Dragon Tamer

Chapter 115: Polar Land

According to the instructions of the old grandmother of the Li family, Nan Lingsha was finally divided into clan power.

After all, the current Lichuan Earth Order is a member of Zhumen, who can easily destroy the ancestral palace, and it can also make all the staring mainland forces obey the rules. In the eyes of the old grandmother, Zhumen may be an ancestor dragon. The future of the city-state.

So the old grandmother meant that, since Zhu Minglang and Li Yunzi were happy at first sight, they became the first kiss neatly. Considering that it is impossible for Li Yunzi to leave the battlefield, Nan Lingsha temporarily replaced it.

The Li Jianan clan originally paid attention to marriage, and the old grandmother can be regarded as a very direct person. She just hopes that Li Jianan clan can be tied to a prestigious clan who rushed to the mainland first to avoid defeat in the battlefield and difficult to defend the city. Suffer the catastrophe!

So before leaving, the old grandmother insisted on getting married.

Zhu Minglang firmly disagrees with this kind of absurd thing, even if it is every scene, Nan Lingsha will marry in the name of Li Yunzi.

Similarly, Nan Lingsha is an existence that no one can restrain.

Maybe the old grandmother wanted to force her and Zhu Minglang to do this kind of thing, she didn't even mind drawing an extra coffin and sending her into the soil.

Nan Lingsha is probably the one who doesn't care that the entire Zulong City-state becomes a slave. In her eyes, the Nan clan is a group of burdens, and her feelings for the academy will be deeper than the Nan clan.

Otherwise, when the clan palace was destroyed, she did not appear in the clan meeting for the first time, but in the Dragon Training Academy.

After some negotiation, the old grandmother finally gave up the idea of ​​getting married, but still asked Nan Lingsha to join the team of Zhu Minglang's shabby Dragon Shepherd as a clan.

Some dragon shepherds above the main level often have gods and mortals in their teams, and the power competition is not alone. The old grandmother has no feelings for the dragon training academy, so naturally she still hopes that Nan Ling will give her clan power. Identity goes to the Great Court Mainland.

Taking into account that the old grandmother is very old, and it hasn't been so many years, in order to enjoy her old age, Nan Lingsha reluctantly joined the bright team.


After passing through the Lingxiao city-state, all I saw was chaos. Some rivers outside the city were basically red, and the corpses were piled up near the road like haystacks.

There were groups of wild dogs and corpse crows circling. The Lingxiao city-state obviously did not resist the army of Ruiguo, and the laws of the Great Court mainland did not protect this place, so that human lives were not as good as grass.

Many people from Xitu, Zonggong City, and Lingxiao City State began to flee to the east. They wanted to enter the territory of the Zulong City State and get some protection, but they didn't know whether the Zulong City State was willing to open this life gate for them.

Borderlands, the end is too miserable, either being killed or reduced to slaves, probably the people of Lingxiao City-state would never dream that this day would come.

Passed through the Lingxiao city-state and arrived at Xitu.

Xitu is a **** on earth. The army plundered, unscrupulous, divided the forces, and was inhumane. The Xitu, which is not even a city-state, is like a savage tribe being trampled by a stronger national army. It is lucky to survive. Not to mention the dignity...

Seeing this scene, several people in Duan Changqing's team couldn't believe it.

The distance between Changxia Mountain is the difference between the world and the hell. Although the entire people of the Zulong City State are panicking, they are still living normally. Take a look at Lingxiao City State and Xitu...

Is this the end of weakness and backwardness? ?

"A few months ago, people were still condemning the female princes for the constant wars, especially the people of Lampang. They hated the female prince even more, thinking that she was the reincarnation of a witch, and she was cruel. Probably all of them are kneeling and thanking the prince. Well, without Li Yunzi to guard this long gorge, many cities and states in the plain of Sichuan would become like this!" Bai Hongbo sighed.

"Our eyes are still too short and shallow after all. When Wutu appeared, many people in power were arrogant and could act recklessly in Wutu. They enjoyed the distorted pleasure of nonsense. Only Li Yunzi wanted to establish there. order……"


They desperately desire this order now.

With order, although life cannot be guaranteed 100%, it is not even worse than livestock.

"I hope the Zulong City-state can survive the day when order is established."

"May God bless the Zulong city-state."

"It's not God who blessed the Ancestral Dragon City-state now, it's the female monarch."

"The female monarch has always been regarded as a **** by the people of the Zulong City State."


They did not stay in the chaotic land. Many of them were high teachers from the academy, pitying the common people, but at this time they could only turn a blind eye...

They can't do much, they have to keep moving forward, moving forward for the establishment of order in this land beyond Sichuan.

Arrived at the West Cliff, the molten lava continued to emit a lot of heat towards the surroundings, and the scorching wind coiled around, like red pythons that passed the sky one after another, staring at this small and unbearable western soil.

The West Cliff Corridor, the army is constantly pouring in, even at the risk of a certain amount of life, they still have to pass through the West Cliff Corridor, looking unwilling to eat leftovers.

