Dragon Tamer

Chapter 119: Yaoshan Jianzong

"Did you poke your eyes blind when you were wiping your sword? It is obvious that this group of people ambush us in the woods, wanting to seek our money and kill our lives, so that we are villains?? "At this moment, Fang Niannian scolded angrily.

Good spray!

Zhu Minglang is about to say something similar.

Even if the eyes are blind, the brain is not good.

Have you ever seen such a handsome, suave villain... Oh, they are blind.

"It's ridiculous, you are burying the corpses, and you said that these vendors attacked you. If they are making money and killing, why are you still alive?" The man with a high amount of hair sneered.


Zhu Minglang and Fang Niannian are all silly.

What kind of logical art is this? ?

In his understanding, whoever kills the other party is murdering fortune.

"The intelligence of the entire Ji Ting Continent has been lowered by you, and they are the villains." Fang Niannian said angrily.

"Hey, I met a few Jianzong children with bad brains, and I didn't bother to spend more time with them." Zhu Minglang said.

Several Sword Sect children wandered outside the city of sin.

They dare not step into the city of sin because they are weak, and they are far from the level and strength that can eliminate the city of sin.

But I should also want to earn a bit of fame and prestige when going outside.

So he was waiting near the city of sin, planning to take down some wanted villains who walked out of the city.

"In the city of sin, there is nothing innocent. We walk the way for the sky... Damn it, don't go, explain your crime clearly, and avoid the suffering of flesh and blood!" the man with a high amount of hair angered .

The moonlight is white, and it is scattered like frost in this small mountain forest.

As the wind leaves fluttered, I saw this Jianzong man flying down, his arms open like an eagle.

The other three men and women also jumped down from the hill at the same time and stood in front of Zhu Minglang, Nan Lingsha, and Fang Niannian!

"Demon girl, don't want to go." said one of the female swordsmen with haircut, pointing the dazzling tip of the sword in her hand at Nan Lingsha wearing a veil.

"Go one step further, I will kill your dragon beast!" The man with a high amount said, the sword in his hand pointed at the tall and fierce Tyrannosaurus Lei.

Big Black Fang moved his head from side to side, and looked at the man with a large sword with an innocent look.

There are obviously two dragons here, why kill Heibao?

Oh, no, there are three dragons.

There is another on the shoulder of the owner, who seems to wake up just now.

The boss seemed to be happy, but was awakened by this person's harsh voice.

"Everyone, you spend a whole night here slowly thinking about the problem, we won't be with you." Zhu Minglang continued to move forward, not afraid of the long swords shown by these people.

"You!!" The high-profile man was even more angry, his dignified Sword Sect sacred disciple was so ignored by this little Dragon Shepherd? ?

Raising the sword extremely fast, this high-demand man's swordsmanship is very skillful, he can't see his movements, nor can he see his power...


Just when this man was about to exert his strength, a wave of ice-bound power lingered on all the joints of his body at some point, and his joints became extremely stiff at the moment of raising the sword...

First the shoulder position, then the elbow, and then to the wrist. This powerful ice binding force finally made him freeze even his finger joints!

The sword stuck to the palm of his hand, and the body and hilt of the sword were all Lengshuang. This arrogant disciple of the Sword Sect stood there like that, his eyes widened, and he watched his whole body be covered by a blow. Covered by a thin layer of ice crystals! !

The same is true for the other three Sword Sect disciples. The female sword master kept the posture of raising the sword, but her body was frozen into ice, turning into an ice sculpture under the moon, and her big eyes were full of horror...

She looked at the man of the dragon shepherd and the small white dragon on his shoulder.

"Bing Chen... Bing Chen..." This female swordsman has good eyesight. She seems to recognize that this is a small form of Bingchen White Dragon, but she should find out earlier, and they won't be so.

The moon was like clear frost, falling on the calm deciduous forest trees, and also on the four Jianzong disciples who were frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye.


After yawning, Xiao Bai changed his posture and dropped the long tail down Zhu Minglang's shoulders. The white fringed neck fleece rubbed against Zhu Minglang's shoulders, and then fell asleep again. Past.

Zhu Minglang, Nan Lingsha, and Fang Niannian walked past these four, completely ignoring their shocking eyes...

They can move only their eyes.

"Walking around the rivers and lakes, don't just remember to bring the sword, please bring your mind with you." Fang Niannian rolled his eyes and said to these Jianzong disciples.

These Sword Sect children seemed to be extremely humiliated, and they wanted to rush out of the ice, but they couldn't break free of Xiao Baiqi's method of ice bondage. After more than a month of sleep and the cultivation of Holy Dew, Xiao Bai Qi's strength is more consolidated.

Not surprisingly, it can reach the upper dragon master level during its growth stage.

Entering the complete stage is just a matter of time. As long as you find a spiritual creature that meets Bai Qi's attributes, Xiao Bai Qi will directly rise to the Dragon Lord level before the New Year's Day.

Of course, the high-grade nectar and star fragment crystals are absolutely unbreakable.

"I wish Minglang, what is Jianzong?" Nan Lingsha asked.

"It is one of the four great sects of the Great Ting Continent. The Sword Sect of Mount Yaoshan and the Sword Sect of Miaoshan are the largest factions of sword masters. They are respectively enshrined by several great nations on the east and west of the Great Ting Continent." Zhu Minglang said. Explained.

"You have something to do with them?" Nan Lingsha asked next.

"That's a long story..."

"Long story short." Nan Ling said.

Zhu Minglang put away the melancholy and pretentious expression that recalled the past, and secretly looked at Nan Lingsha.

I don't know if it's her own illusion, Nan Lingsha's voice is different from the light and quiet look before. Although she seems to be the same as usual, her eyes have thoughts that belong to her.

"I'm not Li Yunzi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't look for her shadow on me." Nan Lingsha noticed Zhu Minglang's small eyes and snorted as a warning.

"You misunderstood. I was looking at you this time. I found that you and Yunzi have completely different personalities. Sometimes you can have no foreign objects in your mind and be indifferent to everything. Sometimes you are curious about everything, like a girl who has just emerged from the world. ..." Zhu Minglang said.

At this moment, Fang Niannian, who was beside her, nodded vigorously.

She and Zhu Minglang think the same.

Although Fang Niannian has known Nan Lingsha a long time ago, getting along with her is just a kind of politeness between selling peach girls and other ladies.

The problem is that now that everyone has traveled together for so many days, Nan Lingsha sometimes talks to herself as intimately as a sister, and sometimes responds to her with pure etiquette just like when she first met.

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