

"When His Majesty the Black Dragon returns, he must let His Majesty destroy this group of Red Dragon Clans!"

"Yes! We still want to eat the blood of the young red dragon!"

The monsters of the Black Dragon clan who hid and watched were really confused by Piccolo's words.

But Piccolo didn't lie, his majesty the red dragon is indeed a young dragon.

That is, the figure has already reached the standard of a young dragon.

The size of the young five-color dragon is only 20 meters to 30 meters.

After a period of sleep, when it grows into an adult dragon, it will reach fifty meters.

Fifty meters is not the limit of the giant dragon, as long as it does not die of old age, the body of the giant dragon will continue to grow.

It is rumored that the giant dragon that reaches the ancient dragon will be more than two hundred meters tall.

This is already almost the largest creature in Mortal Continent.

A dragon that can become a god will have a larger body shape.

For example, Tiamat, the queen of the five-color dragon, her real body is 10,000 meters long, and the so-called giant dragons in the mainland are just flies to her.

Temporary camp.

"You succeeded?"

Liya, who was resting, saw the joy on the face of Piccolo who returned in triumph, and knew that the Red Dragon Clan had won the battle.

And it should have completed the number of casualties stipulated by His Majesty the Red Dragon.

"Of course, this time I would like to thank you elf."

Piccolo laughed [I thank Liya for the first time. 023

If there is no Liya this time, the other party's stay in the camp will indeed cause them a headache.

Even if the bear goblin tribe is finally taken down, it will definitely not be as easy as it is now.

"It's good if it succeeds, then I should go to put out the fire."

Liya got up with a tired body, and the black smoke that could be seen from a distance was enough to show how big the fire was.

It is estimated that the magic power that she consumes all over her body cannot be extinguished.

It would be such a pity if such a beautiful mountain range was devoured by the fire like this.

"You don't need to go out to put out the fire, the elves, if you see that there are no dark clouds in the sky, there will be a heavy rain soon, and the fire will naturally go out when the time comes."

Piccolo pointed to the dark clouds drifting slowly across the sky.

It's a cloudy mass, and you don't need to look to know that it will be a downpour.

If this heavy rain can't extinguish the forest fire, then no matter how hard Liya works, it will be useless.

"Wait, it will indeed rain heavily."

Liya carefully felt the surrounding natural elements with her magic wand, the water element in the air was getting heavier, and heavy rain was indeed coming.

"Since it's raining heavily, it will definitely be troublesome for us to return to the Red Dragon Clan now. In addition, there are many rocks in this mountain range. It is better for us to stay in the temporary camp on this plain.

Liya offered her opinion.

If you want to leave here, you have to climb over this mountain range, but if it rains heavily, you may encounter mudslides with a little luck.

Not only that, the mountain road wet by rain will become more slippery, and if you are not careful, you will slip and roll down.

"What you said makes sense elf, then I will listen to your opinion and camp here temporarily to build a shelter from the rain!"

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