There are also many mortals and dragon shepherds who have walked through the corridors to explore this new land.

Even if there are orderly surveillance, it does not hinder their exploration of the strange mountains and exotic soils. What's more, the monitors can't peer into the main land. They don't start with some big city states and stare at the small cities, which is equally profitable!

There are many things, even if they know that they will happen, even if they know that many people will be trampled on, but there is no way. Not everyone is like Li Yunzi to start wars to establish order.


Upon arriving at Xiya, a group of people were cleaning up the corpses all over the ground in a piece of scorched earth that was about to extend to the Great Court Continent.

Not all of these corpses are human, there are also a large number of dragon corpses.

Judging from some costumes, the dead Dragon Shepherd seemed to be from Sichuan, and the people who killed them were obviously from the Ji Ting Continent.

"You also want to go to Ji Ting Continent?"

"Do you go back by yourself, or confess your life here like them?"

A man walked towards Zhu Minglang and others. Next to the man was a yellow snake. The yellow snake had horns and no limbs. A pair of huge lantern-like eyes was staring at all those who wished to pass through the corridor.

It seems that some dragon shepherds wanted to enter the Great Court Continent, but they were killed.

This corridor is one-way, and people who leave Sichuan are not allowed to step into the Great Court Continent, just as the people of Wutu could not enter the Lichuan Plain at that time!

All the trespassers were killed, and many of the trespassers were Dragon Shepherds!

"I wish Minglang, do you have any objects to prove your identity in the Great Court Mainland, such as a clan badge?" Dean Duan Changqing asked.

"No, does the dean have it?" Zhu Minglang smiled bitterly.

Duan Changqing thought for a while, and finally nodded and said, "I don't know if it counts."

As he said, Duan Changqing opened his palm to the sky, and saw one after another brilliant spears, piercing down fiercely.

Amidst the brilliance, a golden dragon emerged, that lengthy body wandered in the blazing sun, and the dragon's might burned like a flame above its head, which made people unable to help panic crawling on the ground.

Wanmang Canglong! !

At this moment, Duan Changqing is calling for a real Dragon Lord, the golden scales and five claws, and the dragon's beard and horns, all showing the dignity and power of this blue dragon!

"I don't know if this can pass?" Dean Duan Changqing stepped forward, looked at the man with the earth snake dragon, and asked calmly.

The earth snake dragon man stood there, the earth snake dragon that had just slaughtered many dragon beasts beside him had curled up into a group of shivering, and the absolute suppression of Longwei made it lose the willpower to fight.

"Yes...Yes, Venerable Dragon Shepherd, please forgive the junior's recklessness just now, after all, we thought you were also a person from the land of Sichuan." The yellow snake man hurriedly

"We come from Lichuan," Duan Changqing said.

The yellow snake man widened his eyes and looked reluctant to believe it. After a while, he smiled and said: "Venerable Dragon Animal Husband, regardless of territory, please keep moving on."

Passing through the corridor, there really was no longer any obstacle from the Dragon Herd of the Great Court Continent. After all, the Dragon Monarch rank was also an extremely noble figure among the various forces.

Zhu Minglang glanced at the Dean Duan, and then at the Yellow Snake man who didn't dare to be rampant.

Strength is the real way to survive.

Dean Duan Changqing, Lord Long, is the qualification to pass everything!


After passing through the extremely hot land corridor, I saw a large area of ​​hills and sea.

The sea is a mixture of the sea of ​​nothingness and molten lava. Some poured into the valley, forming a horrible valley lake, and some flowed towards the faults and rifts that occurred when the land hits, forming a shocking cave waterfall... …

You can also see the lying mountains, but the mountains are intermittent and broken. Obviously, there is the buffer of the sea of ​​nothingness. It still causes extremely terrible ground turbulence, so that the mountains are not like mountains, the sea is not like the sea, and the valley is not a valley. Devastated, beyond recognition!

After this broken place, the territory of Ruiguo finally appeared in front of them, and the first thing they saw was a vast mountain and grassland.

On the high mountains, there are giant birds hovering.

In the grassland, there are herds of animals running.

The vast majority of these giant birds and beasts already have a demon cultivation base. Without some strength, it would be extremely difficult to walk outside.

Close to the high mountain, the group of them finally saw the first city. The city seemed to be composed of seven or eight small towns distributed in stars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ surrounded by a grassland lake with a radius of ten miles...

"It doesn't seem to be much different from the city of our Zulong city-state. I thought the city wall was in the sky and the buildings were gold. Everyone walked on the wind like an immortal." Fang Niannian looked curiously at what he saw in the Ji Ting Continent. A city, finally said a little disappointed.

Zhu Minglang and Duan Changqing both laughed.

It's the same.

Ordinary people are still ordinary people, and they live in city buildings. Do adults have three heads and six arms, and the city is like a heavenly palace? ?

"Some parts of the Ji Ting Continent are also very backward, not as good as the Zulong City State!" Zhu Minglang said.

"Speaking of which, I wish Minglang what level your house is on this land, do you have the right to speak in your house?" Bai Hongbo asked.

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