Dragon Tamer

Chapter 116: Sin City

"The rise and fall of Zonglin and the clan may actually be within a few years."

"When I left my house, Zhumen was only the bottom of the six clansmen in the Imperial City. After all, most of my clansmen were casters, and gods and dragons were better than other clans and clansmen. Much less."

"Although I am not a side branch, I caused a lot of trouble when I was young, and my right to speak was not particularly high." Zhu Minglang explained.

In the past, Zhu Minglang at Zhumen was similar to Nan Lingsha at the Nan clan, no one dared to mess with, no one could restrain.

Now, Zhu Minglang feels that it is better to continue to use his skills and be a perfect little transparency.

Of course, if you become an ancestor of the dragon city state, you can talk to a few old people in your clan who will go to the temple and give them incense. The matter should be easier to solve.

"But having said that, I remember that the main courtyards of the two colleges are not in the Imperial City, but in two different countries..." Zhu Minglang thought of these things.

Born in the imperial city, although there are indeed two academies in the imperial city, they are not the highest institutes of Shenfan Academy and Dragon Training Academy.

"Could it be that there have been changes in the past few decades?" Duan Changqing frowned and said.

"When we passed some city-states or capitals along the way, we learned a little bit." Zhu Minglang said.

After resting for a while in this prairie lake city pool, buying a map, and preparing enough water for the dragon beasts, everyone continued to move west...

The journey is very long, and not all places can be directly flown.

Some deep mountains and old forests may be the territory of some powerful demons. All creatures flying over their chassis will be regarded as invaders. Such places must be bypassed, otherwise they will be attacked by the demons!

The safest way is to walk along the paths between the city-states. These safest roads explored by countless predecessors, even ordinary people are rarely attacked by wild monsters, and they are less likely to be monsters' dens and territories.

At the level of Dragon Lord, there are some places that cannot be crossed freely in the land of Sichuan, let alone in the Great Court Continent.


Traveling through mountains and rivers, all the way to the west, when they arrived at the capital of Ruiguo, Duan Changqing's Mulong team had to say goodbye to Zhu Minglang.

The highest academy of Dragon Trainer Academy has moved to the easternmost part of the Ji Ting Continent and became the National Academy in Huan Guo Zhong.

The Lichuan Dragon Training Academy must be recognized by the Dragon Training Academy as soon as possible, otherwise it may be regarded as an unconventional force like the ancestral palace and be directly levelled by the order.

Reluctantly said goodbye, Zhu Minglang was a little bit reluctant to Dean Duan Changqing's sail dragon, this sail dragon with wings as huge as sails is simply the perfect air mount dragon.

Fast, stable flight, you can use the air flow from the earth to keep glide without energy consumption, as long as you add enough water, you can go high in the sky day and night...

Fortunately, the Shenmu Qingshenglong has grown up. It’s not a big problem to carry Zhu Minglang, Nan Lingsha, and Fang Niannian. Otherwise, you have to walk slowly on the city-state road. I don’t know when I arrived at the court. The royal capital.

"That's right, I want to take a risk and follow this path, and I will reach the next state much faster."

"The more troublesome thing is that to walk here, you have to walk through a city of sin."

Zhu Minglang took a drawing and began to re-draw the route.

Nan Lingsha raised her eyes and glanced at Zhu Minglang.

She didn't answer, it couldn't be more obvious.

You decide for yourself, don't discuss it with me.

Before changing, Zhu Minglang didn't hesitate to choose this path. What kind of sin city, if there is not a long eye, blasted the city.

But now I am still developing, and there are two more girls beside me. The City of Sin, as the name suggests, is a gathering place for a group of wicked and crooked people, including the expelled, the wanted, the treason army, and the dark forces. .

Sin City, no law, no order, each survives by his own ability.

In the end, Zhu Minglang decided to pass through this sinful city. After all, Zhumen took the oath earlier, and the people of Zulong City State also suffered less.

The Sin City is also a land of no owner. Not long after entering, the three of Zhu Minglang saw two private armies fighting on the road, and they all seemed to want to steal the sophisticated equipment from each other...

Bypassing their battlefields, in the Sin City, there is a mixture of fish and dragons and many villains. The most direct way to ensure your survival in this place is to show your strength and tell those who are eager to move, that you are not good. .

Entering the city of sin, on the city avenue, there are all stolen merchants who directly display their stolen goods, either in exchange for goods or only gold.

"I wish Minglang, there are a lot of good things here, and the prices are not high!" Fang Nian Nian Crescent's eyes lit up, as if he didn't take the horror of Sin City seriously.

"I need some dragon blood to make ink." Nan Lingsha said.

When I walked in just now, many people were selling dragon blood, dragon bones, and dragon skins.

"All right, look around, I will also dispose of all the soul orbs on my hand..." Zhu Minglang said.

The most alluring thing about Sin City is the items here, because most of them come from the wrong way and are often cheap.

Since the Silver Cedar Holy Lu can stack with the enhanced spirit creature, it is best to find suitable soul orbs and spirit creatures for the Shenmu Qingshenglong to absorb.

The Dragon Beast Soul Orbs of the Four Heroes of the Zonggong Palace, Zhu Minglang hasn't been sold yet, mainly because the number of Dragon Shepherds in the Ancestral Dragon City State is only that, and many items with side attributes are difficult to circulate.

"The star fragment crystals collected from the eastern edge of Ruiguo, I wish Minglang, I wish Minglang, have you seen it, Xiao Baiqi's ration!" Fang Niannian said with some excitement.

Zhu Minglang looked around, and found that someone was actually selling this kind of star fragment crystals. Fang Niannian deserves to be his own small manager of the Dragon Food. Just like the vegetable market, you can find Xiao Baiqi's Dragon Food!

Go up and ask about the price.

To be too high is more than ridiculous, it is no different from directly grabbing money from the knife holder's neck. It is only Xiaobai Qi's high-quality food for half a month, but it may make Zhu Minglang all the soul beads that Zhu Minglang has on hand.

"It can be cheap. Let your sister stay with our brothers for a few nights. Tsk tsk, she is really in good shape. I haven't seen a girl of such a good shape in a long time. She must be a beautiful woman, and why should she hide her face? "The two bald brothers who sell the star fragment crystals said.

"I like her legs, and I feel energetic just by looking at them," said the bald brother.

Fang Niannian originally negotiated the price with them, but she didn't expect them to say such filthy things to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that made her face flushed with anger.

Just when she was about to turn around and leave, a scent of ink came from nowhere. Fang Niannian raised her head and saw two lines of ink slowly falling down, hanging behind the necks of the two brothers with the foul language.

Suddenly, the ink stain turned into a noose, violently wrapped around the necks of the two brothers who were still laughing, and lifted them up alive.

With the ink rope hanging, the two brothers seemed to kill themselves on a hanging beam, struggling frantically, trying to escape from the noose with all their strength, but their necks were tightened more and more!

Zhu Minglang walked quickly and looked up at these two brothers who were dying immediately...

Who is not good to provoke, provoke this devil?

Nan Lingsha's strength is also strong in the Great Court Continent, and the forces in this sinful city may not be able to subdue her.

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