Dragon Tamer

Chapter 113: Raising a dragon is also very simple


Just before departure, Nan Ling gauze and Zhu Minglang went to a place where they Nan clan was called the treasure of the holy forest.

Nan's Holy Forest is just behind the big mansion and behind the garden, walking along the garden to the depths of the forest, you can see a large area of ​​very magnificent silver fir forest.

The silver fir is tall and straight, with a leaf crown like an umbrella, covering the sky and the sun.

The person leading the way was a guardian of the Nan family, and his son Nan Zhaobing.

When Nan Zhaobing saw that Nan Lingsha actually took Zhu Minglang to the altar, his dissatisfaction was completely expressed on his face.

"The wood spirit altar finally collected the dew for ten years. It was meant to nurture a new Shenmu Qingshenglong, or baptize the most outstanding dragon shepherd in the clan. How can it be given to an outsider casually? A person with a bad reputation!" Nan Zhaobing was extremely dissatisfied with Zhu Minglang in his heart.

Although I know these words should not be said in front of the elders, in front of Nan Lingsha.

But he still couldn't help it.

The Dew of Ten Years, this is their Nan's most precious Sacred Forest wealth. His children of the Nan clan secretly competed for nothing but the Dew of Ten Years in the Holy Forest!

Nan Lingsha was the same as before, still carrying Yan Sha, her eyes were cold, and she glanced at this ignorant child who didn't know where she came from.


At this time, the guardian slapped Nan Zhaobing's face with a fierce slap.

After the fight, the protector immediately bowed to Zhu Minglang and apologized, saying: "I have no way to teach my son, and I have no way to teach my son. Please also wish my son never to care about my stupid son."

"Father, I..."

"Slap!!!" Seeing Nan Zhaobing still talking nonsense, the law protector slapped again with his backhand.

This slap almost knocked Nan Zhao Bingfang off, and his mouth was full of blood.

Really, Zhu Minglang admired this protector secretly, and he really wanted to let this brain-dead thing say a word, and if he didn't clean him up, it is estimated that Nan Lingsha would also abolish him.

Now the entire Nan clan is still alive. Nan Lingsha uses a book of life and death to take away all the people who rebelled against Li Yunzi. As for the discussion of the main hall not long ago, this holy forest guardian was also there.

The old grandmother of the Li family has already seen Zhu Minglang as her grandson, and who would dare to say something that makes Zhu Minglang uncomfortable, she is looking for death!

"It's time to be disciplined." Nan Lingsha said coldly.

The law protector hurriedly lifted Nan Zhaobing, who was **** and confused, and said angrily: "Hurry up, let you increase your knowledge, not make you talk!"

Nan Zhaobing had been knocked out, and finally fled back in the majesty and anger of his father.

"He doesn't seem to know what he did wrong, classmates, I can actually point him to one or two." Zhu Minglang said to the protector with a smile.

The law protector was suddenly terrified, and hurriedly apologized, and vowed that he would be severely punished when he returned.

"Ten Years Saint Lu will greatly help your Shenmu Qingshenglong to grow and strengthen." Nan Lingsha said.

"Thank you Miss Lingsha." Zhu Minglang was also not polite.

The sacred dew of Nan Xuezang is basically a rare celestial essence, even if you walk through thousands of mountains and forests, you may not be able to find it.

What's more, this is the spiritual creature that best fits the attributes of Shenmu Qingshenglong. I heard that Nan has such a baby before, and I have to steal a copy for my dragon baby!

"Dharma Protector, the birth of the Hundred Years of Saint Lu has also been completed, and I will take it to Zhu Minglang, too." Nan Lingsha continued.

"Hundred... a hundred years of holy dew, this is the foundation of our Nan clan..." The guardian of the holy forest was stunned. He didn't expect that Nan Lingsha would even send this precious treasure to express her wishes, but soon the guardian saw it. With Nan Lingsha's gaze, he immediately continued with an awe-inspiring expression, "But only such a treasure can be worthy of the identity of Master Zhu Minglang!"

Zhu Minglang glanced at this protector, who had a consistent tone before and after, and sighed in his heart, Nan Zhaobing's father is also a talent, and this can make it all right!

Nan Lingsha retracted her indifferent gaze, and the guardian breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly led Zhu Minglang to continue to lead the way.

Ten years of holy dew is to collect the aura of heaven and earth, and the wood spirit finally extracted from the silver cedar altar is generally slowly drawn from the silver cedar of more than ten years. The collection process alone requires a lot of money. Human and financial resources.

The Hundred-Year Sacred Dew is even rarer. It is drawn from the Hundred-Year Silver Fir. I think that the reason why Nan Taigong Nan had a lofty status at the time was that he had obtained the Hundred-Year Sacred Dew and made the Nans stand tall.

In fact, the reason why Nan Taigong wanted to oppose Lai Yunzi was partly because of the centuries-old Sheng Lu.

Nan Taigong wanted to enjoy the century-old holy dew that was about to be conceived exclusively, but Li Yunzi hoped to use it to train a new strong master of dragon shepherd.


Not long after walking, the three of them came to a forest cliff.

