Dragon Tamer

Chapter 120: Master Jianzong

"This lady is in good mood and bad mood."

"I will be delighted to see Yunshan change and Xiaoshan verdant."

"Seeing the bright moon in the sky and the stars reflecting in the sky, I am also happy."

"The most annoying thing is to ask three questions and four questions, nosy!"

Nan Lingsha's fierce eyes flicked from Zhu Minglang's body, showing that it was aimed at Zhu Minglang alone.

I wish Minglang a bitter smile.

If you want me to be annoying, then I am annoying, so why bother to chant...

June rainy temperament.

She has always been like this.

"Then my connection with Jianzong is actually with the girl..."

"My sister and I said, you are threatening the old grandmother and want me to marry you for her sister." Nan Lingsha laughed, smiling like a silver moon.

"I have a deep relationship with Jianzong. When I was young, I spent a lot of time practicing in Yaoshan Jianzong. One of the swordsmen of Jianzong is my grandfather." Zhu Minglang said.

"You are a sword repairman, but how can you be a dragon shepherd?" Nan Lingsha asked.

Zhu Minglang looked at Nan Lingsha deeply.

He also said that if others ask three questions and four questions, he is also a curious baby.

"Everyone is inferior, only Mu Zun is high. I don't think Jian Xiu can save this wild universe and inhumane ways, so I changed my career to become a dragon shepherd, hoping to do more for the people of the world." Zhu Minglang talked.

"When my peaches are not selling well, I will also sell honey." Fang Niannian nodded, as if agreeing with Zhu Minglang's argument.

Nan Lingsha laughed continuously, crisp and melodious, and her body trembling lightly.

Then Fang Niannian also laughed, holding Nan Ling's yarn like a happy little bird.

Zhu Minglang looks black.

Why didn't he forget, Fang Niannian had seen himself look downright.

Why do you want to find someone who knows your dark history to be the manager of Longliang?

"The reason why I walked from this city of sin is because I want to go to the Sword Sect of Remote Mountain first. The journey back to Zhumen is too far. I am worried that some people will use some sidelines to let the powerful into the battlefield. ..." Zhu Minglang continued.

"Is Yuanshan Jianzong far?" Nan Lingsha asked.

"We pass from here, and probably one more country will collapse, and we will be able to reach the border of the forest of the Sword Sect in Yaoshan." Zhu Minglang said.

"Then go and see Zong Lin in Ji Ting Continent." Nan Lingsha's eyes were shiny, and she seemed to be really interested in Zong Lin.

Although I don't want to go to the Sword Sect of Yaoshan.

But when I thought that besides the major orthodox forces, there were also some wanton people like Sin City.

You can't rely solely on Zhu Xuehen's majesty to deter those powerful, but you still need some substantive strength to defend the Zulong City-state.

"Zhu Minglang, those few people just dressed very similar to the orderly woman, is she also from the Sword Sect of the Remote Mountain?" Fang Niannian asked, remembering this.

"Well, she is also a sword cultivator. She practiced in the Sword Sect of Yaoshan when she was young, just like me." Zhu Minglang nodded.

Zhu Minglang also purchased a few national drawings, only to discover that the Sword Sect of Mount Yaoshan is not too far away from West Cliff, and it is no wonder that Zhu Xuehen will become the orderer of the new land.

She should have been in the Sword Sect of Yaoshan these years.


After the city-states and national capitals, they did not stay for a long time. After purchasing some needed, they continued on their way.

It's not far away, but the Ji Ting Continent is far more vast than Sichuan, and coupled with the entrenched mountains and ancient forests, it is impossible to fly directly over many places.

Villages, market towns, cities, city states, capitals, imperial capitals, and all the gathering places of people in the Great Court mainland have been strictly divided, but even so, many places still have wars, and they may not be as peaceful as the Lichuan land.

Moreover, large and small Zonglin, clan gates, Holy See, palaces, and academies are mixed together, and the separation of powers will cause chaos...

What is the power of the heavens and wildness, so that the continent and the continent will fall together like this, and I feel that I have a very comfortable life on the land of Sichuan.

Dormant for a little more than a year and a half, when Xiaobai reached the completion period, he would be able to destroy the malignant palace, and then be invincible with his own wife, fortunately to visit the famous mountains and mountains, happy and free.

Alas, originally this small ideal could be realized very quickly, but because of the horizontal penetration of the Great Court Continent, the time was lengthened and the difficulty increased.


The heavy resembles a painting, and the song is like a screen.

Looking at the Yaoshan, one can see the mountains and mountains, clouds and mist. When you are in it, you will find that many mountains and giant peaks are above the clouds, just as long as you climb up the highest mountain, you can touch the real Yunting fairy hall...

There is a city in the mountains, and the city is surrounded by winding mountains like a screen. At night, you can see the beautiful scenery of the stars and lights. For this reason, Nan Lingsha deliberately stayed on a cliff for a while, Magnificence and harmony are fixed in her picture scroll, magnificent and profound!

