Dragon Tamer

Chapter 246: Am I not as good as her?

"Head Wen, I didn't expect you to be such a vicious-hearted person. As your Mianshan Sword Sect, why bother to covet the position of a princess in a mortal country? Where is the real Luoshui princess?" Zhu Minglang said.

"You wish Minglang can abandon a kendo and transfer to the skill of animal husbandry. Why can't I abandon the position of princess and seek kendo with all my heart?" said Wen Lingfei.

Zhu Minglang frowned.

How could there be such a weird person in this world!

Concubine Wen Ling was originally the princess of the country, and the future ruler of this country.

And she is also the head of the Mianshan Sword Sect, the youngest but strongest woman in the kendo, which is equivalent to the entire Mian Country and the forces of the Mian Country, all in her hands!

Did Meng Bingci know the true identity of Concubine Wen Ling, so he allowed himself to fight for her son-in-law?

In other words, from the very beginning, Meng Bingci designated a daughter-in-law for herself!

The ancient lamp jade of the gods was supposed to be the treasure of the Mianshan Sword Sect, but it appeared on the silver jewelry of a princess. Why didn't I think that this princess and the Mianshan Sword Sect were originally in the same line!

"Head Wen, we don't actually have any substantive feelings, right?"

"The bad habits of finger-to-five marriages and arranged marriages must be rejected and resisted by young wise men like us who are open-minded, right?"

"Where's your gift money, I'll refund it to you, let's just forget it?"

Zhu Minglang asked in a consultative tone.

The plan can't keep up with the changes! !

With Zhu Minglang's strength, let alone knocking out the princess, it is not difficult to kill from this palace princess mansion.

By the way, this princess is the head of the Mianshan Sword Sect, one of the few characters in the country that she can't deal with.

Zhu Tianguan and Meng Bingci, among other things, the son of Keng is really a good match!

No wonder Meng Bingci didn't mind running away from marriage.

Can you escape?

"How can the matchmaker's words be trifling?" Wen Lingfei's tone became cold, and she snorted, "Or, you actually miss that Nan Lingsha girl in your heart?"

"Head Wen, we are not suitable, not to mention that you have never regarded me as an equal opponent. It is very painful to spend my life with a mediocre man like me." Zhu Minglang smiled bitterly.

"As a woman, I should have been better than you." Wen Lingfei said.

Zhu Minglang is one of the first four big people, here is a country, strong women and weak men, so in the eyes of Concubine Wen Ling, it is normal to have a husband who is not as strong as his own!

"In fact, you can consider a few others. I think those are also very good candidates. Regardless of their strength, status, status, or appearance, they will not be inferior." Zhu Minglang continued.

"After considering it, I still feel that you are more suitable. On the one hand, the head of Meng is interested, on the other hand, the teacher of Hua Guo has always coveted the royal power. If you make Zhumen their backers, it will indeed bring some turbulence to the royal power. "Wen Lingfei said.

"Then why not bid at the beginning?" Zhu Minglang wondered.

"I wanted to see what other forces wanted to cling to your Zhumen, but I didn't expect to catch a love rival." Wen Lingfei had a glass of wine, her face was ruddy and her eyes were charming.

"Okay, when things have reached this point, let me confess with the head of Wen. From the beginning, I did not intend to be the son-in-law of this country. It is only because of this silver jade ornament. I need the ancient lamp jade of the gods to save people. It is my beloved one. I originally planned to get the ancient lamp jade of the gods and fled immediately, but I did not expect that Princess Luoshui would be the head of Wen..." Zhu Minglang glanced at the sky and felt a little anxious in his heart.

Li Yunzi woke up once.

If she wakes up again at night and sees that she has not left the princess's mansion, she will definitely be sad.

The thought that she would spend a lot of money for herself during the day without understanding everything, Zhu Minglang felt a little bit gratified and distressed, just like this, Zhu Minglang would never cross the boundary.

"Oh?" Wen Lingfei glanced at the Yan ornaments Zhu Minglang was holding, then glanced outside the tall palace wall, and asked, "Am I inferior to her?"

"I wish Minglang, the position of the Princess of the Kingdom is different from the princesses of other countries-the princess is the successor to the future kingship."

"The rich and prosperous country is far from comparable to those of small countries. Our kingship is equally prominent in the imperial capital."

"Besides, I am the head of the Mianshan Sword Sect, in the realm of kendo, no one can reach the world except Zhu Xuehen!"

"And my appearance, you have also seen me, and the woman you love is only a few years younger than me, and in appearance I think I am not inferior to her."

Concubine Wen Ling got up and stood with her hands in her hands. She has a graceful posture and aloof demeanor. Although she said these words to decorate herself, everything she said is true!

"So head Wen can have a better choice, so I will leave first." Zhu Minglang said.

"I wish Minglang, you stop!" Wen Lingfei's tone increased.

"Head Wen, you and I know that we don’t have the slightest affection at all. Why are we tied together because of the selection of the son-in-law in this game. I believe that Head Wen is not a stickler, this silver jade ornament, Counting what I owe to the head, what is needed in the future, I wish Minglang absolutely help." Zhu Minglang has no intention of staying anymore.

"How many true loves are there in the world. I never expect to have any feelings for a man. I just want not to be disgusted, but that this person is not boring. It's just that you were once a swordsman, and you have reached the top and overlooked the world. There are only a few people left in your mind that can catch your eyes?" Wen Lingfei asked.

"Head Wen, go out more, there will eventually be good people." Zhu Minglang said.

"What if I insist on choosing you?" Wen Lingfei asked back.

"Then I can only say sorry, my heart belongs to."

"You are already my husband, and your name is fair."

"Head Wen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you think Zhu Minglang looks like a stickler?" Zhu Minglang smiled instead.

"I wish Minglang, do you think my concubine Wen Ling looks like someone who can give in?" Concubine Wen Ling also smiled.

Indeed, Wen Lingfei did not have much affection for Zhu Minglang.

In fact, she has no affection for all men in this world.

But if you really want to choose a man from this world to be your husband, only Zhu Minglang is still a bit interesting.

He clearly hoped that Jianxiu could surpass himself, but gave up and became a dragon shepherd.

He started from scratch, and he is still outstanding.

Consort Wen Ling could naturally see that even if his current strength is not as good as his own, he will slowly approach him in the future.

Rather than find a man who will be left behind by himself as the years go by, it is better to wish Minglang, he is one of the few people who can keep up with his pace.

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