Dragon Tamer

Chapter 125: Sword Master vs. Painter


The highest peak of the Yaoshan Mountain almost reached the clouds, and a woman with hair in a robes of Taoism stood on the edge of the cliff. From here, one could overlook the entire Jianzong of the Yaoshan Mountain.

Day and night alternate, the mountains, villas, high pavilions, and pine pavilions below are gradually shrouded in a layer of twilight fog, and the mountains and valleys are also constantly bred with night moist atmosphere. Watching these night mists will bring this magnificent mountain crowd. When the peak was covered, suddenly an invisible momentum swept across a certain forest...

The clouds and mists all over the mountains and plains suddenly dissipated. Looking down from the highest peak, a majestic vacuum vortex appeared in the night fog of the clouds, and then the entire distant mountains were swept in.

The mountain forest and the stone peaks became extremely clear and bright, and even the night was clean and clear!

Zhu Xuehen wanted to fly to the woods to see who was in it, but in the end he retreated back to the peak of the pavilion and sat coldly and arrogantly on the grass and closed his eyes slowly.

What's the point of knowing who it is?

There are too many strong, fleeting.


In front of the villa, at the hillside.

A group of Sword Sect disciples stood on the edge of the mountain flat, and they looked forward to their faces one by one, looking back and forth between the two women.

"It's going to start, it's going to start."

"Master sister wants to compete with others!"

"I heard that the fight was for a man. Is that man our senior brother Shaoxu?"

Zi Miaozhu and Nan Lingsha are standing on both sides of the yin and yang dividing line on the gossip giant stone platform extending from the mountain plateau. The dusk has gone, and the lights around the giant stone platform have been lit.

The flames in the lamp were vigorous, and the swaying flames intertwined on the two graceful women, which made the disciples more excited.

"Put the veil off, let me see your true face first." said Jianzong Grand Sister Zi Miaozhu.

"Who are you?" Nan Lingsha asked.

"You..." Master Jianzong's sister Zi Miaozhu was trembling with anger at this sentence, and couldn't say anything!

He didn't pay attention to himself from beginning to end!

From the beginning, Zi Miaozhu didn't believe what Zhu Minglang said, his relationship with this woman was absolutely unclear.

Although Zi Miaozhu also knows that many times it is her own wishful thinking, but even if it is wishful thinking, she must understand where she has lost!

Why is this woman...

The wind rose, the veil shook, and Zi Miaozhu saw her somewhat sideways.

so beautiful.

How can a girl look so beautiful.


Vixen! !

The reincarnation of the demon! !

It turns out that this woman just relied on a bit of beauty... well, peerless beauty, bewitched her brother!

But those who accompany one's brother can never rely on this appearance alone, without the ability to be proud of the world, without the wisdom of excellence, and still not worthy of the brother, but the brother is a master of swords to the extreme, no one can go back to simplicity and return to the basics. Reincarnation of the Holy Spirit!

"Senior brother said that you are a mortal being in his team, then let me learn your skills and see if you are qualified to stay by his side!" said Jianzong Master Sister Zi Miaozhu.

Nan Lingsha didn't understand what the crazy woman was talking about.

She had no intention to fight at all, just staring at the night scenery of Yaoshan Mountain Villa.

But suddenly, a chill broke out on her side, and there was obviously only one sword flying, but it was like a huge iceberg collapsing from the sky. The majestic and terrifying momentum made the surrounding disciples retreat one after another!

Nan Lingsha felt the strong hostility of the other party, so she backhanded and drew a Tai Chi mirror smoothly and quickly in the air!

After a single stroke, I saw the ink Tai Chi spread out and became as huge as the giant stone Bagua platform under my feet, as if someone had erected the stone platform.

The ink spread, but with invisible strength, it cut the iceberg sword in another area of ​​Tai Chi painting ink.

The disciples were horrified, looking at the Tai Chi platform drawn in front of Nan Lingsha, it was hard to imagine that the powerful offensive of Master Jianzong was so easily blocked.

The big sister Zi Miaozhu was also surprised.

Originally, she wanted to take a bit of momentum so as not to hurt the woman's life, but she didn't expect that her iceberg sword would not even be able to lift the other side's clothes and hair.

What a mighty power of God, was she waving a paintbrush just now?

"Sword Master?" Nan Lingsha looked at Zi Miaozhu, and there was a ripple in her eyes.

"Yes, I am one of the best disciples of this Yaoshan Sword Sect!" Zi Miaozhu said arrogantly.

"Let me see if you can fight my sword of painting ink." With these words, the pen in Nan Lingsha's hand swept through the air!

The ink was out of its sheath like a sword blade, and a long sword with ink shadow appeared on Nan Lingsha's side.

The pen in his hand swiped to the other side again, again with the same magnificent stroke, drawing a second ink shadow long sword in the air!

Suddenly, Nan Lingsha threw the pen in her hand into the night sky again. For a time, this pen was just like the previous two strokes, dancing and writing wantonly in the air.

I saw that on Nan Ling's yarn, one after another long swords of ink and shadow appeared in the sky, and they were all painted by thick black ink, but the painting sword was lifelike, glowing with a cold light! !

