Dragon Tamer

Chapter 245: Princess


Five and a half million gold, in some countries, the annual tax revenue may not reach this figure, and in the country, it is just a game to please the powerful.

The subsequent bids did not reach this number.

Zhu Minglang became the son-in-law of this year.

Although Zhu Minglang also knows that this is inseparable from his identity, it also has a lot to do with his own grandeur, handsomeness, outstanding poetry, excellent swordsmanship, and good animal husbandry!

The election of son-in-law also gradually ended with the high bids of the last few good sons-in-laws. The most jaw-dropping thing is that the price of Zhu Minglang is naturally higher than other competitors.


At night, Zhu Minglang was already in the palace.

This is so fast that Zhu Minglang is still a little uncomfortable. He didn't expect that Miao Guo's election son-in-law is so anxious, shouldn't he run in for a few more days and start night projects?

Or is it that the bought son-in-law is already Kanaya Kuroshio, and he won't let him show up again?

That's okay, I took the jade ornament and fled straight away. The princess's soaring price gift, Zhu Minglang, can return it intact.

The night banquet was grand, Zhu Minglang drank several times the wine, and was waiting quietly in the princess hall in the palace. The country has always been a woman with the right to speak. Even in the palace, some men with special status are rarely allowed Walk around.

Do not worry, Zhu Minglang, the bridal chamber late at night will naturally get what you want.

Gold and silver jewelry were carried box by box to the courtyard, and Zhu Minglang was groomed and dressed up by a group of weird palace ladies...

He didn't expect that he had never experienced the pride of life of the bridegroom official in the night of the bridal chamber, but instead experienced the exquisite and luxurious treatment of the bride's red makeup and grooming in advance.

After finally waiting for the moon, Zhu Minglang found the inexplicable silence of the palace, and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Could it be that the Luoshui princess would get drunk and then push the door open, and then start doing non-partial things?

The escape route has been planned. After getting the silver jade ornament, Zhu Minglang will faint the princess, and then leave the country immediately, but the Luoshui princess has not seen anyone!


"Your Royal Highness, Master Zhu has been waiting in the palace for a long time."

"Congratulations princess."

The voices of several waitresses came, and Zhu Minglang's eyes lit up, put down the grapes in his hand, and sat down.

Xiao Niangpi, finally here!


The door was gently opened by the two maids, and Princess Luoshui had obviously gone through some meticulous dressing. The silk dress was tightly attached to Miaoman's body, reminiscent of the silky and soft skin.

Her platinum and silk-like hair, under the moonlight and colored lights, is even more noble and charming. As for the silver jade ornaments, it adds a bit of mystery, sacred and charming to her appearance.

"No one has ever seen the real look of a princess, is this true?" Zhu Minglang poured the wine that was doubled and handed it to the princess of the country.

"Do you want to see?" Princess Luoshui smiled, and her words were a little teasing, "Have a drink with this princess."

Handing a glass of wine means that the two faces will be very close.

Princess Luoshui stretched out her hand, slowly passed through Zhu Minglang's arm, and then hooked Zhu Minglang in front of her bit by bit.

It doesn't matter if Zhu Minglang is on the scene, just play on the spot, and don't make a drink, let the Luoshui princess slowly move her cheek in front of her.

Feeling the warm breath, with a hint of drunken fragrance, although Zhu Minglang tried to keep that calm, but vaguely felt that something was not right.

"Don't you pick it off for me?" Princess Luoshui exhaled.

Zhu Minglang, the old monk enters Ding, after drinking the wine, stretched out his hand...

It's not to lighten up Luo Chang, don't need to be nervous.

Take down her silver jade ornaments, give the princess a gentleman smile of "I'm sorry, I don't love you", then knock her unconscious, avoid the two secret guards, and fly away with the sisters!

The silver jade ornaments were taken off lightly, purely out of curiosity, Zhu Minglang still glanced at the mysterious princess who made the whole country men tickling...

Under the Yan ornaments, she is a beauty. Similarly, when the Yan ornaments are taken off, her appearance is even more amazing than imagined.

Zhu Minglang looked at her, and at the same time, his whole body trembled like an electric shock!

"This...this...this..." Zhu Minglang was speechless for a long time, staring at the Luoshui princess, his mind went blank!



Outside the palace, Wu Feng covered his face and was waiting quietly outside the palace wall to wish her a bright future.

Wu Feng knew about Zhu Minglang's plan. As a senior, Zhu Minglang wanted to escape from marriage, and he should also help, but Zhu Minglang had not come out, which gave Wu Feng a vague premonition.

"Two girls, don't worry, maybe it's something that the younger brother has encountered." Wu Feng said.

"Yes, the princess is too fragrant|yan, and she will also get off the jade bed in a while, it is really difficult for him." Nan Yusuo said with a smile.

"Yu Suo!" Li Xinghua frowned.

"Sister, it's almost light up this day, so why don't we go back and rest first. My sister will cook some velvet antler soup tomorrow morning and send it to the palace, so that I don't wish the son will be tired all night and hurt his body." Nan Yusuo said.

Li Xing's painting is also very confused, and he doesn't understand why Zhu Minglang has not appeared.

After all, still can't resist that temptation|confusion?

"Wait a minute, the younger brother is a person, I know that I will never abandon the two girls." Wu Feng said seriously.

"We are innocent with him. Whatever he wants to do with the princess, what does it have to do with us. We can also find the ancient lantern jade," Nan Yusuo snorted coldly.

Li Xinghua didn't speak.

How Zhu Minglang will make a decision is not theirs.

It's just that after listening to Yu Suo, Li Yunzi woke up briefly today, unwilling to give in, and her mood became a little complicated.


Princess Palace

The moon is sparse, and there are sachets hanging from the top of the maple tree, swaying gently with the breeze, filling the entire courtyard with a pleasant fragrance.

Zhu Minglang's forehead ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are fine and dense beads of sweat. He clasped the silver jade ornaments tightly, but stared at the Luoshui princess...

Princess Luoshui is not in the most beautiful years, many people know this, but this does not prevent her from being famous in the whole country.

And her appearance is even more sacred and secret, even the palace people may not know it.

In fact, for a few moments, Zhu Minglang vaguely felt where the voice of Princess Luoshui had been heard, but he could never connect the two people together.

It's worth uncovering the silver jade ornament on her forehead. Seeing her true face, Zhu Minglang can't wait to give herself a big slap in the face.

"Wen Ling Fei!" Zhu Minglang spit out the name with great difficulty.

"It turns out that Head Meng hasn't told you." The princess Luoshui who showed her true face smiled, her eyes like autumn moon.

This Luoshui princess is no one else but the youngest head of the Mianshan Jianzong, Concubine Wen Ling!

This woman, what do you use to beat me out! !

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