Dragon Tamer

Chapter 126: Betray

After arriving at the main peak villa, Zhu Minglang found that the disciples of Jianzong were watching the excitement.

Zhu Minglang, who always likes to join in the fun, walked up quickly, wondering if any swordsman would be jealous.

The Sword Sect of Remote Mountain encourages the practice of companionship among the disciples, so the fact that the Sword Sect fights out because of a charming and innocent senior sister is pretty good.

Stepping away from the crowd, he almost wanted to ask the disciple nearby to fry melon seeds, but when he saw the woman standing on the Bagua stone platform, her eyes stared.

This is how Zi Miaozhu took Nan Lingsha to visit Yaoshan Villa? ?

Haven't I already told her that Nan Lingsha has nothing to do with her, although she looks the same as her own wife, they are two different people!


Master Jianzong Zi Miaozhu panted heavily, her chest undulating, her eyes flashed a bit of unwillingness, even though the hand holding the sword had already begun to tremble, her fingers were numb and almost lost consciousness.

Everyone is the same age.

She Zi Miaozhu is even the chief female disciple of the Sword Sect Temple, how can she be even more than a woman of unknown origin!

Looking at Nan Lingsha again, she stood quietly on the other side of the gossip dividing line, never moving from start to finish, and a drop of sweat appeared on her cheek.

This means that she didn't even use all her strength.

Zi Miaozhu is a little hard to accept.

"Can you lift your veil? I want to see who I lost to." Zi Miaozhu said.

To fail is to fail, and there is no point in being unwilling. Master once taught myself to face up to the shortcomings and failures.

Nan Lingsha hesitated for a while, and finally slowly took Yan Sha from her cheek.

It was just a discussion, and Nan Lingsha also noticed that the opponent's initial sword was reserved.

Of course, she was also quite satisfied with Zi Miaozhu's strength. It was difficult to find a mortal with the strength of Zi Miaozhu in the Ancestral Dragon City State.

Zi Miaozhu looked at Nan Lingsha, his eyes briefly lost...

It is more beautiful than imagined.

Those Sword Sect disciples were also dumbfounded.

It's not that such an exquisite face can impress everyone with different aesthetics, but that her strength has subdued everyone, and she is so beautiful!

"The painter Nan Lingsha." Nan Lingsha slowly put down the pen in her hand, and gave a polite courtesy.

"Sword Master Zi Miaozhu, I will bow down to the wind." Zi Miaozhu scabbed the sword and returned the same salute.

Zi Miaozhu's response was deeper. When he raised his head again and raised his gaze, Zi Miaozhu went on to say: "From now on, the brothers and I will only have the affection of brothers and sisters, and there will be no other thoughts."

"???" Wu Mingming was dispersed, but Zhu Minglang's head was confused.

"This has nothing to do with me." Nan Lingsha said lightly.

After that, regardless of whether Zi Miaozhu understood it or not, Nan Lingsha walked to the very edge of the Bagua Stone Platform, staring at the extremely clear night of the distant mountains, as if to write down these mountain views in her heart.

"But didn't you say that you were happy at first sight?" Zi Miaozhu was even more confused, and hurriedly asked.

Nan Lingsha frowned and turned around, but she happened to see Zhu Minglang who was eating sunflower seeds in the crowd.

"That's Li Yunzi, you can ask him for details." Nan Lingsha pointed at Zhu Minglang with her fingers, and then ignored the matter and copied the scenery of the distant mountains in her heart.

Gigi Lai? ?

Who is Li Yunzi! !

Zi Miaozhu stared at Zhu Minglang with big eyes.

Huh, how about people? ?

The senior brother was clearly in the crowd just now, so the Gong Madam who spoke how to speak is gone!


At the side peak, Zhu Minglang led Fang Niannian into the deep forest and hunted a wild boar with demon repairs. Zhu Minglang simply set up a bonfire next to the mountain pavilion.

After feeding the two little greedy pigs, Zhu Minglang returned to his residence in the villa.

At this time, Nan Lingsha had already returned. She was in front of the wooden table, copying the night of the mountains again and again, and there were many discarded drawing papers neatly stacked aside by her.

Under the lamp, she has a focused expression, a refined temperament, and she is as demure as a daughter of a beautiful poet and talent.

Zhu Minglang didn't bother her, Fang Niannian wanted to get in sweetly, but after a while of hesitation and thought, he chose to give up.

Nan Lingsha at this time seems to be gentle and watery, but in fact, stay away from strangers!

"Chu Minglang, do you think Sister Lingsha has intermittent amnesia?" Fang Niannian said in a low voice.

"I don't know if she has it, but I know there must be a guy." Zhu Minglang said.

"Who is it?"

"You'll know when you reach the Zhumen."


The next day, the name of the painter Nan Lingsha was spread in the sword sect of Yaoshan. After all, what all Zonglin cares most about is reputation. This kind of discussion and challenge, as long as it is of weight, is easily remembered by people. live.

As the chief female disciple of the Sword Sect Temple, losing to a foreign **** mortal is indeed a major event.

