Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1479: The only red sun

For a time, a clear boundary layer was formed under the Wanli Fushan Mountain.

At the top are the gods who fought **** battles to the end.

They have been riding a tiger, and they firmly believe that only by strangling Zhu Minglang can they meet a more absolute rule, and Zhu Minglang will never die!

In the lower level, there are a large group of watchers, all of them have powerful immortals and gods, and they are also the righteous gods of this juntian class, but they are in a wait-and-see state.

They don't want to be implicated, and they don't want to be involved in the disputes between these gods, but the final result of these two extremely high gods will also affect their immortal paths. Sometimes it is difficult to stand in line. At the same time, we must also consider what consequences the team will usher in!

The sky is bright and dark, and the torrential rain of blood pours down, among which there are many golden dragon blood, silver dragon holy blood, blue dragon jade blood...

Once a giant spirit martial arts dragon is killed, it is like a blood-colored long stream flowing down from the sky. When a large group of giant spirit martial arts dragons are slaughtered, the river of blood pours into the sky! !

One by one, the huge dragon corpses fell down, as if the vast divine territory was shattered above, and the fragments that turned into countless meteor meteorites burst onto the boundless earth!

The people in Rencheng looked at the blood-red sky in disbelief. Most of the people didn't know what happened. At this moment, they also returned to the most primitive and ancient times, and their knowledge of Qiankun and the world was almost zero. They only think that by worshiping and worshipping gods, they can have a peaceful life, and the weather can be smooth. destruction!

The beautiful pavilions were dyed red by the blood rain, the palaces were smashed by dragon corpses, and many immortals and gods who participated in the war fell. They even have their own temples in the world, as if they were deliberately arranged by God. The corpse just fell on the temple built for them by the people. This scene is undoubtedly the most terrible disaster for the people living nearby!

Their omnipotent gods are like pawns on the battlefield in this battle in the sky!

All the rivers and streams in the city of gods, cities of people, mountain towns, and forest villages began to overflow, and too much blood was injected into these rivers, so that the streets where people lived began to be flooded with blood, and countless cities of people were soaked. Worrying about this flood of blood rivers, we must also be careful of the huge corpse of Tianlong falling from the sky...

The watching immortals stayed in mid-air, even if they did their best to protect the descendants from being affected, but if the fighting at the upper levels did not stop, someone would suffer, and it would get worse!

However, although they are righteous gods, they are powerless to interfere!

The corona level is also out of reach for most immortals, and they all need to be careful not to be affected by the powerful power of Tianyuan!

Soon there was a red vortex breath at the top of the sky. This is the space load backlash generated by the collision of too many celestial powers and coronal supernatural powers. To the palace towers of the major temples in Yunting.

After all, the gods suffered. Some gods who got too close were involved and were easily torn to pieces, and this terrifying breath of red vortex was still approaching the land of the human city. Even the gods ended up like this. , not to mention those vulnerable subjects!

All those who watch the gods can no longer watch, and they must do their best to stop them. The barriers and restrictions set up by the thousands of gods are like thin clouds that are easily blown away by the violent power. At this time, they gradually realized that What a foolish act to start this battle of the gods, which will make the prosperous world that Juntian worked so hard to create set back thousands of years in just a few days! !

Is this really for the brighter future of Juntian? ?

The river was flowing with thick blood. On Bijiang Ting, Vega star Li Xuansang faced off with his mother Li Tianhou. She heard Zhu Minglang's words and witnessed such a blood-red Tiandu.

"Is this what you want!" Vega asked.

"You haven't stepped into the Dragon Gate, and you don't know what he will bring to all the gods who practice hard!" Li Tianhou said.

"Dragon Gate is Dragon Gate, Juntian is Juntian, just to bury a feared enemy, you and your father did not hesitate to involve the entire Juntian God Realm in purgatory, regardless of the comfort of the millions of people in the thousands of miles away. Build a temple for you, sing praises to the deeds of your father and you, even if you are poor, you have to make the most expensive tribute, and you have no mercy for them at all..." Li Xuansang felt sad and painful for the truth.

