Dragon Tamer

Chapter 112: Step again

Li Yunzi opposed everyone and forced everyone to lose this low-handed advantage. Therefore, some people present secretly stood in the camp of Li Ying, Kong Tong, and Nan Taigong.

Now, they just want to slap themselves fiercely!

Without them secretly obstructing, the scale of Li Yunzi's military and guard would be larger than it is now, and this battle would have more chances of winning.

It's good for Li Yunzi to hold on for a while!

When Lai Yunzi put forward the idea of ​​precaution, they all thought Lai Yunzi was crazy.

How can we take Wutu as an example and imagine that there may be a stronger civilization in the mist of the sea of ​​nothingness!

The more they think about it, the more regretful they are. If they can travel through time and space, they will definitely beat their stupid self!

"Since there are so many forces as strong as the sky, how can Li Yunzi's military guard resist? It is nothing more than a struggle." Mr. Wu sighed long.

The fate of everyone has become ups and downs.

If it is true as Duan Changqing and Zhu Minglang said, these master-level powerhouses are afraid that they will not escape slavery, after all, they have a stronger existence!

"It’s not hopeless. As long as the forces strictly abide by the national regulations and pure warfare, we will not be crushed. Li Yunzi now controls the military power of the four countries’ city-states. Although there is still a gap compared with the one country’s army in the Great Court, use The Chang Gorge terrain is good, and it is still expected to be held." Duan Changqing said.

"But didn't you just say that we are a land of no owner and are not protected by national regulations, so those forces can also attack us?" Li family grandmother asked.

At this time Duan Changqing set his sights on Zhu Minglang. It seems that this answer can be found here.

Everyone also looked at Zhu Minglang. After all, Zhu Minglang hasn't spoken much yet.

He is also from Ji Ting Continent, and he comes from one of the clan sects, can he bring blessing to the Ancestral Dragon City State!

"War is inevitable, so everyone can only pin their hopes on Yun Zi in terms of war."

"But on the side of the forces, there can be a way, that is, on behalf of Zhumen, I swear to the dynasty that the Zulong City-state belongs to Zhumen and pays heavy taxes every year. It is no longer a land of no ownership. Then other forces cannot be tainted. Obey the national regulations." Zhu Minglang said to everyone.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

Now the Zulong City State is Lai Yunzi's inside and outside, Zhu Minglang is originally Lai Yunzi's rumored husband, he swore the oath of ownership, he swore the oath of ownership, it is such a time, how would everyone mind.

What's more, it seems that I wish Minglang a great background!

If Zhu Minglang can come forward to help you resolve the crisis in this slave land, Zhu Minglang is the **** of everyone!

"Then let Lingsha marry you for Yunzi immediately, and the city-state Dayin is also in Lingsha's hands, so there is no need to change." said the old grandmother of the Li family.


Zhu Minglang didn't even understand the logic of the old grandmother.

What can you do for getting married? ?

It doesn’t work if they look the same, Li Yunzi is Li Yunzi, and Nan Lingsha is Nan Lingsha.

"Grandma, don't worry, wait until I finish." Zhu Minglang said.

"Okay, okay, you said, other people are not allowed to talk!" The old grandmother told every member of the Nan family of Li Jia.

"These important things are not what I can do now. I have to discuss with them in the Hui family. After all, what can deter the major forces is the power of the family." Zhu Minglang said.

"I, Changqing Duan, will also swear the power of the Zulong City State in the name of the academy. I hope to get the support of the Ji Ting Academy. I am afraid I have to go personally... I hope my old friends in the Ji Ting Academy will remember me." Duan Changqing Also said.

"Your career, I'm afraid it will take a few days. By then, the powerful forces may have slaughtered the masters of our Ancestral Dragon City State." Deputy Dean Bai Hongbo said.

"Please don't worry about this, I have already explained that the elder in the clan just bought time for me." Zhu Minglang said.

"Who is the elder in your clan, she has such a deterrent?" Duan Changqing asked.

"She is named Zhu Xuehen, my aunt. Her mother is a member of the Ji Ting royal family. If she is the orderer of this land, she can preside over justice for us." Zhu Minglang said.

"What does it mean to preside over justice, isn't it that after reading the ownership, there will be no other forces involved?" the old grandmother asked.

"Reading out the affiliation just allows all forces to compete in a fair and open manner. It does not mean that I yell. Zulong City is the place where I wish bright and blessed. Others have to give in. If no one presides over justice, They simply won't comply." Zhu Minglang explained.

"So this announcement is just to delay the time and prevent the forces from interfering. If Zhumen loses in the competition, and we are defeated in this competition by the Lichuan Dragon Trainer Academy, other forces can still come to grab it." Duan Changqing added.


It's nothing more than a battle between the dragon shepherd and the mortal.


It is a fight between the rulers of the land and city-states and the army.

A territory is generally dominated by the ruling class and the ruling forces.

In fact, Zulong City State also presents this form.

For example, the Li family is obviously the ruling class, in charge of the people, city, taxation, army...

Nan Clan and Dragon Training Academy are considered to be the forces in power, which are formed by the Dragon Shepherd Organization or the Divine Ordinary Organization.