Beneath the forest cliff, it is an earth altar piled up with spirit wood stones. The sunlight is shaded by the tall silver cedar canopy, but the stone altar glows with a brilliance stronger than the sun, and it is hot!

When they approached, on the forest cliff, a huge ancient tree came alive, and then stretched out among the dense foliage, and protruded an old head, looking down at the three people who came to the altar. .

It is an old sacred tree green sacred dragon!

Zhu Minglang was secretly surprised that most of the Shenmu Qingshenglong's body was still hidden in the cliff. Just showing the tip of the iceberg gave people a sense of strength, ancientness, and mystery.

I didn't expect that in the sacred forest of the Nan clan, there was actually a sacred tree green sacred dragon!

"Holy Shou, let's come and go to Sheng Lu, this is the sacrifice we brought." With that, the great protector placed a few crystal clear beads aside, and bowed respectfully before retreating.

The old Shenmu Qingshenglong took the beads, and then slowly crawled back to the cliff. Its head, torso, and wings are exactly like an ancient tree attached to the cliff. It is completely integrated with the surrounding vegetation.

Nan Lingsha walked towards the luminous stone altar and took out ten ten-year holy dew and one hundred-year holy dew from it.

Divide these holy dews in bamboo pots and hand them to Zhu Minglang.

"Each serving of Saint Dew in the past ten years is enough for it to absorb for ten days. And Hundred-Year Saint Dew, it is best to take it when it is at a growth bottleneck, so that it can directly advance and awaken some powerful Saint-Dragon powers. "Nan Lingsha said.

"Okay, okay, thanks again to Girl Lingsha." Zhu Minglang said.

On the side, the great guardian looked at the bamboo pots Zhu Minglang was holding, swallowed, and his Adam's apple was squirming!

A person like him at the level of law protector also takes years of dedication to get a chance to get a share.

This ten-year sacred dew is even more a family treasure for the young children of the Nan clan. Otherwise, how could his son Nan Zhaobing react so fiercely just now.

And now Nan Lingsha actually gave Zhu Minglang and his dragon water to drink!

Those Mulong families in other city-states did not hesitate to spend a lot of money in order to obtain a ten-year sacred dew from Nan's side. In the end, Nan Lingsha packaged a bundle of Nan's inventory and gave it to Zhu Minglang.

Ten Years Shenglu is not a Chinese cabbage, let alone a foundation treasure like Hundred Years Shenglu...

Tears of his great guardian were about to roll out, but he couldn't say a word.

Zhu Minglang was not polite, and accepted Nan Lingsha's generous gift. After all, he will be a family in the future.

"Master Zhu, our holy dew, soul orb, spirit fruit and other strengthening things do not form digestion restraint, so you can continue to use other spiritual things to strengthen when feeding the silver cedar holy dew." At this time, remind Zhu Minglangdao.

Since he couldn't stop him, the guardian felt that he might as well send a goodwill to Zhu Minglang, especially since his son Nan Zhaobing had offended others, and he might rely on the Nan's son-in-law in the future.

"It's so amazing, it is indeed a treasure!" Zhu Minglang's eyes brightened.

Actually does not affect the digestion time of other strengthened spirits!

The so-called strengthening is to use all kinds of heavenly essence and earth to make one's dragon gain a piece of heaven and earth spiritual power, so as to quickly increase its strength, and also allow the dragon pet to quickly pass several stages of growth.

But all these fortified spirits have a digestion period.

For example, a thousand-year soul orb, after eating it, generally requires a digestion period of seven days to one month.

During this digestion period, if the dragon pet in the digestion period takes the soul orb or other strengthening spiritual objects, the effect will be close to zero.

If this holy dew does not conflict with the digestion of other spiritual creatures, it means that the evolution of the dragon pet has poured into a rushing river!

No wonder it is the treasure treasured by the Nan clan. It is not easy for those Zonglin on the Great Court Continent to find this kind of spiritual thing that does not affect the digestive cycle.

"You can also take one serving of your other dragon pets. If there are more, there is no need, because only the blood of Shenmu Qingshenglong can be absorbed multiple times." The guardian said again.

Sure enough, to be able to dominate in one territory is dependent on it.

It seems that some wild green forest dragons finally inhabited this silver fir sacred forest, and formed a mutual assistance relationship with the Nan clan, mostly because of the special silver fir sacred dew!

With these holy dews, Xiao Qingzhuo's main level strength is stable.

Nan Lingsha should still worry about losing her strength, and first use her family's resources to send a dragon-master-level holy dragon out.

It feels like I have absorbed all the Saint Lu of the past ten years and the Saint Lu of the Hundred Years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will work on the other four aspects. Xiaoqingzhuo is the upper dragon master.

It is possible to hit the top!

Raising a dragon seems not as difficult as imagined...

In autumn, I have another dragon-dominant dragon pet!


If the guardian knows what Zhu Minglang is thinking at this time, he is afraid that he will be furious.

The entire Nan clan has worked hard for so many years to produce such a little sacred dew, each of which is invaluable. By pouring a pig into his mouth, he can become an earth dragon!

Otherwise, why is the man Nan Taigong so old that he still refuses to let go of the ownership of the centuries-old Sheng Lu and participate in the plan to attack Li Yunzi?

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