My father is not dead.

Sword Spirit Dragon also did not commit any sins.

However, Li Tianhou forced Sword Spirit Dragon into the Huangquan Cold Prison. After suffering such torture, Sword Spirit Dragon broke through and soared, but in the end, he did not vent his resentment on anyone!

No matter what happens to it, it still has good intentions, otherwise how can Chisun accept its comfort?

It is so simple and pure. When it proposed to make it the sun of the sky and benefit the people, it did not have the slightest doubt. It did not even know that it was a conspiracy to draw out the owner of the red sundial. A conspiracy!

The reason why Vega suffers in her heart is because she was deceived by her father and mother for 50 years!

Chisun has never been ashamed of the world, but they have to bear the penalty of fifty years. Even if they have worked hard for fifty years, they are still unwilling to let Chisun go!

What is right and what is wrong, Vega knows at a glance.

It's just that she never thought that the owner of the red sundial was the direct disciple she accepted.

What kind of character he is, Vega is quite clear, and he even has purple auspiciousness lingering on his body, which means that what he has done has been praised by God, and he is a good cultivator!

A pure sword.

A good man.

But he was forced to swing his sword at the entire Juntian God Realm!

"You just need to stay here obediently and wait until it's over!"

"He approached you to retake the red sundial."

"Don't be fooled by his appearance. He killed too many people in Longmen, and stopped many people like your father..." Li Tianhou said to Li Xuansang.

Li Xuansang laughed bitterly.

She did not agree with Li Tianhou's statement at all.

What absurdity this is!

"Since I was born, I have never seen my father, and I have very few impressions of him. People cherish him, praise him, and praise him. I have always regarded him as the most outstanding emperor in Juntian. He is an example, even if I have never met a few times, I have always put him first in my heart, but the father I saw today makes me feel ashamed, and the mother I admire makes me feel strange."

"I'd rather continue to live in that lie, and I'd rather continue to entrust my hatred to the owner of the red sundial, but I am not unintentional, not without a pearl, you are too deep and too deep, take the illusory dragon gate as the real world, Meaningless disputes are regarded as the most noble holy war, wake up, Juntian is the heaven and earth you live in, and you are making Juntian into a doom!!" Vega said these words to Li Tianhou, what did she feel in her heart? Not suppressed to the extreme.

the truth.

This is the truth that Chisun killed his own father.

So raw, so ugly!

Those gods who have stepped into the Dragon Gate and claim to be the favored sons of the sky, they secretly formed an alliance. They hunted and killed the dragon belonging to a great enemy of the Dragon Gate everywhere, and laid a net of heaven and earth on the road for this person to become a true fruit!

And I have taken care of the red sundial for them all these years, and let the red sundial rotate for Juntian's aura, which has also become an accomplice and a chess piece!

"You are my daughter, which daughter would say such a thing to her own mother and speak for the feud!!" Li Tianhou said furiously.

Li Tianhou no longer argued with Li Xuansang, she gave a cold look to the three subordinates beside her, motioning them to imprison Li Xuansang, lest she do anything stupid!

"Fairy, I've offended you." The three of them walked over and bowed first.

Li Xuansang didn't intend to be captured. There was a lyre in her hand, and the strings fluctuated gently, and the resulting rhythms turned into a barrier and blocked them in front of the three.

"Do you think you can fight me with your ability? You are still far away. All your skills are taught to you by me. I helped you to gain your current reputation. Don't forget who you are. , Li Xuansang!" Seeing Vega still unwilling to give in, Li Tianhou's eyes showed fierceness and anger! !

Li Tianhou raised her hand, and finger bells appeared on her hands. These finger bells were strung together with silver threads. As she moved her fingers, the bells of these fingertips rang with a sharp and harsh rhythm. , These rhythms are extremely aggressive, and when they were passed to Li Xuansang, they easily broke the strings of the long qin in Li Xuansang's hand!

Li Tianhou showed no mercy, she shook her fingertips again, and the ringing bell turned into a thunder sound heavenly beast, and it stepped towards Li Xuansang!

