Dragon Tamer

Chapter 107: The difference in the sky


Rumors, if no one stirs up troubles, they will be self-defeating.

And the dim sky finally cleared up little by little, with a gust of air surging from the mountains furthest away from the Sichuan Plain.

The muddy breath also seemed to be thoroughly washed away.

This was the first sunny morning, a morning with dawn and dawn.

Opening the window, you can see most of the blue sky. Although the other half is still in thick clouds and fog, I believe it will soon be blown away by the summer wind.

People are in a good mood, and a disaster without seeing the sun finally has a thrilling past. As long as you continue to work, you can still have a bumper harvest before the fall.


"Let's go for a walk, go see Xia Liu, and taste the new tea in Luhua Tower?" Zhu Minglang walked to the main house of the other courtyard.

He didn't break in without permission. Even though everyone was familiar, Zhu Minglang kept his integrity and integrity, waiting outside the door, waiting for Li Yunzi's response.

Even if you are recovering from an injury, you need to go out and get some fresh air.

Zhu Minglang, in recent days, saw people rushing around the courtyard from morning to night to spread the word, and he also knew that the Zulong City State had just gone through a change, and many people had to ask her for instructions on many things.

But Zhu Minglang also noticed that she was not interested in the affairs of the clan at all, basically she had appointed the next person in power, and then gave him full authority to handle it.

This person may not be completely trusted by Li Yunzi, at least he will not hinder her anymore.

On the military side, Commander Cheng seemed to be in charge.

Recently, there has been a large-scale mobilization of the army, and they seem to be waiting for a signal, which is that Li Yunzi has survived this accident.

Once she survives, all the military guards of the three major city states and the southeastern city states will prepare for the founding of the nation.

Since a lot of things are handled by passing messages, it’s okay to stay in the house or go out to see the scenery.

Lai Yunzi likes tea. It's great to go to the beautiful and independent Luhua Tower...

"Miss may have some inconvenience today." At this moment, Shuang'er's voice came from inside.

"It doesn't matter, it's okay to go out for a walk..." Li Yunzi spoke. Her voice today is very soft and soft, and she is in a good mood, or whether her worries have diminished as the injury recovers, and there is no coldness in the past.

Zhu Minglang nodded and continued to wait outside the door.

Wait, wait.

Zhu Minglang's calf was a little sore, but Li Yunzi did not come out.

I wanted to ask her Shuang'er if her lady was asleep, but she felt a little rude and had to wait.

Finally, Li Yunzi walked out, Zhu Minglang bowed a feint, and slowly put down his clasped hands. The moment he raised his eyes, he was stunned!

She folded her slender waist to step on the lotus, and her wrists were on the tulle. Her eyes were like autumn water. When she noticed that Zhu Minglang looked at her lostly, the autumn water seemed to be shy and rippled.

"Huh, huh." At this moment, Miss Shuang'er reminded her.

Zhu Minglang came back to his senses, politely and smiled awkwardly.

Well, Zhu Minglang has to admit a fact.

Like Lai Yunzi's so-called admirers, and like most vulgar men, I was attracted by Lai Yunzi's beautiful posture and delicate temperament.

After carefully dressing up, Li Yunzi is graceful and charming, but staring like this is a pleasing thing to the eye.

"Let's go." Li Yunzi said.

Ms. Shuang'er opened an umbrella and shielded her lady from the sun. They walked in the same step.

Zhu Minglang went with it, and Fang Niannian, who went out to play with him, also raised a delicate umbrella.

But she only covers herself, and she doesn't even lean on Zhu Minglang at all, pouting her little mouth, a pair of little tsundere who is not your maid.

Zhu Minglang didn't care, keeping his distance, but inadvertently approaching when walking and talking.

To Zhu Minglang, he doesn't mind tying the two yellow-haired girls, Shuang'er and Niannian, and throwing them into the river. The wind and the sun only need him and Li Yunzi.


Arrived at Luhua Building.

A piece of willow, the shadow is soft and beautiful, there are really many people walking around today, after all, it is the first sunny day in such a long time.

The clouds were still being lifted up little by little, and the sky was clearing up completely.

After drinking a few sips of tea, Zhu Minglang planned to tell Li Yunzi about what he had never seen in this land. At this time, there was a burst of noise outside the building, as if something happened.

Soon, the noise downstairs turned into cries.

Even the people in the Luhua Tower came to the wooden window to see what happened outside.

Fang Niannian likes watching the show the most. She walked quickly to the window and looked down first, and found that there were flat ground downstairs, and many people on the street stopped.

Even some busy vegetable farmers put down their shoulder poles and looked up at the sky to the west.

So many people stopped just to watch the clouds?

Fang Niannian was a little puzzled, so he followed the others to look at the western sky.

But this sight made her feel goose bumps all over her body involuntarily! !

What reflected in the eyes was not the blue sky, nor the beautiful clouds, but a distant mountain range that seemed close at hand! !

It is said to be far away because the mountain range is tens of thousands of miles away from the Zulong city state, so that in such a clear and dust-free sky, it feels that the mountain range is showing slight twisting waves due to light refraction, and even being swayed from the blue sky. To the light blue sky, and then to the farther and farther purple sky...

Said it is close at hand because it is so huge.

The northernmost mountain in the Zulong City State, as long as anyone who has seen it, said it was magnificent, but it was still insignificant compared to the mountain range reflected in the sky.

This mountain, like the Tianshan Mountains, occupies a whole piece of the sky to the west, even wider than the land to the west, and even more infinite! !

As the turbid and thick clouds to the west fade away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this scene is more and more shocking, because people gradually realize that it is not a mountain at all, but a floating continent that can completely cover the sky to the west! ! !

Screams rang out on the street. Some people were in the house before, not knowing what was happening outside.

But more and more people heard about this, and when they walked to the street and looked at it, they were so frightened that they were so scared! ! !

How vast is the sky, and a small piece of blue sky in the distance may be dozens of times wider than the entire plain of Zulong City State...

But now the sky on the west side is completely shrouded by a land. The majestic mountains that people see at first are just the tip of the iceberg of the entire floating land! ! !

It is vast and far away, but it is a shocking picture close at hand! !

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