Nan Lingsha is in a long dress and graceful and graceful, but she stands quietly in front of the ink painting and gossip, and she is also surrounded by dense ink and shadow painting swords. The veil is light and the green silk is fluttering. The dusty temperament seems to blend with this real painting. One body, inseparably beautiful, and suffocatingly strong!

Zi Miaozhu was holding a sword and looking at the scene in front of him, his heart was extremely shocked.

They are all paintings, but even more terrifying than real swords!

After gritting her teeth, Zi Miaozhu will never be overwhelmed by the other's momentum. She admits that the other party is a very strong mortal, but she is not weak! !


Lin Dim the light, Zhu Minglang walked out along this dim path, the abandoned sword forest probably did not have abandoned swords, and I don't know how many years will pass before the abandoned sword forest will have its previous magnificent scenery.

The sword spirit dragon is in the spiritual realm, adapting to his new environment.

Its rosy sword flew over the **** tooth head that was sleeping.

Big Black Fang thought there was a mosquito, shook his head a few times, and opened his eyes impatiently...


Glancing up, Big Black Fang's big eyes that were supposed to close dimly opened suddenly, and his pupils were full of doubts.

Was a sword that flew past?


The sword spirit dragon flew farther into the spiritual realm, and suddenly saw a holy white figure, spreading its gorgeous wings like a phoenix, and a piece of edelweiss feathers as beautiful and noble as crystal.

"Shoo, hoo!"

The sword spirit dragon stopped in front of the white dragon, as if he had seen an old friend.

Bai Qi also opened his dim eyes, and was startled by the Yin Hong sword spirit in front of him, and then gradually recognized it from the sword patterns on its body!

"You~~~~~~" Bai Qi screamed, and rolled towards the sword spirit dragon like a cat.

"call out!"


Bai Qi naturally recognized this sword spirit dragon. When Zhu Minglang was practicing his sword in the abandoned sword forest, he found a sword that could move on its own. When he was bored, Bai Qi chased this sword. Flying around.

Bai Qi had been sleeping all the time before, and he did not expect that this former weapon monster had become a sword spirit, and even a sword spirit dragon, appeared in this spiritual realm!

As if a young friend met again, Bai Qi was very happy, so he chased the sword spirit dragon around in the spirit realm.

The sword spirit dragon is very fast, Xiao Bai is already an extremely fast dragon species, but can't keep up with the speed of the sword spirit dragon that can almost teleport.

Sword Spirit Dragon obviously also has its own consciousness. In order to take care of its little playmate, it deliberately slowed down...

"So you guys knew each other a long time ago?"

Zhu Minglang looked embarrassed.

At the beginning, Zhu Minglang had been immersed in sword practice, but Zhu Minglang himself did not notice that the sword spirit has slowly taken shape. How did Xiao Bai, who was still a white dragon at the time, know its existence...

Qingzhuo and Heifang both leaned over, looking at the sword spirit dragon very curiously.

The sword spirit dragon performed some magical sword shadows for them, one in two, two in four, four in eight...

Before long, the sword spirits were densely lined with the bright spiritual realm.

They waved and flew in a neat and uniform manner, dazzled by the sight of the three dragons, stretched out their plump claws and applauded, like children watching a play for the first time.


Zhu Minglang also found it funny, his spiritual realm seemed to be getting more and more lively.

The fourth spiritual covenant has also belonged to it. I don't know what kind of peculiar dragons will be encountered in the future. It is also a very fun thing to take them to roam around.

I wish Minglang's mood at this time is more than joyful. Walking along the long steps, I feel that I am carrying this slight little jump.

The sword spirit was conceived by thousands of abandoned swords. Among them, the Haoying Sword, Mo Xie, and Bahuang... are all famous swords in the world. They have existed for so many years. Although they have not been a sword spirit for a long time, Its cultivation base is very close to the Holy Spirit!

Therefore, the strength of the sword spirit dragon is afraid that it will not be inferior to some of the uncle-level characters in this sword sect, and it may even be stronger!

Zhu Minglang has noticed that the inscription pattern is the power source of the sword spirit dragon, and the inscription pattern is the essence of every abandoned sword.

Many of its sword soul inscriptions are dim, which shows that some famous swords with a long history have not awakened.

If all the famous swords in the Abandoned Sword Forest can be transformed into souls of inscriptions and shine on the body of the sword spirit dragon, the sword spirit dragon can definitely surpass many spirit-level creatures!

Fortunately, all the abandoned swords in the abandoned sword forest are integrated with the sword spirit dragon.

Just now, when the sword spirit dragon was performing to the three dragons, Zhu Minglang saw many sleeping famous swords appear ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ all packed and taken away.

In the future, there will be time to slowly wear away the rust on their bodies, so that their sword souls will be hotly awakened!

By that time, invincible!

Why would Zhu Minglang hum a little tune uncomfortably.

With Jian Linglong, even if he returns to Zhumen at this moment, he has confidence! !

Moreover, Zhumen is a famous caster, and the unopened inscriptions of the sword and spirit dragon should be able to find a more effective method at Zhumen!

Already strong, it can be stronger!

It feels like going back to the Imperial Palace is as happy and happily as when I left the mountain...

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