Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1480: Winged Angels

"Your choice is my choice." Vega slowly walked towards the red sundial.

The sky of Juntian shines brightly.

It does not have the wild ambitions of the Golden Crow, nor is it weak like Qinglin, it has the talent and ability that is not inferior to Bi Huang, and at the same time has the loyalty that Bi Huang cannot compare with!

This is the real sun in Vega's mind!

"You know my heart, that's enough."

Vega stretched out her wrist, and used the blade of the red sundial to cut heavily on her own wrist.

In an instant, blood gushed out from Vega's wrists!

The blood is bright red and bright red, which is better than the bright red blood rain that fills the sky!

That flare can be lifted with just a drop of Li Tianhou's blood, but behind this flare there are even heavier shackles and shackles. Li Yin and Li Tianhou will never let the Sword Spirit Dragon free easily!

The long flare mark like a poisonous snake is the shackle that Li Yin put on the sword spirit dragon.

These two locks make Sword Spirit Dragon never see the light of day!

Vega knew that to unlock it, she had to have both Li Yin and Li Tianhou's blood, both of which she couldn't get.

But there is one last way.

That is his own blood!

The blood of the two of them flows in his body!

She firmly believes that her own blood can do it too! !

The extremely bright blood flowed along the lines on the red sundial sword. Vega's wrists were extremely bright red, but she slowly opened it, hugging the sky and shining sun in her mind, blood-stained the front of the clothes, blood-stained the long sword.

At this moment, she is no longer confused, she is no longer in pain and depression, she has gained unprecedented peace.

Wanli Floating Mountain is littered with corpses, and the stench of the immortal court scans the sky. There is a woman on the mountain, holding a sword quietly, letting her blood flow. Her complexion is extremely pale, but her eyes are clear and clean. In a farther place, it is as blue and white as her eyes and heart!

Finally, her blood was about to dry.

When she was dying, she saw that the firm double bloodline flare finally loosened!

A smile appeared on Vega's face.

"you're free."

She used her last strength and said to the red sundial.

Her blood worked, and it was also the key to unlock the seal of the sword spirit and dragon's flare.

But it needs to drain the last drop of blood on her body.

On the sword pattern, how beautiful it is after being stained with blood, the light from the whole body of the sword spirit dragon shot straight into the sky, making Jinwu, Qinglin, and Bihuang eclipsed. Its red glow merged with the blood of Vega, becoming this The only radiance in the wild of Juntian! !

The monstrous meaning also broke out at this moment, it was anger, it was extremely self-blame!

It blamed itself for not completely killing Li Yin fifty years ago!

Everything today stems from its not being strong enough to kill Li Yin! !

Sword Spirit Dragon was once an abandoned sword, and it once had a master.

Fifty years, these fifty years of careful care...

Vega is also its most sincere host.

But she fell in front of her and traded her life for her own freedom.

Even at the last moment of her life, Vega has no resentment in her heart. She does not want to support or destroy anyone. She is making choices for Juntian and the people. The sky is red!

This is what Vega's heart wants...

At this moment, Sword Spirit Dragon is the only red sun in this Juntian!

Forty-nine Shenzhou in flames!

Tianhui annihilates ten thousand immortals!

The red sun jumped over the vast sky army, and it violently split a shocking sky mark above the ten thousand li sky!

The sky marks were blazing hot, rolling like the sun, immediately shocking the giant celestial army, separating thousands of heavenly dragons and gods!

Jinwu, Bihuang, and Qinglin appeared at the same time, just under this Wanli Floating Mountain, they were eyeing the tiger and coveting the same enemy. The shining sun of Juntian has been competing and fighting for a long time. question!

At this moment, the red sundial is not afraid of these three major suns, it slashed Bi Huang with one sword, and passed through the heavens and gods, and flew to the front of Li Tiandi Li Yin!

The tip of the sword hangs on Li Yin's face!

Li Yin naturally saw the red sundial get out of trouble, and at the same time he also saw a woman lying in a pool of bright red blood on the floating mountain in Wanli.

That was her daughter, Li Yin never imagined that her daughter would do such a thing!

The extreme resentment and the pain that devoured thousands of pieces poured into Li Yin's heart at the same time, his eyes were full of bloodshot, he stared at the sword spirit dragon close at hand, roaring: "Come and kill me, Come and kill me!! Kill all of us here!!"

On the thick mountain of corpses, Zhu Minglang also saw this scene that made him feel cold.


She sacrificed her life in order to release the sword spirit dragon...

He and Li Yin had already been red-eyed, and they didn't even notice what happened on Wanli Floating Mountain.

However, it was also her departure, because of the radiance of the red sky that she fused with the red sundial, it made everyone sober!

Heavenly Court Wonderland has been reduced to Shura Purgatory, and Wanlitian has turned into a **** abyss. This is the last thing Vega wants to see...

