Dragon Tamer

Chapter 108: Lucky to be you

The mountains are so majestic that they are ten times more majestic than Beishan, which Zulong City is proud of.

But looking at the sky from the street, you will find that the mountain is just like the folds of a cloud.

The edge of the huge land plate presents unimaginable rift valleys and faults. When people stand on the land, looking up is the section of the continent.

It is the rugged ground veins, the deep crust, the meteor dust lingering in the starry sky...

That meteorite dust will be in the process of slowly moving this shocking continent, rubbing against the air of the sky, shaking, and falling because of some huge celestial power fluctuations! !

Even if it is just a small piece of meteorite dust, a small piece of dust attached to that rugged ground vein, when they fall down and cut through the blue sky, they are like shining and brilliant sky fires, bringing magnificent annihilation! !

Where did the sky fire come from? People seem to wake up suddenly at this moment, but why are they shuddering all over! !

When the sun does not see the sun, where does it come from, people are extremely afraid of thinking.

Thousands of people's bodies are like sculptures, pierced in the streets of Zulong City, but their souls broke out, shattered and scattered because of this sight! ! !

Skyfire falls...

And that long night!

The difference of the sky is the damnation.

But who would have thought that the real scourge would be a mysterious continent that was slowly falling, slowly falling toward the west horizon! ! !

It was this mysterious continent that was suspended in the sky, shielding the scorching sun of all things, and making Yongye last for a whole month.

It is the veins of this continent, which shakes countless huge rock crystals and turns into an extinguished sky fire. Not only the Ancestral Dragon City-state was affected, but other city-states were also not spared...

But why is it so, why is it so! !

Luhua Tower, Zhu Minglang and Li Yunzi all jumped above the tile eaves. They can be said to be standing in the tallest pavilion in Zulong City State.

To the east, the sky is pretty and blue, and the Zulong city state is no different from the past, looking peaceful and peaceful.

But on the west side, it seemed that at the beginning of the ancient times, the scene was extremely shocked, and the soul trembled after a few more glances.

The most important thing is that everyone knows how small the tranquility and peace before them are.

And this smallness will crazily shatter everyone's inner cognition!

Once the cognition is subverted, you will always live in small fear! !

"So the Zulong City-state is clear, and the Lingxiao City-state in the west and other small city-states have begun to escape into the Eternal Night..." Zhu Minglang muttered to himself.

The soul is no longer there, so I can only think in a pitiful way.

"Wu Tu, is this how it came?" Finally, Li Yunzi said this sentence.

Where did Wutu come from, it has bothered Li Yunzi to this day.

Floating on the sea of ​​nothingness, is that true?

Maybe even the people living in Wutu don't know it themselves. In their eyes, they are afraid that the Zulong City State and the Lichuan Plain are also floating from a broader and more prosperous continent, bordering them inexplicably!

Zhu Minglang turned his head and stared at Li Yunzi.

Li Yunzi is also looking at him.

Everyone in Zulong City State was afraid, all bowing down, begging for something.

Zhu Minglang and Li Yunzi stand on the eaves of the high-rise building, integrating the broken known things in their hearts and describing a complete fact!

The fact is that the emergence of wasteland is not accidental.

Lai Yunzi also thought about the world.

When Wutu appeared at the end of Dongxu City, she boldly speculated that this world might be one land after another floating on the sea of ​​nothingness...

These lands will move slowly, and at a certain time and age, they will join up with other lands to form a larger piece of land.

The existence of virgin soil means that there are other soils, and one day, there will be other lands appearing on the sea of ​​nothingness, and they will eventually stick together like magnets.

But Li Yunzi never expected that the mainland was in the sky.

Will fall like stars.

When Wutu appeared, the Zulong city-state and the southeastern city-state also had a solar eclipse. The dark night ruled the early morning and noon of the next day. It was not until the evening dusk that everything returned to the original.

But this time, the night lasted for a whole month.

Li Yunzi looked at the sky, and her eyes appeared dim and sad that Zhu Minglang had never seen before.

"Is this what keeps you frustrated?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Yeah." Li Yunzi nodded.

Even if he wins, the anxiety has never been eliminated.

Although it was a little absurd, even though Li Yunzi had told her tribe and Tai Gong Nan that there would be other land floating from the sea of ​​nothingness more than once, they all thought their behavior was absurd.

Facts proved that I was right.

But she predicted it was wrong.

Land, from the sky.

Like a meteor falling, but not as brilliant as a meteor, touching the earth only leaves a scorched earth crater...

They will crash into the sea of ​​nothingness just like the muddy soil, and then slowly border on the end of this land!

"Thank you for accompany me to enjoy the tea tasting Liu, I should go." Li Yunzi said to Zhu Minglang with a bow.

"Yunzi..." Zhu Minglang wanted to stay, but he wanted to say something.

Li Yunzi shook her head and did not let Zhu Minglang speak.

Everything is not over yet.

When a vast city-state can no longer bring anyone a sense of security, any sentiment is just a flash in the pan, a cloud of smoke that disappears when the wind blows.

This is not what Li Yunzi wants.

Rather than enjoying that short-term warmth, it is better to exhaust all you have before you lose yourself and keep them.

What she wants is long and far.

"I will guard everything."

"Clear, fortunately you..."

After Li Yunzi said these words, she stepped on the eaves of the tall buildings of Zulong City State and flew to the west.

He looks like a wild goose, and the sky to the west is as dark as an abyss. Zhu Minglang looks at the beautiful woman who is gradually gone, and his heart is like a splash of ink overturning into the pool. The colorful materials represent different tastes. In the original clear heart Spread out in the pool.

I can’t tell, I don’t know.

Has been in deep friendship, and just like first acquaintance.

Obviously skin blind date, but there is another layer of yarn.

Obviously, she just opened the yarn, but was shrouded in the darkness of the sky, and she will never see her majestic beauty again.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Minglang looked up at that majestic and mysterious continent to the west, with a sense of indifference in his eyes.

"No matter what you do, it's best not to make my lady sad."

"Otherwise I will crush you to the end again!"

Just now, Zhu Minglang wanted to tell Li Yunzi what she had concealed.

He knew where the Wutu came from.

Because he smashed a piece of the mysterious land in the western sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and caused the isolated Wutu to fall into the sea of ​​nothingness.

Zhu Minglang thought he would never find a way back, and he would be lost on this strange land.

But the world he used to live in, has crossed the sky over Zulong City State, falling to the west bit by bit.

He had heard of things that the world would fall.

The Great Court Continent was falling towards a certain place many years ago...

This place is the land of Lichuan where the Zulong City State is located.

He smashed the veins of the earth and made Wutu plunge into the sea of ​​nothingness in advance.

Wutu also bordered Lichuan earlier.

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