Dragon Tamer

Chapter 117: Cunning villain


That elder brother spit out these words with great difficulty, his eyes are already turning outwards, if they don't let go, they will really be dead.

Finally, the gallows noose disappeared.

The two fell straight to the ground, first began to retching, and then began to pant wildly. After passing through the ghost gate, they no longer looked like the old hooligan just now. They crawled on the ground poorly.

"Hmph, as a thank you, I gave you so much money, I have collected all these star crystal fragments." Fang Niannian snorted coldly, and threw the money in front of them.

When the two brothers saw it, they turned out to be a golden bead!

But now, how dare they refuse, they hurriedly handed over all the star crystal fragments, and then they kept kowtow to Nan Lingsha to admit their mistakes.

This is the city of sin, Nan Lingsha killed them, and no one else would say a word. The two brothers probably never thought that the gentle and beautiful woman could be such a strong god.

Why is the mouth so mean!

"Sister, there is dragon blood ahead, I'll show it to you." Fang Niannian was in a good mood.

Negotiate the price carefully, so you have to give it away for free.

The dragon drawn by Nan Lingsha is powerful because she uses dragon blood to paint.

In this evil city, there are many dragon blood sellers, and there are many kinds of dragon blood. Dragon blood is widely used in the Polar Continent, but it is rarely seen in Lichuan.

There is dragon blood for sale, and naturally there is dragon meat.

Zhu Minglang went to the place where dragon meat was sold, and found that the price of dragon meat was also very outrageous, especially those dragon meat patties that had been processed. After demixing and compression, they became large meat patties that are more convenient to carry, hard as rocks. .

Humans are inedible, they are used to feed ferocious carnivorous beasts.

"A piece of this meatloaf actually requires five grains of sand." Zhu Minglang had a headache.

Buy, for the dragon master level of Da Hei Fang, from now on it has to eat real dragon meat.

Putting the dragon meat patties into Xiao Baiqi’s universe spell, Zhu Minglang saw that many dragon shepherds had purchased a large amount of dragon food, and basically they needed to summon their own mounts to carry them, a large bag of bundles. On the dragon's back...

Xiao Baiqi's cosmic spells are still very rare, which saves a lot of trouble. After all, after the number of dragon pets begins to grow, it is estimated that you will have to bring a food convoy on a trip!

Xiao Qingzhuo’s soul orb was finally found. Zhu Minglang exchanged it for the soul orb of the corpse tyrannosaur. The other party was quite generous, even if its spirit leaf soul orb was of higher quality than his own, it was still straightforward. Made a deal.

After a trip to Sin City, Zhu Minglang was quite satisfied with the purchase of a batch of needed materials.

But this kind of place still can't stay for long. God knows if some villains will be attracted to a good thing and are unwilling to give money, and they will fight with the stall owner directly, and then cause chaos in the whole street.


Out of the city of sin, night began to fall, and the stars were faintly shining, barely able to outline the outline of the mountain-back road ahead.

The wind blew the leaves, and suddenly a large leaf curtain rolled up, and they fell from the tree, flying in the air for a long time before falling.

"Why don't we spend the night in the city?" Fang Nian asked puzzledly.

"Don't you see many people like us? They all left Sin City before dark." Zhu Minglang said.

He wasn't really afraid of the right and wrong of Sin City, but he didn't want to get involved in meaningless battles and delay time.

"Three, walking in such a hurry, do you really think our brothers are vegetarians!" At Ye Lin, the two shadows quickly approached.

"Hmph, if you don't take care of us brothers, don't want to get out of here alive!" said the bald brother.

The speaker was the two bald brothers. At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten the pain of the strangulation on their necks, with evil light in their eyes, staring at the graceful Nan Lingsha.

"You two really do not live or die." Zhu Minglang sneered.

"Who knows whether it is alive or dead? You dare to grab our crystal!" said the bald brother.

In the woods, footsteps sounded again, and they swiftly approached the three of them, not to mention a dozen people, and they soon surrounded Zhu Minglang. Obviously they had been waiting here for a while!

These people are all dragon herders, they have called out the dragon beasts, and all the night-dwelling birds in the forest flew up.

"Who are they?" Nan Lingsha asked suspiciously.

While Zhu Minglang woke up the **** teeth who ate the big meat pie and fell asleep, he looked at Nan Lingsha in confusion.

It's not too dark to see this day. Is Nan Lingsha so blind? She almost hanged these two wretched bald brothers not long ago.

Even if you don't remember their looks, the shiny bald head should always have an impression.

"I wish Minglang, I wish Minglang, that one sells our dragon meat... the one over there, sells our dragon blood." Fang Niannian said in a low voice at this time.