There is a foggy city in Yaoshan, which is connected with the forest boundary of the Yaoshan Sect. Zhu Minglang did not go to the capital of the fog country, but went directly to the Jianzong Forest of the Yaoshan along the capital boundary of this country.

In fact, when he got here, Zhu Minglang was more familiar with him. He could distinguish the lofty mountains without the need of map drawings. After all these years of hard work, he knew how many female birds were on the hill.

"Thank you so much to inform Junior Sister Miaozhu, I wish Minglang come to visit." Zhu Minglang said to the disciples who guarded the mountain.

"Do you have any tokens?" the long eyebrow disciple asked.

"This..." Zhu Minglang really didn't have any tokens on hand, he didn't even have Zhu Men's identity badge.

And it has been many years since I left Jianzong. These disciples didn't know that they were normal. After all, the disciples who would stay here are mostly younger generations.

"Well, there is a phoenix pine tree in front of Runhong Peak where she lives, with leaf bells hanging on it...Is it a token?" Zhu Minglang said.

The disciple with long eyebrows scratched his head and glanced at several other junior and senior apprentices, and finally they nodded in unison.

Senior Sister Miaozhu doesn't like others to disturb her quietness. People who know that there is this tree on Xiaofeng where she lives are naturally invited by Senior Sister to enter the hospital.

The announcement was very quick, and there were mountain birds. Zhu Minglang, Nan Lingsha, and Fang Niannian only had to wait slowly in front of Zonglin Gate.

"Since you belong to the Sword Sect, why doesn't it seem that no one knows you? Are you not famous at all...so you changed your career?" Fang Niannian asked.

"I left here when I was fifteen years old. How many years have passed since these newcomers definitely don't know me." Zhu Minglang explained.

"Who is Junior Sister Miaozhu? How does she remember you?" Fang Niannian asked.

"I practiced together when I was young. She is stupid and slow to practice. I am smarter and learn faster. I have taught her a little before," Zhu Minglang said.

Zhu Minglang said these words very quietly.

But the disciple with long eyebrows still heard it. He immediately twisted the two long eyebrows together, stared at Zhu Minglang, and said in an angry tone: "Sister Miaozhu is now the master sister of our temple disciple, you still Point him, you don't even have a breath of sword repair in your body, don't say such crazy things in front of Zonglin!"

This long eyebrow disciple was quite polite, but he warned Zhu Minglang in words.

"I'm afraid it's a distant relative who has nowhere to stay, running around. The most indispensable thing in our Jianzong is such a handyman." The other young disciples laughed.

"Master Sister is here, the focus is on Duzhuang."

"Zhuang key!"

A group of Moriyama disciples, who were still chatting at random just now, quickly stood with their hands in their hands, with solemn expressions. Under the Baishishanping gate, they were as majestic and solemn as a statue. You can see their swords, which are clearly not held, but they are all hanging. Their sides, spinning slowly, made a slight metallic vibrato!

"Master sister!"

"Master sister!"

"Master sister!"

The voices one after another, all the disciples salute meticulously, without any negligence.

Zhu Minglang looked around and saw a woman with long fluttering hair, wearing a light-colored slim-fit robe, her black hair standing tall, without a trace of messy hair ends.

She wears a jade ornament on her smooth forehead, and the shiny silver ornament reflects the skin on her cheeks more rosy and moving, which can be broken by blowing, bright and elegant.

"Good luck!"

"Junior Sister..." Zhu Minglang tried his best to show a gentle smile like jade.

"Who is she!" Zi Miaozhu suddenly pointed at Nan Lingsha, questioning deeply.

Zi Miaozhu's questioning disrupted all Zhu Minglang's thoughts!

Zhu Minglang has prepared a perfect speech, that is, to make the junior sister feel reasonable and reasonable that she has been missing for many years, and to make her feel something in her heart.

Shouldn't you see that your brother is still alive?

"She is the mortal in my Dragon Shepherd team, my traveling partner, Nan Lingsha. Next to this is my little manager of Longliang, Fang Niannian." Zhu Minglang rearranged his thoughts before explaining. .

"Partners traveling together? Why travel together?" Zi Miaozhu asked again.

Zhu Minglang people are dizzy.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't Junior Sister care about herself, why did she become a Dragon Shepherd!

"Zhulang, why do you hide it? The story of our love and love at first sight, no one knows from Sichuan." At this time, Nan Ling said with a smile, even wearing a veil, you can feel her stunning appearance The charm rippling in the middle.

"Sure enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~Sure enough!!" Zi Miaozhu was trembling slightly with anger, her beautiful eyes were full of anger, "The grandpa has been lying to me for so many years, saying that you are dead. . In the end, you just have another woman and don’t want to see me!"

Zhu Minglang felt tight in his chest and blood was pouring out of his throat.

Are you a swordsman? There is a bit of a sword hole in your mind!

I'm dead...

Ah, this is so difficult to explain, mainly because I am still standing here alive.

Nan Lingsha!

Nan Lingsha! !

Why is it that every time she stirs the muddy water, she must not be the indifferent, quiet and beautiful temperament of everyone when she is painting, it must be this little witch who fears that the world will not be chaotic! !

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