Dragon Tamer

Chapter 122: She is the Dragon Shepherd

"Grandpa, I'm still alive, but I accidentally stepped into a strange land and couldn't find the way back." Zhu Minglang couldn't help but couldn't help but slowly bowed down and gave his elders a solemn gesture. He did not wait for his response, and never took it back.

The old lady Jianzun got up and walked in front of Zhu Minglang. Two wrinkled palms covered the back of Zhu Minglang's hands and patted gently.

"There is no cultivation base, calm heart, no complaints, okay, okay, I am in a good state now, my old man likes it. Young people need to travel more, you just said, where did you travel to? "Jianzun old lady asked.

"Leave Sichuan and Earth." Zhu Minglang replied.

"Oh, that's the new land. The imperial dynasty has a document here. Let us Jianzong do some warning to prevent any unknown hidden dangers. Xuehen seems to be the orderer there. Have you seen her?" Jianzun The old lady then asked.

"I have seen it. I came here this time just to talk to the Taigong. There is a city-state away from Sichuan, for my family...for the territories I have worked so hard to maintain. Now many forces are jealous and want to divide up, and some have already appeared. People who don't follow the rules. I hope that the grandpa will send some masters of the Zonglin to the Tusun first." Zhu Minglang said.

"Why don't you tell Xue Hen about this matter?" said the old lady Jianzun.

"Aunt Xuehen is probably very disappointed with me, she just acts impartially." Zhu Minglang smiled bitterly.

"Oh, why is she like this? Anyway, she is also your half-teacher. She is born in troubled times and cannot be such a strong man. It is not easy to be able to live a safe life." The old lady Jian Zun sighed.

"I can't blame her for the choice I made myself." Zhu Minglang said.

"Miaozhu, I remember which one of your uncles told me before that he planned to go to Lichuan to learn about foreign land and find unknown adventures. You told him that if you are willing to sit in the city-state there, you will give him Hao Ying Sword." The old lady Jianzun said to Zi Miaozhu.

"It was Master Gu Tang, and the disciple immediately conveyed it, but... Master, you and our Sword Sect don’t have the Haoying Sword, the last one is still in the forest of throwing swords, but no one dares to set foot in the forest of abandoned swords. No one can handle the strange things there yet?" Zi Miaozhu said.

Master Gu Tang, Zhu Minglang has an impression of him.

He is an extremely decent sword-lord who has no tolerance for sand in his eyes. He often travels, likes to go to different cities and appreciate different local customs.

If Master Gu Tang guards the Ancestral Dragon City State, Zhu Minglang's big stone can finally fall down these days.

A Sovereign-level swordsman is there, even if there is a younger generation, I dare not make it again!

"Why do you forget where your brother came from, Haoyingjian, it is really rare to our Sword Sect, but for your brother's family, it is just a few pieces of good iron." said the old grandfather Jianzun.

"Yes." Zi Miaozhu said.

"Xiao Lang, you also know that Gu Tang has no other hobbies, so he likes to hide the sword. Only the Haoying Sword can impress him." said the old lady of Jianzun.

"It couldn't be better. Tusun is about to go home and report his safety. When the time comes, he will take the Haoying Sword. After returning to the Ancestral Dragon City State, he will definitely give it to the uncle." Zhu Minglang saluted again, thanking the old man. Help.

"My grandfather, I also moved my lips. Since you are here, I will stay for a few more days. The road to the imperial city is still very far away. If you come from the land of Sichuan, you are also tired. Just abandon the sword forest. Time is up, you go there to see what's going on, even if you thank the grandpa back." said the old grandpa Jianzun.

"Good, good." Zhu Minglang nodded.

A powerful monarch might not be enough to deter all the forces, but the prestige of the Sword Sect in the Mountain is the most important.

As long as someone from the Sword Sect in the Remote Mountains sits there first, they can restrain most of the unsuspecting disciples and greatly reduce the burden of Li Yunzi on the battlefield.

After all, if Rui Guo can't attack for a long time, it will definitely allow some powerful forces to sneak into the army, and there will also be villains in the city of sin who are not ruled at all, looting the Ancestral Dragon City State...

"Is this your wife in Lichuan, it's very good, the vision is as good as the master." The old lady Jianzun smiled and looked at Nan Lingsha.

"Master, this is my lady's sister." Zhu Minglang explained.

"Oh oh, little wife?"

"Master, we are innocent, but she may be the same as the junior sister, who admires me more, and will always say something inexplicable to outsiders, which is misleading." Zhu Minglang said.

Zi Miaozhu has already left, so he should go to spread the word.

The old lady Jianzun went on to say: "After all, I grew up with you. Sister Miaozhu admires you like her brother. Sometimes she can't distinguish this kind of feeling. Now it's better. You have your own heart, and you can let her Stop obsessing with her and tell her well that she is not the kind of girl who messes up."

"Master, rest assured, I will tell the younger sister carefully, after all, I have always regarded her as my younger sister." Zhu Minglang said seriously.

At this time, a few female disciples came, and they saluted the old lady Jianzun, led Nan Lingsha and Fang Niannian, and went to live in the Pangfeng Villa.

Zhu Minglang let them go first and stay here to have a conversation with the old lady Jianzun.

When they left, the old lady Jianzun still said meaningfully: "I think you and her are a good match. Is it to reduce the hostility of Junior Sister Zi Miaozhu to her and deliberately say that she is a wife and sister?"

"Master, their sisters are two stamens, and there is no difference in appearance. You will feel that the faces are well-matched and normal." Zhu Minglang said.

"Well, it's no wonder... you are now a dragon shepherd, why don't you find a **** and mortal to accompany you, but if two dragon shepherds walk, there will be some little trouble." said the old lady of Jianzun.

"She is a mortal, Master." Zhu Minglang said.

"No, I look at her breath, she is the Dragon Shepherd, it's impossible for me to be so old that I can't even distinguish this, and her realm of the Dragon Shepherd is a bit weird, and she is erratic at the level of the king." Said.

Zhu Minglang opened his mouth wide.

The old lady Jianzun didn't wake up after a nap.

Nan Lingsha is a **** and ordinary.

A Shenfan painter!

How could it be the Dragon Shepherd...

"Master, stop joking with me, I have seen her supernatural power, she can never be a dragon shepherd." Zhu Minglang shook his head and said.

"Really, the master may want to tell you that the godly capable person you have seen may be your wife, not her. The woman walking with you is indeed the dragon shepherd." The old lady looked serious and didn't mean to joke at all.

Zhu Minglang's expression gradually became heavy.

It should be impossible to misunderstand the master's level.

Nan Lingsha is really the Dragon Shepherd? ?

But I have personally witnessed her painting several times, the **** Fan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is it Li Yunzi? ?

No, when I was in Sin City a few days ago and passed through the fog, Nan Lingsha also painted!

Is she alone with both **** and pastoral skills? ?


There is absolutely no way anyone in this world possesses both abilities, the mortal **** and the dragon shepherd can only choose one of the two.

Zhu Minglang will never question this point!

(One more chapter, ask for a monthly pass~~?)

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