Everyone is addicted to the endless power they get after stepping into the realm of gods, and their eyes are reddened by the more powerful rule and strength, only she is sober in the world!

Jian Linglong and Zhu Minglang are connected in heart, and Zhu Minglang has never felt the pain in Jian Linglong's heart, but at this time, this pain and sadness are coming, making Jian Linglong with a simple and simple heart can't bear it at all. Just a sword spirit, only following the simplest duty to protect its master...

Because it has been abandoned, it cherishes the owner who is willing to accept it.

Zhu Minglang accepted it and gave it wisdom.

Vega accompanied it through the longest years.

But it eventually lost one of them.

It is also destined to lose one today.

This is the dispute between Juntian and Shenzai, and it is also the calamity of its fate!


The Sword Spirit Dragon finally swept past Li Yin's cheek!

Li Yin's eyes immediately spurted out blood.

He covered his eyes with his hands in pain, and then stumbled onto the corpses all over the floor!

Not killed fifty years ago, and killing him fifty years later has no meaning.

For Li Yin, he also lost the most important thing. The pain shown by Li Yin is not disguised. In his heart, he also cherishes his daughter and is proud of her achievements and status today. Li Yin has his own inner demon, and his inner demon is Zhu Minglang!

My own daughter, chose the enemy.

What a pervert!

Li Yin was also angry at the same time, but after the anger, pain prevailed!

Li Yin stood up staggeringly, and Bi Huang was at his side to support it on his back, but the sword spirit dragon was hanging beside him, so that Bi Huang didn't dare to move!

Li Yin got up by himself, and he was incompetent and furious towards the sky.

He screamed like crazy!

He accused Zhu Minglang, he spurned Sword Spirit Dragon, and he cursed the injustice of God!

If the sword spirit dragon is sealed, and Zhu Minglang cannot be killed quickly, then once the red sundial regains freedom is returned to Zhu Minglang's hands, this contest will end in failure!

Can Jin Wu, Bi Huang, and Qing Lin add up to Zhu Minglang, who is awake with a sword and a sword? ?

Juntian's army of ten thousand immortals has not broken through Zhu Minglang's dragon formation even though he has tried his best!

How unwilling is Li Yin!

For fifty years, just to be able to win this last time.

As a result, he not only lost, but also lost his daughter.

The most terrifying thing is that he thought that winning was what he cared about most in his heart, until he saw his daughter's icy corpse, he became more and more powerless in roars and anger, he couldn't believe it himself, Li Xuansang was even more for him. important!

The longer you ignore it, the more you care about it.

The more persistent you are, the more you will become a demon in the end!

Rebellious, defected to the enemy, Li Yin should have cursed this biological flesh and blood in his heart, but grief filled his heart.

Not only did he fail, but he suffered a lot!

Tears and blood poured out from the corners of his eyes, he was really unwilling, and he didn't understand that he was not even willing to make the final resistance in the face of the sword spirit dragon that had completely turned into a red sun, he would rather just do it. Die!

The continuous army is retreating.

They are not afraid of Zhu Minglang, but they are afraid of Zhu Minglang who has a red sundial.

They tried their best to prevent Zhu Minglang from obtaining Juntian Zhiqiang's red sundial, but in the end, they were unsuccessful.

Lost again, they lost again!

In the Dragon Gate, if they lose, they will only be destroyed, but here they will be destroyed forever!

They will let Zhu Minglang slaughter! !


Zhu Minglang passed through Xianting Wanjun, and no one dared to stop him.

Zhu Minglang walked towards Li Yin, and for a while, the three major suns, Jinwu, Bi Huang, and Qinglin stared at him.

Zhu Minglang glared at them, especially the arrogant and domineering Jinwu.

The Golden Crow naturally recognized Zhu Minglang, and only at this moment did it realize that this was indeed an Immortal Venerable that he did not dare to provoke.

"Tweet Tweet~~~~~~~~~"

Bi Yixian passed through the thick cloud and flew to Zhu Minglang's side.

They kept circling around Zhu Minglang, and then flew to the place where Vega fell.

Their voices are the only rhythm in the silent heaven, and the sadness that cannot be concealed slowly spreads.

They flew back to Zhu Minglang's side again, and then stuck their beaks on Zhu Minglang's shoulders, as if they were accusing Zhu Minglang of not protecting her.

"Big rebellion, big rebellion!"

I don't know which **** it was, but at this moment, he cursed angrily.

He was also not reconciled, he could almost kill Zhu Minglang, but he was defeated because of such a rebellious and unruly enemy as Vega!


Sure enough, there was no need for Zhu Minglang to make a move, a sword light flashed, and the **** who was still cursing Vega had already fallen to the ground!


Yes, she said it herself, this is outrageous.

But Zhu Minglang understands that she is not on her side at all.

Vega is just standing on the side of the terrified people.

