Dragon Tamer

Chapter 123: Wind as gravel

"It seems you don't know much about others." Jianzun old lady said with a smile.

Zhu Minglang still hasn't recovered, recalling some details, but can't repeatedly understand the reason.

"After you have watched Abandoned Sword Forest, go home early. You have made great changes in your wishing family these years," said the old lady Jianzun.

"Okay, Master. Regarding my visit to Sword Sect, Sword Sovereign should stop telling others. I am afraid that some seniors and brothers will find me to compare swords." Zhu Minglang said.

"I know, I know, now you Yulong, you may be more glorious than before, Master, I have always believed in you." Jianzun old lady said with a smile.

Looking at this elderly lady, Zhu Minglang felt a lot in his heart, and had a lot to say, but it seemed that everything was silent.

"Then the grandpa should rest a lot, and take care of your health in the future," Zhu Minglang said.

The old lady Jianzun waved his hand and motioned to Zhu Minglang to go.

Zhu Minglang walked out, and just turned around and walked out of the villa hall, he heard the old man Jianzun whisper to a female disciple who was waiting beside him: "Who..."

"Master, what's your order?"

"Girl, go to the worship village and take out the spiritual position card with the three words "Zhu Minglang". There is no need to pay monthly worship, and save some sesame oil money." said the old lady Jianzun.

Outside the door, Zhu Minglang stepped on the empty stairs, almost tumbling out.

Having stabilized his figure, Zhu Minglang was already in tears.

Master, do you believe me that way?


Going to the side peak, staying in the village, Nan Lingsha and Fang Niannian were waiting for their meal together, and the long eyebrow disciple was also on the side, maintaining a meticulously standing posture.

Zhu Minglang sat down and glanced at the light dishes.

Jianzong's dishes have always been light, mostly vegetarian dishes. Zhu Minglang, who originally left here at the age of sixteen, was precisely because of this incident a year earlier.

The food is not good, nothing is worthy of nostalgia!

These green bamboo shoots and mountain treasures are said to be nurtured and cultivated with the spirit of heaven and earth. Even if they do not eat meat, they are more nutritious than meat.

In the Sword Sect of Yaoshan, the most important thing in sword practice is sword heart, sword energy, and sword intent. Only by eating less meat and more of these immortal elements can one's practice be stabilized and the world can rely on the sword.

So Zhu Minglang gave up Jianxiu and chose braised pork, wild mushroom stewed pork, pure meat fried pork...

Thinking that these few days might have been eating these, Zhu Minglang decided to release the **** teeth and let it get some real delicacies in the name of killing those mountain spirits and making wild boars. At night, they can still have a side. Drinking plum wine here and roasting fragrant pigs over a campfire, this is the life of Xiaoyao Jianxiu!

"Niannian, you will take the **** tooth to the other side of the mountain in a moment." Zhu Minglang pointed out the window and whispered.

"Good!" When it comes to eating, Fang Niannian will never refuse, and I wish Minglang do not know how to cook. Barbecue is truly a must.

"Girl Lingsha, just go around and relax, and you will be tired after a long journey," Zhu Minglang said.

"Yeah." Nan Lingsha replied, she didn't know if her xinxing changed again, or she didn't like to talk when she was eating.

The realm is erratic at the Jun level.

It is still the Dragon Shepherd.

Zhu Minglang glanced at Nan Lingsha and felt that this woman had become more like a cloud of fog.

Forget it, there will be time to learn more later.

Zhu Minglang did not struggle with this problem anymore, he ate a few mouthfuls casually, and saved some stomach for the evening meal.

"Brother." Zi Miaozhu came from outside, her eyes filled with unstoppable joy.

"Thank you, Junior Sister," Zhu Minglang said.

"Master Gu Tang has already agreed. You said that the Zulong City-state is sitting in town, so don't worry about it anymore," Zi Miaozhu said.

"En, en, that's good." Zhu Minglang let out a long sigh of relief.

With the Sword Sect powerhouse taking the lead, the matter of going to the territory of the imperial capital to swear the oath can not be so hasty.

"Brother, after you left, the abandoned sword forest has been there forever. Only when the swords in the hands of some disciples are damaged and rusted will they be thrown into the forest." Zi Miaozhu said.

"What's the weird thing happened, even the Master Sword Masters can't handle it?" Zhu Minglang asked puzzled.

"It is said that there are ghosts and charms, and there are spiritual ghosts. When the disciples go to abandon the swords, they will appear. When the masters go to annihilate them, they will be hidden. Only you and Master Xuehen are the only ones in the abandoned sword forest. Understand the situation inside, but Master Xuehen never paid attention to such things." Zi Miaozhu said.

"I heard some seniors with higher cultivation level say that it may be those abandoned swords, because no one cares about it, and there are some grievances. This resentment is like a ghost and begins to retaliate against us disciples of sword repair." The long eyebrow disciple said.

