Dragon Tamer

Chapter 114: Reisei painting


A few days before the departure, Zhu Minglang simply stayed in this silver cedar sacred forest, mainly training the Black Caspian Tyrannosaurus and Shenmu Qingshenglong.

Big Black Fang ate a dragon-master-level moss-dragon soul orb. After nearly a month of digestion, it is now at the level of a dragon-master and has grown dark thunder scales!

The Dark Thunder Scale is very special. When the Black Mossaurus body is attacked by an enemy, it will absorb most of the energy, including shocks such as collisions, will be absorbed by the Dark Thunder Scale, and then give the Black Mossaurus its weight. The horns, claws, tail, back and other parts are blessed by dark thunderstorms...

This caused thunderstorms to occur in every part of Black Mossaurus, and the power was naturally extremely terrifying!

In addition, Da Hei Fang comprehended the ancient dragon combat skills, the blood of fierce brave.

This is a powerful ability that makes Gulong more courageous in battle.

Tyrannosaurus is a top predator. When they maintain a high-pitched fighting posture, the blood will continue to intensify the flow, will continue to boil, will gradually awaken their ancient will to fight, and at the same time fully release their full potential in the fight.

Every time you tear an enemy's wound and smell the smell of blood, Tyrannosaurus will be stronger.

Self-injury and blood loss will make Tyrannosaurus a point stronger than before.

Constant fighting, constant killing, conquering all the surrounding creatures, maintaining the highest predator's momentum and dragon power, will also make the blood of the Tyrannosaurus boil, making power, defense, speed, reaction, A burst of self-healing, combat skills, and abilities!

As long as you don’t die, you are getting stronger!

Big Black Fang is a hybrid of Tyrannosaurus and Mosasaur, and after awakening the blood of fierce bravery, it can be said that it has its own true ancient dragon soul.

For this reason, Zhu Minglang intends to find more opponents in the holy forest, so that Big Black Fang can get a real battle temper!

It is worth mentioning that this blood of fierce bravery is not only temporarily obtained during the battle, but will retain part of its potential in the ancient dragon's body after the battle.

This also means that for every victory in a fight, Tyrannosaurus will permanently increase its strength...

This combat skill can be called the ancient dragon magical skill. The disadvantage is in terms of feeding and strengthening. Zhu Minglang is doing the best for Da Hei Fang as much as possible, otherwise it is possible to miss the awakening of this ability!

With this blood of violent bravery, Big Black Fang is not afraid that he will be thrown away by the talented Bai Qi and Qing Zhuo of the blood of the holy dragon!

However, the **** tooth is still in the digestive cycle.

A main level soul orb is still very heavy for the **** tooth, and its digestion cycle will become very long, of course, this also means that the **** tooth may continue to grow stronger.

Moreover, fighting can shorten the digestion cycle and increase the chance of awakening with a greater probability.

Feeding, spiritual support, fighting, strengthening, all dragons are indispensable in the growth process of these four items, and it is best to complement each other... Uh, except for nothing!

How could Bai be full of fighting attributes in his previous life? In this life, he only needs feeding, spiritual support and sleeping.

Whether to fight or not depends on the mood, and also on whether the opponent is qualified.

"I don't seem to know Xiao Bai Qi very well. When I get home, I can ask Mr. Dementia for advice..." Zhu Minglang thought of Mr. Dementia's appearance, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

I remember that when he was very young, Mr. Dementia struggled to speak, wanting to become a dragon animal husbandry, but in the end he chose Shenfan.

Now that he has become a Dragon Shepherd again, I hope that Mr. Dementia will not be like his aunt, who has no expectations of himself.

"Mr. Dementia should be able to explain Bai Qi's degradation." Zhu Minglang said to himself.

Wish the door...

I don't know if their return is a good thing or a headache for them.

Some people are happy and some are worried.

Walking in the silver cedar sacred forest, Zhu Minglang completed today's dragon training. He was about to return to the Nan family mansion, but found that he had accidentally walked to the other side of the garden. There was a sacrificial temple deep in the forest.

It was already night, and there was candle fire in the temple. Out of curiosity, Zhu Minglang walked to the temple.

Generally, candles are only available on the death day of relatives.

As soon as Zhu Minglang arrived at the gate of the temple, he saw a person inside sitting on a straw futon with a pot of wine in his hand. His hair and beard were unorganized for some days and looked a little messy.

Through the candlelight, Zhu Minglang could see clearly that this person turned out to be the master of the Li family, Li Ying.

He was much more haggard and older than he had seen before, and his eyes were not as sharp as before. Instead, he looked like a middle-aged and elderly person who guarded the spirit.

He took a sip of wine and saw Zhu Minglang, but he didn't show any surprise. He just asked faintly: "Drinking?"

Zhu Minglang looked at the somewhat depressed Li Ying, but did not feel much sympathy in his heart.

This guy has committed himself.

Nowadays, I can still keep the spirit here and enjoy it. Mostly Li Yunzi and Nan Ling Sa Nian are their fathers, and they don't want to be the murderer of the father.

"Who are you avoiding?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"My wife." Li Ying said.

"How did you die?" Zhu Minglang glanced at the temple table. There were spiritual signs placed on it...