Zhu Minglang was also very embarrassed. He returned to Zonglin on the Ji Ting Continent. He hadn't made his mark yet, but the name of Nan Lingsha would soon spread among the various Zonglin.

Disciple, the attention is always the highest.

The disciples are young and have unlimited potential. The four great ancestors even hold a big competition every two years. It is nothing more than the master-uncle-level figures who bring the outstanding disciples they cultivated to openly compete in the Imperial Capital.

Those who can stand out among them, their reputation will immediately spread to the countries and states of the polar continent.


Outside the door, Zi Miaozhu's call sounded.

Zhu Minglang knew that some things couldn't be avoided, and walked to the yard openly.

Zi Miaozhu stood under the phoenix pine, stood at the silver bell that rang crisply in the night breeze, it was slim and beautiful.

"Junior Sister." Zhu Minglang walked over, recalling what the Grandpa Jianzun had told him.

"Originally, I was looking forward to this year's Zonglin and Clan Competition. I wanted to be truly famous, but today I feel that I still have many shortcomings...I want to travel and see a wider world." Zi Miaozhu said.

"Then pay attention to safety." Zhu Minglang said.

"Don't worry, I will follow Master Xuehen." Zi Miaozhu said.

"That's good, you can also learn a lot from her." Zhu Minglang nodded.

"The Zonglin Clan Sect Grand Competition is the supreme honor for us disciples. We prepare for it almost every night. But after the brother came out, he never participated in any session. At that time, the brother had already left us. These disciples are in the category, right?" Zi Miaozhu asked.

"Well, if there is a master-uncle and master-honored competition, I might participate, but unfortunately, people who are older, because of face, would rather not compare than lose." Zhu Minglang nodded.

He hadn't even heard of it since he came out of the mountain.

Zhu Xuehen didn't allow Zhu Minglang to participate in this kind of children's fight, even though Zhu Minglang was still under adulthood at that time.

"Then how many years have the senior brother Cheng Mu Longshi?" Zi Miaozhu asked.

"If it is officially calculated, it will be less than a year." Zhu Minglang said.

"Then senior brother can participate this time, Jian Xiu, you are at the master level. But Mulong, you are just getting started, you are considered a disciple...The rewards of the annual competition are very rich, and the most needed resources are resources. "Zimiaozhu said.

"You can consider it." Zhu Minglang calculated the time, it seems that Dabi is in the end of summer, not long.

The Dragon Shepherd needs huge resources. The richer the resources, the stronger the strength. After all, if no dragon is regarded as a kind of power of the gods and mortals, then Zhu Minglang is now alone in the four gods and mortals.

This is why the Dragon Shepherd gets stronger as he goes back, the mortal beings only cultivate one kind, and many celestial spirits are not suitable for them, no matter how good things are, it is useless.

If there are so many dragons in the dragon shepherd, if they can be cultivated well, each of them will have its own role, and will not be afraid of facing the hordes of gods and mortals.

So the better the resources, the higher the upper limit!

The resources that can be captured must be scraped away unceremoniously.

If you don’t need it, you have to sell it for money!

In the past, Zhu Minglang broke into the world with a single sword, alone, nothing was in his eyes, and money was more like dirt.

Now that there are so many dragons around, just the dragon food every month will make Zhu Minglang poor...

There will only be more dragon pets in the future.

You have to build your own team of Dragon Shepherd.

Nan Lingsha also asks herself for the salaries and salaries of the gods and ordinary people. Her expensive dragon blood dragon paper consumption is counted on her own head, let alone how terrible it is!

Zi Miaozhu's words can be regarded as reminding himself.

What should be taken, must be taken, similar to this kind of Zonglin clan sect, it is the face of these big forces, and the reward is absolutely rich, far better than looking for the essence of heaven and earth aimlessly.

"Brother, brother?" Zi Miaozhu saw that Zhu Minglang was a little absent-minded, and called out twice.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Aunt Xuehen is an orderly person from Sichuan. I think if I follow her, I will also step into the land where my brother is lost. I must meet Li Yunzi if I have the opportunity." Zi Miaozhu said.

"in fact……"

"Brother, please don't say too many words to comfort me. How can the younger sister not understand your thoughts, but often reconciled. If Li Yunzi is better than Nan Lingsha, I think I will be very happy for Senior Brother." Zi Miaozhu smiled, and his words were somewhat calm.

"Junior sister~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you can think like this, brother is also very pleased. After all, in the eyes of brother, you have always been a sister. At Zhumen, I have many blood relatives, but I know that if I lose The dazzling power of the gods, they will treat me like sand. And you, no matter whether I am strong or small or ordinary, you will always treat me as before." Zhu Minglang also said sincerely.

After so many years, Zi Miaozhu still carries that worship.

And she also knew that she had become a Dragon Shepherd, and her strength was not as good as before.

But he still respects himself and treats him frankly.

Even if there is no love between men and women, the love of brothers and sisters makes Zhu Minglang feel extremely precious.

I don't know how many family affection in Zhumen can be compared with my sister.

Probably more people are gloating and even falling into trouble.

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