"When does it usually appear?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"At sunset, day and night alternate."

"Okay, I'll go and see."

"Brother, I will accompany you." Zi Miaozhu said.

"No, you take Nan Lingsha around." Zhu Minglang said.

"Okay." This time, Zi Miaozhu agreed very simply, and there seemed to be some other small thoughts in those eyes, bright and bright.


The sword is the biggest consumable of Jianzong.

Whether it is the peach-wood sword that was first practiced, or the iron sword that became a disciple, to the good swords made of various precious metals.

Zhumen can be said to be the largest supplier of Jianzong, because Zhumen is divided into two factions, one is forging armor and the other is forging swords. In fact, other casting tools are made by Zhumen.

It’s just that I wish Minglang spent more time in the sword sect of Yaoshan before he was fifteen years old, and didn’t have much interest in casting.

The loss of swords is huge, and every sword repair requires long-term practice of the sword style. Whether it is aerial dance, practice with wooden stakes, or even practice with stone statues, it is easy to damage the sword.

Walking along the long road without lanterns, on both sides are tall pine and yellow bamboo, both of which are tall and straight.

I deliberately waited until it was close to dusk before coming. Zhu Minglang looked at the shadows of these increasingly verdant pine and bamboo, and there were some pictures constantly turning in his mind like the pages of a book.

Moving on, you can already see some rotten wooden swords, randomly scattered on the ground, with some moss growing on them.

Going deeper, the path is eroded by soil and weeds. Looking around, one can see one after another iron swords and bronze swords stuck in the soil, standing upright like those pine and bamboo!

More and more swords were discarded, and there were hundreds of them wherever they could.

When he was very young, the old lady Jianzun told himself that every abandoned sword here is a tombstone of a sword. When they were "alive", they all had a story of their own.

Some swords were damaged since they were cast and no one used them, so they were discarded here.

Some swords are more famous than their users. Everyone wants to get them, but in the end they fell in a famous battle and were sealed here forever.

Some swords, just like mediocre people, are plain, and when their lifespan is over, they fall into the soil.

Going deeper, there are more swords, even denser than those pine and bamboo. They are of different lengths and styles. Most of them are inserted upside down on this piece of soil like tombstones. Unclear how many!

Evening sunset, the setting sun, the shadows of pine wood and yellow bamboo intertwined with the shadows of abandoned swords like grass. The pine and bamboo are verdant and the sword body is dull, but the shadow and the shadow are completely blended. The sword formed this sword forest that was extremely quiet in the dusk.

As the light of the setting sun shot into the sword, the rust on the thousands of abandoned swords became more gorgeous than ever before.

Copper rust, iron rust, blue rust, red rust...

Even the sun and the years are rusty,

That is dusk.


"Aunt Xuehen, my hands are already numb."

As night was approaching, a young boy said with sweat on his face.

"carry on."


"My palm is bleeding."

The scorching sun was shining, and the abandoned sword had been roasted hot and red.

"carry on."


"Aunt Xuehen, when will I practice until I can be as strong as you?"

The heavy snow was flying, and the young boy stood in the snow and asked.

"What does it take to sharpen the sword?"

"Hard and smooth gravel," the young boy replied.

"From today, you will pull out every sword in the forest, slash it at the sky, and use the wind as gravel. When you polish away the rust on every abandoned sword, you can leave here. Up."

Take wind as gravel.

Every sword here has worn its own cocoon and drank its own blood.

But they also saw their edge again!


Over the years, the abandoned swords in the sword forest still stand in the soil, and their sharp and clean bodies are covered with rust once again. Zhu Minglang is carrying the dusk, and the sword group is carrying the dusk. All the pictures are coming, let Zhu Minglang is like a knuckle in his throat, and his breathing is starting to be a little unsmooth.

Regret it?

I wish Minglang never had it.

It's just a little sentimental, a little helpless.

No matter how brilliant the peerless sword, there will be a rusty day.

In the rush of years, you will not regret if your heart belongs to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

"Buzzing buzzing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Suddenly, a uniform sword trembling sounded from the quiet forest, and the rhythm seemed to be thousands of palace pianos playing around Zhu Minglang, and the soul couldn't help but tremble as it caught the ear.

Zhu Minglang came back to his senses, looking at the magnificent sword sea with the ups and downs of the mountains and forests, looking at them as if they had heard some ancient call, they were about to be pulled out of the soil, and suddenly his face was full of horror. .

The shadow of the sword shook, the pine forest was dim, and the evening light was completely obscured by the mountains. This forest was about to escape into the dark night, but the shadow of the sword seemed to have come alive, and was rushing toward the sky, the earth, and the forest.

However, the real abandoned sword is still stuck in the soil. The shadow of the sword is like a ghost walking in the tombstone. When it is flying, it makes sharp swords in the air, making the original string of the piano suddenly become sharp. Howl!

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