When Zhu Minglang looked around, he really saw these two slightly impressive faces.

Working with these stall owners as a vendor during the day, and as a green forest thief at night!

It does have a little meaning. Under normal circumstances, the Green Forest thief will intercept and kill some passers-by, because the smell of blood will alert others, so they don’t do it when they see people passing by, but choose the fattest wave and kill people. , Evacuate immediately.

Even so, in many cases, they may not be able to intercept the fat sheep that really satisfies them. After all, there are so many brothers, and everyone is estimated to have less serious business during the day than them.

So they do business during the day and choose the fat sheep when dealing with others.

Many people know a wise saying when going out, that money is not exposed.

But when dealing with people, it is impossible to guard against it. After all, most of the things you buy are things that you can value and can afford.

During the day, the fat sheep were accurately screened out, and someone was kept staring.

As soon as the other party leaves the city, or to place an order, they will be killed immediately.

Not only can you get back the good goods sold to others during the day, but you can also **** away all the other's property!

Cunning villain, cunning villain.

If it weren't for this kind of behavior, Zhu Minglang would like to applaud this group of villains in the sin city. It would not be easy for the industry to be so smart.

Zhu Minglang looked around and didn't really let himself down. The big guy who sold his soul leaf soul orb was also there. He was staring at him unkindly, obviously wanting to get his baby back from his hand. !

These vendors have all been through...

"How come, brothers, I said that this woman is beautiful and beautiful, didn't let the big guy down?" The bald brother laughed lewdly again.

"Don't be too careless, she is a mortal."

"That man is a general-level dragon shepherd, there should be a general-level spirit wood attribute dragon beast." At this moment, the big man who exchanged soul beads with Zhu Minglang said.

I wish Minglang speechless for a while.

It turned out to be like this!

From the material quality that the opponent exchanges with oneself, roughly infer the opponent's strength.

Learned, learned.

Their industrial chain is very mature!

"You deal with the group of people in the back, I will deal with the ones in front, so you don't need to stay alive." Zhu Minglang whispered to Nan Lingsha beside him.

"If you mess with things, take care of it yourself." Nan Lingsha has a noble gesture that she doesn't want dirty hands.

"Girl, have you lost your memory again?" Zhu Minglang felt helpless.

There are also a lot of fat sheep who have entered the city of sin. Why are people looking at them? It's not that the two bald brothers are resentful.

"Sister, those two bald heads are the stinky rascals you almost hanged during the day." Fang Niannian said in a low voice.

"Oh, let Zhu Minglang handle it, too." Nan Lingsha seemed to just remember. Maybe she has dealt with this kind of trash a lot, so she didn't care at all.

Zhu Minglang has already summoned Tyrannosaurus Thunder. The black thunder scales on its body look very terrifying, with some electric ripples from time to time, making the entire tall and majestic body even more wild and fierce!


Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus directly killed the man who sold soul orbs. In front of him was a general-level Blood Scythe Dragon, whose sharp front claws slashed towards the Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus...

As a result, Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus didn't even hide, and opened its fangs and bit off a piece of **** sickle dragon's shoulder.

The blood flowed out, and the blood sickle dragon hurriedly pulled away, and licked the scar on his shoulder with his long tongue, trying to quickly relieve the pain and stop the bleeding with the effect of saliva.

But its blood oozes out black.

Not only did the wound not stop, it was worsening and worsening, spreading from a small piece to a large piece!


This is one of the abilities of Big Black Fang Claw and Fang!

After gnawing on the blood sickle dragon, the Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus was like a city-breaking car smashing through the gates on the battlefield, and it hit the group of dragons and beasts behind Zhu Minglang in an arc!

The thick dragon horns shoveled the earth apart, and every time it collided with these villains’ dragon beasts, the thunder scales on its body became brighter...

Finally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the thunder ripples frequently, the electric light shines, and the Lei Cang tyrannosaurus roars wildly. When the seven or eight-headed dragon beasts swarmed up, the **** teeth tightened all over.

A black thunderstorm, centered on the black mosasaur, swept all around.

Thunder and lightning flew, the air burst, and the seven or eight-headed dragon beasts were directly blasted out, and their bodies were covered with black lightning wire mesh, which numbed their muscles and bones with electricity, and left them with fleshy skin! !

With the thunder raging, Big Black Fang is now more proficient in the control of thunder and lightning, standing among this group of dragons and beasts of uneven strength, really despising everything, and the dragon is overbearing!

The man selling soul orbs was stunned...

Although it was inferred that Zhu Minglang was a general-level dragon shepherd, he did not expect his dragon to be so strong that a group of dragons and two dragon generals could not resist this thunder tyrannosaurus!

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