Dragon Tamer

Chapter 121: Bigger and smaller

Master Jianzong Zi Miaozhu's eyes were staring like large pearls, showing a strong hostility. She seemed to have forgotten Zhu Minglang's existence, but stared at Nan Lingsha.

Nan Lingsha didn't fear her, but looked at her like that.

All the disciples of Jianzong on the side looked dumbfounded, and once again looked carefully from Zhu Minglang's body, they did not feel that this man had any great ability to make their masters and sisters face everyone. Jealousy broke out here!

"Junior Sister, I have important things to tell Tai Gong, so don't worry about this kind of problem." Zhu Minglang said.

"Yes, I'm not entangled, she is small, I am big." Zi Miaozhu said.

"Clang clang clang clang!!!"

The swords floating beside the Jianzong disciples suddenly fell to the ground, without a trace of sword heart, scattered on the ground in a mess, just like the heartbreaking voices of their disciples!

Big sister, big sister Zi Miaozhu...

Why does our swordsman goddess want to be so complacent in front of an unknown man.

"Junior sister, don’t make unreasonable trouble. First of all, I have no matchmaking appointment with you, nor have I ever had a relationship with you, but my senior brothers and sisters have an extraordinary relationship. Secondly, Nan Lingsha is not my partner, just the mortal who is walking with me, What she said just now was just a test of your friendship with me." Zhu Minglang said seriously.

"Isn't she your partner?" Senior Sister Zi Miaozhu asked.

"No." Zhu Minglang replied solemnly.

"That's about the same..." Senior sister Zi Miaozhu let out a long sigh of relief, and gradually smiled on her face.

The disciples on the side had just picked up their swords, but they landed on the ground again, clinking.

Master sister, you didn't notice, you just got rejected!

"Where is the grandpa?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Yes, Master Xuehen is also here." Zi Miaozhu replied.

"it is good."


Zi Miaozhu's mood is also unpredictable. She was so hostile just now that she saw her brother whom she hadn't seen for many years like a little sister, and talked affectionately beside her.

All of the accompanying Jianzong disciples couldn't close their jaws. They probably hadn't heard so many things from the master sister Zi Miaozhu in the Yaoshan Jianzong for so many years.

Is this what the goddess looks like in front of others? ?

But even if this person is Yuxuanang and has a fairy style, it does not seem to be very different from these disciples. On the contrary, it is the woman wearing a veil, with a dusty temperament and an elegant posture, even if it hides her appearance. I can also feel her gorgeous and sultry, it is estimated that her appearance is still above the master...

But as a sword repairer, how can you just stare at a person's appearance, nothing more than a pink skull, the powerful, decisive, and moral master sister Zi Miaozhu is the moon in the sky!

"So brother, do you think that there is no **** or mortal as your opponent in this world, so you lost this boring ability, be a dragon shepherd, and experience another extraordinary life?" Senior sister Zi Miaozhu's eyes flickered Asked.

"..." Zhu Minglang really didn't know how to answer.

In fact, he left the Sword Sect of the Mountain at the age of fifteen. At that time, Zi Miaozhu was only fourteen years old. Although he had met several times in the following years, he did not get along for long.

The problem is that no matter how many years have passed, she seems to have a better understanding of herself than her in everything, as if she has always been a legendary teenager of Jianzong.

But after stepping out of Jianzong, the world is beyond imagination.

What's more, the world that people see is only the tip of the iceberg. Even if it is brilliant and dazzling in a certain period, but the years are passing by, how can it be truly invincible.

Arriving at a mountain pass, there are several long roads in the mountains and forests, paved with wide jade white steps, and each side has stone lamps. At night, there will be bright light radiating from inside, illuminating the entire path to the mountain .

However, there is one road, but there is obviously no these carved stone lamps. Even that road is full of fallen leaves and there are some weeds in the distance. It seems that no one has cleaned it for a long time.

A stone monument stands at this intersection with the three words "Abandoned Sword Forest" written on it.

Zhu Minglang stopped here, looking around, as if he wanted to see the forest appearance deeper.

But the pine and bamboo are luxuriant and scattered, it is difficult to see farther places.

"Brother, there is something strange in Abandoned Sword Forest. It has scared away the souls of many disciples, even I dare not step in easily. The Sword Masters in the Sword Sect also went to investigate, but found nothing. The weird thing seems to be hidden." Zi Miaozhu said.

"No, the abandoned sword forest is like a haunted ghost. There was no one inhabited there for many years. One time some of our little swordsmen threw some broken and rusty swords into it, and finally fell into a coma after returning. A few days..." said the disciple with long eyebrows.

Abandoned Sword Forest, there is so familiar to Zhu Minglang, that standing at this intersection, the past hardship pictures flooded in his mind.

Practice time after time, time after time exhaustion, time after time to try again...

Childhood, adolescence, to say that the memory is deeper, it may not be Zhumen's own house, but this abandoned sword forest, which seems more like the old house of the ancestors, there are too many memories in it.

Every rust sword was touched by the blood flowing from the cocoon of his palm.

"Brother, do you want to go see it?" Zi Miaozhu asked.

"Late later, go to see Tai Gong first." Zhu Minglang withdrew some uncomfortable feelings and said.



Entering the main peak, you can see many stacked mountain villas, built of various noble woods, with eaves like white clouds and high pillars like loose, grand and classical atmosphere.

In Baiyun Mountain Villa, several sword modifiers competed at Dashanping. They didn't use a trace of sword aura, just a sword-style duel, which already gave people a thrilling and pleasing feeling.

Entering the villa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang saw an old man with white hair, sitting upright on the grand master’s chair. His face was full of wrinkles and his eyes were half closed.

"Grandpa, I wish Minglang came to see you." Zi Miaozhu said.

"What!" The white-haired old man almost bounced up on the chair and exclaimed, "My old man just took a nap, why was he hooked by the cunt, Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang, I don't need you to visit the old man. Where should you go, grandpa, I want to live a few more years!"

I wish Minglang's face is black and black.

The sentimental grandfather thought he met him in Huangquan?

I saw that the old man had whiter hair, worse energy, and a little sour nose. I felt guilty for not visiting for so many years, and saddened because I had been missing for so many years and that my loved ones were worried and worried.

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