Dragon Tamer

Chapter 124: Sword spirit dragon

Indeed, in this situation, if any Sword Sect disciple comes, they will be frightened. After all, some long swords are bleeding inexplicably, and the evil red is dripping!

Zhu Minglang didn't run away immediately, he let this sword shadow fly by his side.

Close your eyes, and use your own insight to sense the real "ghosts" in this abandoned sword forest. Zhu Minglang wants to know why they are so restless, is it really because Xue Zang abandoned here and no one cares about it. Do you complain?

Every abandoned sword here has been with him. Zhu Minglang still recognizes the carvings on some of the swords. If they really turn into swords of resentment, Zhu Minglang believes that he can comfort them...


Finally, these abandoned swords in the forest moved. They were pulled out of the soil. The swords and swords were intertwined in mid-air. Thousands of abandoned swords seemed to be held by thousands of sword masters. Here is a hearty duel.


The sword touched countless sparks, and the blades flickered frequently. Zhu Minglang felt that he was in an ancient battlefield of sword repair, and he couldn't see those people. Only their swords were performing and reappearing on the ancient battlefield over and over again. .


There was a thunder in the clear sky, and the sky opened from the abandoned sword forest. The dazzling paleness made Zhu Minglang have to cover his eyes.

The electric light didn't illuminate everything in the dim abandoned sword forest, it was more like swallowing everything with strong light.

Normal people encounter such a weird scene, I am afraid that they have passed out, and how can they continue to stay awake.

But Zhu Minglang still did not leave.

He believed that if these swords had a soul, they would never hurt himself.

He slowly opened his eyes, and then looked at the abandoned sword forest that had been around for an unknown number of years, and the dimly dim forest suddenly became empty, and the abandoned swords that had been inserted all over the place disappeared at some point in time!

In the pine and bamboo forest, there is no more swords, they seem to have escaped into another void, and they disappear in front of them strangely.


Lightning pierced the dim night and lit up the gloomy abandoned sword forest. Suddenly, a breath of fear came to Zhu Minglang's eyes. A gloomy sword shadow stood in front of him like a mountain!

This sword is rusty red with blood, as if it has been soaked in an abyss of blood for many years, the sword body is engraved with this kind of blood!

What made Zhu Minglang truly shocked was not the emergence of such a sword peak without warning, but this evil sword, which gave Zhu Minglang a feeling of staring at him! !

This evil sword is not like a majestic device, but more like a living thing, so close to it, you can even feel its anger! !

"Weapon demon?"

Zhu Minglang couldn't believe his eyes.

I once heard Mr. Dementia say that there are monsters in this world.

The so-called artifact monsters are artifacts with powerful mana that absorb the essence of the heavens, the sun, and the moon, transform into monsters, cultivate into demons, and even ascend into a holy.

Using a demon to describe the evil sword in front of me might be inappropriate.

There are too many swords in this abandoned sword forest that have a life span of thousands of years. Moreover, this evil sword is obviously the soul gathering of all abandoned swords in the entire abandoned sword forest.

It is a magic weapon!

It may even be a saint!

It is the holy spirit of ten thousand years of cultivation! !

"No, no, the aura on it is not a monster..." Zhu Minglang shook his head again.

This evil sword is very weird in anger. If you have to use a creature to describe it, Zhu Minglang feels...

At this moment, the evil sword floated, and its body that stood like a mountain was slowly shrinking. The closer it was to Zhu Minglang, the more the evil sword showed its body.

Finally, the evil sword appeared in front of Zhu Minglang.

The figure is exactly the same as the sword, but for some reason, Zhu Minglang feels that the person standing in front of him is clearly a living creature!

Its breath...

Long! !

Its breath is clearly dragon! !

Zhu Minglang made a violent wave in his heart.

This sword first had a demon repair and became a sword spirit...

After that, the sword spirit stepped past the dragon gate! !

Sword Spirit Dragon! !

Everything in the world can transform into a dragon...

The spirit of the device is extremely rare, and the spirit of the device transforms the dragon into a fantasy.


The evil spirit sword spirit dragon approached Zhu Minglang, and slowly floated around Zhu Minglang, as if he was carefully identifying it.

As if feeling the familiar breath of Zhu Minglang, this rare sword and spirit dragon approached Zhu Minglang cautiously like a child.

Suddenly, the sword spirit dragon quickly swept across Zhu Minglang's palm, cutting Zhu Minglang's palm into a blood-red wound.

The wound oozes bright red blood, and the blood drips down quickly, and the sword spirit dragon immediately brought up the tip of the sword like a tongue, and sucked Zhu Minglang's blood little by little into the red sword... …

With just a few drops of blood, the rust on this sword spirit was blown away by the wind like dust. The thick rust is a layer of shackles to this sword spirit. When its sword body is completely bright and red, when At the moment its blade showed its sharp edge, the sword spirit was completely revived!


Another bolt of lightning pierced the air, lighting up the positive Abandoned Sword Forest again.