Li Xuansang had to face both the siege of Li Tianhou's three subordinates and Li Tianhou, who had a higher cultivation level than himself. Obviously, it was difficult for Li Xuansang to parry this thundering beast.

At this moment, a fire unicorn that was burning with raging flames rushed over, and it rammed towards the Thunder Sound Heavenly Beast recklessly.

This was a suicide attack. The Thunderyin Heavenly Beast was knocked to pieces, and the Fire Qilin was almost smashed to pieces.

"If you add me, is it enough to fight with you?" A beautiful woman in a silk robe appeared and said to Li Tianhou.

"Goddess of the Ancestral Temple, hehe, you exchanged your life with my Thunder Sound Heavenly Beast with a fire unicorn, but I don't know that my Thunder Sound Heavenly Beast was transformed by the sound of a hand bell. I want to summon as many Thunder Sound Heavenly Beasts as I want. How much!" Li Tianhou looked at the goddess of the ancestral temple and couldn't help laughing, laughing at how stupid she was.

"The fire unicorn is also transformed by my pen and ink, Bufan open your eyes and take a good look!" The goddess of the ancestral temple said disdainfully.

Li Tianhou looked at it, and only then did he realize that there was no body after the fire unicorn died, but the ashes of some picture scrolls floated out along with it!

Dragon in the picture? ? ?

Li Tianhou stared at her in astonishment and asked fiercely, "Who are you!!"

"I wanted to ask Li Tianhou's melody master's skills in the early years, and today it is my wish!" Nan Lingsha said these words, and she has already put her palms together, instantly turning the sky and the earth into Bijiangting. For an infinite scroll!

In the scroll, the image is real and three-dimensional, and below is a shocking abyss of Wanlong Valley. With the sound of a dragon roaring and filial piety, the Wanlong in the Wanlong Valley took off and turned into a shocking dragon tide that rushed towards Li. Diva!

Li Tianhou and his three subordinates were shocked. They became masters of such a powerful painting, and they didn't even know when they were dragged into the painting!

Nan Lingsha faced Li Tianhou and the three generals alone, and she was not at a disadvantage.

And after Li Xuansang got rid of the rhythm control, she glanced at this familiar and unfamiliar friend, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Go, make a decision that you won't regret in your life, leave it to me here." Nan Lingsha said to Vega.

Vega stared at this scene in place and was fascinated.

Too many things poured into her mind today, causing the things she knew to be subverted again and again.

She also fell into a predicament, a cage deep in her heart, so she didn't know whether to break out of the cage or stay in this cage silently...

But when she looked farther and saw that Wanlitian was now drenched in blood and looked ugly, when she saw those people who had nowhere to escape kneeling on the ground and still hoping that the true God would bless and save them, Vega. I have my own decision in my mind.

She soared into the clouds and flew towards the sky, which was divided into several layers.

She passed through the cloudy sky where the immortals were watching. These gods may be just as anxious as the people on the ground, but there are also many who just do nothing. They wait for a result of the battle of the gods, and then defect. , and then attached, and then returned to their position.

Li Xuansang didn't stay here for too long, and she didn't want to be with them.

Continue to fly to the **** sky and fly to Wanli Floating Mountain.

She glanced at Shura's hellish battlefield in the sky. The former disciple stood on the densely packed Tianlong corpse mountain like a demon. Every dragon around him fought unswervingly for him, no matter how scarred or broken his soul was. !

The huge celestial dragon army does not appear to be diminishing, and this struggle will probably not stop in a short time.

Li Xuansang then turned his attention to his father.

This dispute ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ started because of these two men.

One is his disciple and the other is his father.

Vega never thought there would be such a day!

However, it wasn't these two that she really cared about.

What she cares about is the red sundial on Wanli Floating Mountain.

That sword.

He has really accompanied him for the longest years, no matter how depressed and painful he is, he is listening to the sword that he tells.

It seems that it is the only one who can understand himself.

People have desires, people have selfishness, and people have grievances.

Sword does not.

It is extremely loyal, how pure is it, and its sincerity can reflect the sky!

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