Dragon Tamer

Chapter 244: Women's Battlefield


I wish Minglang feel good.

This flower dragon girl, why is she so persistent to herself, everyone just met once!

After all, it is a question of identity.

Although the Miao State is far away from the emperor, some forces in the Miao State still care about Zhumen, so they will make endless bids to facilitate this marriage.

Zhu Minglang can't believe that his charm can be so full that it costs more than three million gold for Hualong Girl!

Princess Luoshui.

You pay some more money!

If you are too expensive, let me post a bit for you.

This son can also be rescued! !

Zhu Minglang has a terrible headache now, and she can't put her sword on Princess Luoshui's neck so that she can continue to bid with Hualong.

Right now, as long as Princess Luoshui was unwilling to pay a higher price, she would really become the son-in-law of Flower Dragon Girl.

The posture of Hualong Girl has caused many female princesses and female princes to retreat.

Originally, as soon as Princess Luoshui made an offer, basically there would not be too many people competing with her. After all, while the princess had strong funds, all the forces had to make way for this year's protagonist.

It's a pity that Hua Guoshi obviously didn't want Zhumen to be involved with the Miao King's Palace, so he simply instructed his sister to win love.

"Five million gold."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, the tone was beautiful and pleasant, but the tone was cold and determined!

"Five million gold!!"

The chief official of the palace couldn't help but exclaimed.

A group of high-ranking palace officials looked at the speaker.

And those female dignitaries turned to a woman with a stunning appearance, including Princess Luoshui who was surprised to look at the woman who had such a huge price!

The Flower Dragon Girl was stunned.

3.2 million gold is already a sky-high price, and it takes a long time for them to fill it up. If it weren't for the great help to their current situation, spending three million to buy a son-in-law would be a loss.

But who would have thought that there are people who offer more exaggerated prices.

And it's still 1.8 million yuan higher than himself. Although the sisters of the National Teacher confessed that they can do everything, can they really spend so much money at once?

The woman did not wear a veil, and her delicate face that fascinated a woman was cold and arrogant. Her eyes were firm and quiet, and her temperament dwarfed some vain princesses and city owners.

Princess Luoshui looked at her.

Naturally, she recognized this woman. Although she did not wear a veil, Princess Luoshui knew that she was the outstanding female painter-Nan Lingsha in the Mianshan Sword Sect.

The Twelve Heavenly Meteorite Sword of the Yaoshan Sword Sect is displayed in the painting environment, and I am afraid that the two sword forests of the Mianshan Sword Sect and the Yaoshan Sword Sect will be shocked.

She bid for the brightest wishes.

And it's five million gold that she can't compete for!

This made Princess Luoshui suddenly remembered the talk with Zhu Minglang in the mansion that day.

"She is just a mortal in my dragon shepherd team, and we are innocent."

Both bid for 5 million gold!

Innocent? ? ?


Zhu Minglang was also a little dumbfounded.

Is it possible to be really confused!

But she doesn't look like Nan Yusuo...

Zhu Minglang looked around and saw that Nan Yusuo was still wearing a veil, standing behind the talking woman, holding the fairy rabbit dragon in her arms.

The sister Li Xinghua who bid? ?

What is the star painting girl doing? ?

Although five million gold was given to himself, half of it had to be handed over to the palace, which was a direct loss of 2.5 million.

If you really have an idea about yourself, you don't need to spend money on this occasion. Just find a long night and talk to yourself in a low voice. No money!


She did not look like Li Xing's painting.

Those eyes were clear and calm. Standing among countless women with outstanding grace and grace, they had an unspeakable aura, like a bright moon in the sea of ​​stars.

Zhu Minglang looked at her.

Her eyes stared at Zhu Minglang.

After a long while, Zhu Minglang was confused.

For some reason, he felt that the person staring at him was not a painting by Li Xing.

Sure enough, Xiantulong jumped over from the crowd, and then jumped onto Zhu Minglang's shoulders.

Fairy Tulong leaned in Zhu Minglang's ear, and kept saying in the little girl's clear and anxious voice: "The big thing is bad, Li Yunzi is awake. The big thing is bad, Li Yunzi is awake!"

It's Li Yunzi! !

Zhu Minglang's heart is surging...

Did the ancient lamp jade of the gods play a role? ?

Let Li Yunzi wake up!


Lai Yunzi is still domineering, with a shot of 5 million gold, and there is no sand in her eyes, as if she is declaring the only belonging of this man!

Perhaps, Li Yunzi still has a lot of confusion in her heart, and she doesn't understand why Zhu Minglang would stand on the stage of competing for son-in-law.

But this does not prevent her from making an offer for Zhu Minglang.

"Lai Yunzi, we are playing with the lantern jade on the princess's cheeks, please calm down first!" On the side, Nan Yusuo was too anxious to explain to Li Yunzi.

Li Yunzi didn't say a word, just waiting quietly.

Nan Yusuo also has a headache, why don't you wake up early and late, this will wake up!

And Nan Yusuo had no choice but to take Li Yunzi, Li Yunzi always said one thing.

"Five and five million gold!"

Suddenly, someone bid again.

I thought that 5 million gold was the cap, and Zhu Minglang would also become the most expensive son-in-law. I didn't know that there were still people bidding in this case. The price was already ridiculously high!

People suddenly looked at the bidder, and what was even more unbelievable was that the bidder was the Princess Luoshui who had chosen to give up before!

It's Princess Luoshui!

Princess Luoshui’s voice is clear and soft. She seems to be unwilling to lose to anyone on this occasion. After saying the price, her eyes did not even fall on Zhu Minglang, but stared at this person. A woman who feels a little uneasy and a little unwilling.

"Seven million..." Li Yunzi said almost without hesitation.

Just when she uttered the first word, her whole strength seemed to be sucked away by something, and her words were weak.

No one heard the bid of seven million gold, only Nan Yusuo next to him.

Nan Yusuo hurriedly supported her and explained: "Don't worry, I just want the lamp jade jewelry on her forehead to continue your life."

Li Yunzi slowly closed her eyes, as if she fell asleep.

Nan Yu Suo let out a long sigh of relief.

She couldn't think that Li Yunzi would suddenly wake up.

However, Li Yunzi's wake up is not a bad thing!

Her strength actually aroused the princess's eagerness.

In the eyes of outsiders, this stunning and beautiful woman is obviously lost because of her inability to offer a higher price.

No one can get a higher price anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And Princess Luoshui, as if she won the final victory, the corners of her mouth floated slightly.

No matter how amazing this woman was, and how she made the whole country's feminine powers full of praise, she eventually lost.

Such a woman can't make Zhu Minglang tempted.

You can.

Are you really here for your son-in-law?

That's not necessarily, this flower is worthy of choosing a son-in-law, and it has always been a battlefield for women.

Since he is the protagonist of this year, no one is allowed to overpower his own elegance!

Besides, the palace belongs to her.

All she has to pay is less than three million gold.

As the princess of the country, she doesn't need to talk about fairness with those women.

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