There is no abandoned sword in the forest. Only this sword spirit trembles with blood drinking. Behind it is a wider mountain forest, but its shadow is reflected. This shadow opened its sword wings and stretched its sword body. As majestic and shocking as a mountain! !

It turned out that what I saw just now was the shadow of its sword soul.

It has its own soul!

It is a dragon!

The sword spirit condensed by thousands of abandoned sword will, and then cultivated by the sword spirit to become the sword dragon!

"Is it my blood that made you a sword spirit?" Zhu Minglang still couldn't calm down from this shock.

It drank its own blood just now, and then melted away the rust on its body.

It is telling itself that it recognizes itself and where it came from.

"That sword shadow flying shuttle, is the sword mark I once slashed down the sky?"

"That intertwined battlefield, is it the sound of my sword that I practice day and night?"

"You waited for me here, but turned a dragon?"

Zhu Minglang looked at this Yinhong sword, and recalled the scenes he had seen before, and his eyes suddenly became wet.

The so-called abandoned sword forest haunted legend has lasted for some years in the sword sect.

But these are the real sword spirits in this abandoned sword forest conveying a message to the outside world, waiting for their return every day and night.

"I am no longer a swordsman."

"You are no longer a sword spirit."

Zhu Minglang wiped the tears that were about to well in his eyes.

Good luck, if Zhu Minglang returns as a swordsman, the sword spirit dragon will no longer be the sword held by Zhu Minglang, because it has transformed into a dragon.

But Zhu Minglang lacks the power of the gods, and can no longer wield true sword intent. He has become a dragon shepherd...

A little bit of soul fetters, in Zhu Minglang's mind, like drop after drop of rain falling into the lake, from the initial ripples to the rainy outline of the lake, Zhu Minglang can even feel some of the mood of the sword spirit dragon!

It's the blood just now.

Let yourself have a soul bond with it.

When it recognized itself, it was as close to tears of joy as itself.

Because he is a Dragon Shepherd.

It is a sword spirit dragon.

Almost missed.

I will never miss it again!

Zhu Minglang stretched out his hand slowly. He thought he would never touch a sword again in his life, but he would never think of holding a sword in this way.

The arms were trembling, the fingers were trembling, the palms and the backs of the hands were the same, but Zhu Minglang still held this sword spirit that crossed his fate and met again!

Holding tightly for an instant, Zhu Minglang opened his fourth spiritual covenant. With the fetters of the blood before, even though the sword spirit dragon's cultivation was higher than Zhu Minglang's realm of the dragon shepherd, he still slowly established the soul connection. Slow heart, god, and soul coexist!

The sword spirit dragon has a tail.

Like a long sword, as Zhu Minglang’s soul communicates with it, the tail of the sword spirit dragon grows along Zhu Minglang’s arm like a vine.

The growth continued. Zhu Minglang lowered his head and looked down, and found that some inscriptions appeared on his arm at some point. The luminous inscriptions densely covered his entire arm, as if it was a kind of ancient power. Branded into my own blood...

Zhu Minglang suddenly felt his blood surging, boiling, and gradually burning like a flame.

He seemed to be in a furnace, and the furnace gushed out infinite power, making him feel that as long as he waved the sword in his hand, he could cut the world and everything!


The inscription pattern is getting brighter and brighter, it is almost quenched metal. Just when those sword spirit inscription patterns are about to climb up on Zhu Minglang's arm and chest, the sword spirit dragon seems to have noticed something, and hurriedly swings the sword body, holding his body Pulled out of Zhu Minglang's arm!

With this withdrawal, the inscription on Zhu Minglang's arm disappeared immediately, and Zhu Minglang, who was hot all over his body, seemed to walk out of the stove, sweating profusely and his skin flushed.

"For the time being, only this arm can bear the power of this thousand inscription sword soul."

"It seems that even if you become a sword spirit because of my blood, we still need more running-in."

Zhu Minglang took a few breaths and said to Jian Linglong.

The red and tall sword body of the sword spirit dragon hovered beside Zhu Minglang, and the tail of the sword fluttered lightly.

Running-in is just a matter of time, and it is already very happy to be able to wait until it turns into a sword spirit.

Moreover, by signing a spiritual agreement with Zhu Minglang, it can leave the abandoned sword forest and see its edge again.

It is the spirit of the incarnation of all abandoned swords. If the sword has a soul, it must be unwilling to rust in this forest, be eroded by the years, and decay little by little.



The sword spirit dragon flies constantly around Zhu Minglang, even without wings, it looks like a small flying dragon with a slender metal body.

However, its speed is too fast, in the eyes of others, it is probably no different from teleport~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I remember, the sword that stayed with me for the longest time was named Moxie. "

"Sword Spirit Dragon... just call you Moxie."

The sword spirit dragon stopped and hung in front of Zhu Minglang, whose red shiny sword body reflected Zhu Minglang's face.

"call out!"

It disappeared instantly.

Flew into the spiritual realm of Zhu Minglang.

Sword Spirit Dragon should like this name.


(Will the Feeling Party vote, Sword Spirit Dragon, do you like it?)

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