It is not Kong Tong, but Li Ying's original wife, who is also the biological mother of Li Yunzi and Nan Lingsha.

"My wife and I have four daughters, two younger daughters. They were born weak and sick, and died when they were two or three years old. My wife was so sad and left on the same day," Li Ying said.

How many daughters does Li Ying have?

Did he always want a son, but God punishes him, and always only gives him a daughter, so that he feels resentful?

"That is today?" Zhu Minglang asked.


"You don't cherish the living, but the dead are sentimental. You are really ridiculous," Zhu Minglang said.

"I just want to imprison them, I just want to imprison them..." With these words, Li Ying poured another sip of strong alcohol into his mouth, and then continued to repeat.

Judging from Li Ying's appearance, most of it was a little delirious.

But he can also see the regret and pain in his heart.

Zhu Minglang didn't want to enlighten the father-in-law who deserved it. When he turned around and left the temple, Zhu Minglang saw a name in the poem that seemed to have some impression.

Li Xing painting!

"Star painting?"

"Isn't this the prophet Nan Lingsha said?"

Zhu Minglang deliberately walked over and saw that the name was indeed written on the spiritual position plate, and the birthday and death day on the spiritual position plate were obviously died...

Nan Ling Sha Mingming told herself that there was a woman named Xinghua who was a prophet.

Li Yunzi also learned a rough time from this prophet. At this time, a new continent similar to Wutu may appear in the land of Lichuan.

The problem is, her spiritual position is here!

Died a long time ago.

Is it possible that Li Yunzi has any psychic spells? ?

"Hey, your deceased daughter... why did you fall asleep drunk, did you pay homage to your deceased wife and daughter like this!" Zhu Minglang looked back at Li Ying and rolled his eyes.

Is this spiritual position fake?

The prophet named Xinghua didn't die. For some reason, where did he hide? ?

Does Li Ying know that her daughter is still alive?

"Nan Yusuo..." Zhu Minglang soon noticed another spiritual position, almost put together with the spiritual position painted by Li Xing.

Just now Li Ying said that he died of two younger daughters, so they were them.

Is it true that the deaths of Li Xinghua and Nan Yusuo were not frail and sickly, but were actually killed by someone.

The birth mother of Lai Yunzi and Nan Lingsha died of excessive sorrow that day, which is equivalent to being killed indirectly.

Did Kong Tong do it?

Li Ying has always been unaware, but Li Yunzi has noticed, so the relationship between Yunzi and his father has been very bad.

Still, Li Yunzi rescued her sister Xinghua, but her mother and Nan Yusu were brutally killed. She knew that she was too young and the enemy was strong, so Li Yunzi could only hide Xinghua.

Apart from Kong Tong, is there also Tai Gong Nan? ?

Otherwise, why Nan Taigong wanted to fight against Li Yunzi, even if it was to enjoy the centuries of holy dew alone, it would not be too great to endure the enmity.

For so many years, Li Yunzi and Nan Lingsha have been forbearing, just to have been waiting for the opportunity to kill all these former murderers!

Li Ying was foolish and ignorant. From the beginning to the end, he didn't know that the murderer of his wife and daughter was in the Lijia Nan family.

It is still said that he actually participated, killing one of his own daughters and killing his original wife.

Alas, a family can have so many sinister people. It is really difficult for Li Yunzi and Nan Lingsha to survive in such an environment...

Fortunately, the final result was good, and their sisters eliminated all the murderers of the year.

After thinking about this, he took another look at Li Ying, who was drunk on the ground, and Zhu Minglang shook his head helplessly.

I lighted two candles and placed them on the spiritual position of the dead Nan Yusuo and the spiritual position of Li Yunzi's birth mother.

After completing the worship, Zhu Minglang ignored Li Ying and walked out of the temple.

Pack things up at night.

It's almost time to return to Ji Ting Continent, to return to Zhumen.

I don't know if the candle oil under my spiritual position has all turned into slabs!

Alas, the first thing to do when I go back is to go to the worship temple in Zhumen and remove my spiritual status card.

I wish Ming Lang did not die!

Don't worship!


In the middle of summer, the mountain flowers are splendid. Flying over the Lichuan Plain, you can always see the sea of ​​flowers, and you can't help but want to stop there.

Riding a sail dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The vast land and the boundless rivers are buried in the horizon little by little, replaced by rolling mountains.

These mountains are Changxia Mountain, which is the boundary between the Zulong City-state and the Lingxiao City-state. Because of the perennial wars, you can see some stone hills standing in the valleys, long roads, and ridges, and the flags are swaying in the mountain wind.

The group of people did not stay here. After all, they couldn’t interfere in the war casually. Zhu Xuehen and Pu Shiming are orderly people. They are not only supervising the mortals and dragon shepherds of the forces, but also staring at the people who leave the land of Sichuan. If there is a violation or disobedience, the end is basically the same as the clan palace.

Fanlong is the dragon beast of Dean Duan Changqing, and this time there are not too few people going to the Ji Ting Continent. There are only eight people in Dean Duan Changqing's team of dragon herders.

Zhu Minglang's team is a bit shabby, if it weren't for Nan Lingsha, the mortal being to join, he would have only one dragon food steward Fang Niannian!

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