She made this choice only because this is the only way to end this dispute!

She couldn't persuade Li Tianhou or stop her father, who had been invaded by the demon, so she could only make this choice.

When the strength of the two sides is no longer balanced, one side will eventually give up.

Bi Yixian is right to complain.

What is the meaning of competing for who can represent God?

Isn't it the greatest sorrow and incompetence to be unable to protect even such a noble soul?

Need to rely on a woman's life, in exchange for Juntian's peace.

How absurd it is for Man Ting to claim to be the **** of destiny.

Zhu Minglang felt the same sadness in his heart. He suddenly understood why God had arranged for him to worship Vega. She explained to the entire Juntian how to become a true god, including his own direct disciple.

"I don't remember anything about Longmen."

"The person who died in my hands today felt wronged and went to Lord Yama to continue to sue."

"The red sundial is my sword, and I will still take it with me."

"The grievances between you Juntian and me are written off!"

Even though it was a few simple words, it was like pardoning the entire Juntian Immortal Realm!

Those gods and gods who participated in the slaughter stood there dumbfounded, like statues of wooden stakes. At this time, they really realized that it was Vega who saved their lives. What she hoped in her heart moved this ultimate god. butcher.


pardon! !

Li Yin lost his eyes. Although he could not see Zhu Minglang's appearance, he could still imagine how unattainable Zhu Minglang was at the moment!

He just couldn't accept that Zhu Minglang, who once perished at the bottom of Longmen, would stand in a position beyond his reach, which is why he wanted to make Zhu Minglang fall completely at all costs.

However, he still stood there, which made Li Yin no different from being dead!

He has become an ant under his feet again!

God doesn't even think he deserves to die under his sword!

"Take good care of Juntian, if you feel ashamed of her, let Juntian become what she expects, not evil demons and evil gods." Zhu Minglang said to Li Yin.

Li Yin heard these words, how harsh.

Just as God is assigning him a laborious appointment.

But why is Zhu Minglang representing God!

Zhu Minglang did not kill Li Yin.

He was not ashamed of Vega in his heart.

She released the Sword Spirit Dragon for herself, but she failed to protect her, let alone make Juntian better.

In fact, when someone wields a knife at him, he still makes such a choice.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, and I didn't protect her well." Zhu Minglang looked at Bi Yixian who was still lingering around him, and there was a pain in his heart.

Such a vast Amano, such a splendid and splendid world of gods, left her with nowhere to live. Only by holding a sword can she feel the real tranquility.

Zhu Minglang slowly raised his hand and looked at the Sword Spirit Dragon returning to his palm.

For some reason, He used to think it was heavier than Sword Spirit Dragon.

Probably someone's heavy expectations also resided in the sword.

Do you really represent God, and do you have an important responsibility?

The thief can't come down and tell himself that you, Zhu Minglang, must shoulder the mission of safeguarding the Tao of Heaven, and there is absolutely no need to arrange such a separation of life and death!

Slowly walking to Wanli Floating Mountain, Jin Wu retreated in fear, and Qing Lin and Bi Huang did not dare to approach Zhu Minglang, who was holding a sword in his hand.

Zhu Minglang stood in front of the blushing pool of blood and looked at this familiar and moving figure.

At this moment, Bie Yixian flew to Vega again, and they danced and sang softly.

At the same time, a wisp of green soul rose up. It was the soul of Vega's "perfect virtue". Zhu Minglang thought it would dissipate in this world, but found that two Biyi Immortals were extraditing Vega's soul!

Winged Fairy Birds embraced each other. Different from the past, they were completely integrated this time. The two became one, one side was red and the other was blue.

Vega's soul floated into the body of the winged fairy bird, and the feathers of the winged fairy bird became dreamlike in an instant!

The winged fairy bird flapped its wings, and its whole body glowed with incomparably splendid brilliance. It was noble and beautiful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It kept hovering in front of Zhu Minglang, but Zhu Minglang noticed the eyes of the winged fairy bird, it was so Familiar.

"Is that you, master and sister?" Zhu Minglang couldn't help asking.

Zhu Minglang stretched out his palm and let the perfect Biyi Tianxian fall on his palm.

"Are you willing to follow me?" Zhu Minglang asked.

However, the winged fairy bird did not land in Zhu Minglang's palm. It kept flapping its wings and hovered, just like saying goodbye to Zhu Minglang. Soon, it waved its holy wings and flew to the horizon freely.

Between the blood-red and blood-red sky and the earth, the silhouette of the winged fairy bird has become the most splendid color. People can see it at a glance when they raise their heads. The auspicious omen that people always talk about is such a scene-in a turbid and chaotic place. There is a fairy wing that makes people feel peaceful and hopeful across the sky, and then the rain passes.

She has never left this world.

She turned into this Biyi Tianxian, watching over in a more comfortable way...

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