The matter of war cannot be restrained, only Li Yunzi's military and guard can be seen.

Fortunately, there are still many uncooled molten smelts near the West Cliff, and from time to time there will also be some miasma. No matter how large the army of the extremely large state is composed of mortal soldiers, they cannot be like the dragon shepherd and the Just like the mortal beings, walk over directly.

There is enough time, and Lai Yunzi’s army strength is not bad. As long as the "ownerless" stage is passed, the Zulong City-state will have the power recognized by the dynasty. Even if the army is defeated in the end, the Zulong City-state will not change. Became the land of slaves.

To get rid of the seal of slavery, the army cannot indiscriminately kill the innocent, let alone a force with strict discipline.


The green pine and silver wall, at the end of the long white stone road, is still a mess under repair, where Zhu Minglang once fought with Zonggong and others.

Not long after that, the Zulong city state completely changed.

Zhu Minglang thought of Li Yunzi's worries between his eyebrows, and now he understands why it always freezes.

What she saw, and what the family members in the main hall saw just now, weren't the same level at all.

However, why did Lai Yunzi know the existence of the Great Court Continent, and then always plan ahead.

You know that even Zhu Minglang himself doesn't know that the Great Court Continent will fall from the sky and will border other land. He only knows that there may be some isolated islands and territories in the void overseas...

Did you think of so much just because you saw the wasteland?

Not right.

"Worrying about Li Yunzi?" A sweet voice sounded, as if Li Yunzi was speaking behind her.

Zhu Minglang knows that their sisters' voices are very close, especially their calm tone.

"En." Zhu Minglang nodded.

Up to now, Zhu Minglang couldn't wave that scene in her mind. She said she wanted to protect all of this, but in fact she also included herself.

There was her own look in her eyes.

Fortunately it is you.

Zhu Minglang also wants to say these four words to her.

He was fortunate to have lost himself on a strange continent and was able to meet her...

It doesn't seem to matter whether you can find your way back.

"The only time she failed was Yongcheng. But I know she cannot fail again after that." Nan Lingsha said.

Her tone made Zhu Minglang feel like Li Yunzi told herself.

"Me too, don't worry." Zhu Minglang barely smiled, making his emotions look less gloomy.

"I will participate in the power competition as an academy." Nan Lingsha said.

"Actually, only one power needs to be in control..."

"Are you defeated?" Nan Lingsha said.

Zhu Minglang's face will soon turn black.

Look down on someone! !

Those gods of Zonglin, Clan Gate, Holy Palace, Holy See have never been stepped on by myself!

I stepped on the identity of the mortal being once again.

The identity of Dragon Shepherd is here again! !

Let them know what Shenmu Shuangquan is!

"Girl Lingsha, I'm a little puzzled, does Yun Zi have any other supernatural powers, or how would she know that Ji Ting Continent will fall?" Zhu Minglang asked.

Nan Lingsha hesitated, as if she didn't intend to answer Zhu Minglang's question.

But after thinking about it, she still said, "There is a woman named Xinghua. Her **** is a stargazing prophecy."

"Forecast...Prophet, I have seen countless gods and mortals, but I have never heard of a stargazing prophecy!" Zhu Minglang felt that the sister-in-law was fooling herself.

"You are ignorant."

"???" Zhu Minglang felt that his previous knowledge of God and Fan was false.

Fortune teller, Zhu Minglang has heard of it, but it is nothing more than a liar who looks at others in the streets.

"Xinghua predicts a rough time, and the rest is Li Yunzi's own inference." Nan Lingsha said.

"Then I have a chance to meet this star painting girl." Zhu Minglang bowed, and did not question this man who has a prophecy.

It is indeed unheard of to predict God and Fan. Neither the God and Fan Academy nor the famous families of God and Fan have similar capabilities.

Probably he is really ignorant.

Or, this world is not only the Polar Continent, away from Sichuan, in the vast galaxy, are there other continents that are slowly falling into this heaven and earth, like a stone magnet.

Is there another shore in the sea of ​​nothingness that surrounds the end of the horizon...

"In a few days, we will set off for the Great Court Mainland." Nan Lingsha said.

Even though the race is handled well, it is the greatest aid to Li Yunzi. Those who are strong cannot be allowed to appear on the battlefield, so the balance of war will be tilted.

Dynasty will not make a move.

Therefore, the army that first stepped into the land of Lichuan was mostly the state in the Great Court Continent.

According to the news from the West Cliff and the Lingxiao City State ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the other side of the West Cliff is a sharp small country.

There are 13 city-states in Rui Xiaoguo. Each city-state is similar in size to the city-states in Sichuan, and consists of dozens of cities...

There is lava in West Cliff that has not faded, and the army has to grow snakes to cross the cliff.

Most of them will first occupy the Lingxiao city-state and the nearby small city-states, where they will gather troops and recuperate.

To the west of the Zulong City-state is the Long Gorge and the mountains. The terrain is superior. It has been fighting with the Lingxiao City-state all the year round and built many fortresses, fortresses, and city walls.

Rui Guo wants to take the Zulong City State, half a year less!

But if the competition of forces loses.

The dragon shepherd and the mortal are flooding into the war, and everything is hard to say.

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