Dragon Tamer

Chapter 247: I have a fortune

"If you step out of this palace today, the painter would never want to leave the country alive!" Wen Lingfei no longer used any negotiating tone.

"Head Wen, are you serious?"

"If I abandon the fine clothes, jade food, royal power, wealth and nobility, and practice hard for 20 years in the Mianshan Sword Sect, and eventually I have to give up to others, then what is the meaning of what I have done?" Wen Lingfei said coldly , The momentum of a generation leader has been fully demonstrated at this moment.

She stood there, like a galaxy waterfall flowing straight down, and it felt a majestic suffocation just a little closer.

"Master Wen has something to say, I agree, but there is a sentence you said wrong." Zhu Minglang stood in front of the gate leading to the courtyard, behind him is the towering palace wall, and there is a golden autumn moon, bright The Ye Hui fell, drawing Zhu Minglang's figure upright and firm.

"Different concepts, why is it right or wrong!"

"Looking at this world, no one can compare Zhu Xuehen in the realm of kendo..." Zhu Minglang slowly raised his hand.

The night sky was clear, the moon was brilliant, but a hot sword was burning, and the scorching crimson seemed to light up the night of the entire palace, and the indigo and silvery stars and moons were also dyed bright red! !

In the palm of his hand, the flames burst out, and the tails of the fire pattern are like dragons and dragons, entwined around Zhu Minglang’s long arms, and quickly penetrated into his blood vessels, meridians, and bones, making Zhu Minglang’s whole body like a piece of hard work. Iron, fiery red, and every inch of muscle and bone exploded with blazing power, like a **** and demon awakening in a mortal womb!

"Fire Scar Sword-Sword Awakens!"

The heart flame that can't be extinguished for thousands of years, as long as it is lifted up and swung to the fateful enemy, this non-extinguishing core will burn again on the rusty sword, once again glorious!

The momentum is like a waterfall that flows straight down, cold and magnificent, but the temperature makes the concubine's current momentum unable to suppress the flames of Zhu Minglang's body, her face is flushed with reflection, and her eyes are full of incredible color!

In Zhu Minglang's body, there is clearly no sword cultivation level.

Why at this moment...

Powerful, wild, and like a mountain of flames, the entire palace seemed to have fallen into a cave of flames swept by the heat.

"Isn't the head Wen obsessed with the sword technique of Yaoshan Jianzong?" Zhu Minglang held a fire-scarred sword, raging in flames, dancing lightly, the flames were like red lotus and blood in the sky!

"Hmph, even if you can use twelve swords, how can you win me!" Concubine Wen Ling has already held the sword in her hand. The sword is all over the body like jade, clean and gorgeous. The moon in the night is moon white, and it is in the flames. It's Maple Red!

"In the first twelve swords, you can't even touch a single head of Wen's hair, but the last five swords have cut off the veins and caused a piece of territory to fall. I don't know what sword Wen can withstand!" Zhu Ming Lang's momentum burst out suddenly.

At this moment, Zhu Minglang is a volcano. The lava inside burst the entire volcanic dome, and the hot solution and shards swept together. If such terrifying power is vented arbitrarily, the palace of the princess will instantly turn to ashes.

It’s just that Zhu Minglang has already reached the state where he can control these auras at will. He rushed this force towards Concubine Wen Ling. The whole room did not even shake the glass, but Concubine Wen Ling was in a terrifying situation. In the disaster, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

"Skyfall Sword Technique..."

Without the previous twelve swords, Zhu Minglang started directly with the fourteenth sword. The huge palace and luxurious princess palace were silent. Even the wind had not changed in any way. But when Zhu Minglang fell, Wen Ling Concubine's face changed.

She lifted her sword and flew, and tapped once again on the eaves of the bedroom. The whole person soared above the night like a nightingale, and quickly got rid of Zhu Minglang's momentum and locked herself...

Concubine Wen Ling flew higher and higher, and the vast palace was already on the ground like a blueprint, and the whole country was in a panoramic view.

Looking down, Wen Lingfei looked through the hollow eaves, saw Zhu Minglang, and even saw his hot eyes that were still locked to him. Those eyes were inexplicably eye-catching, as if they were flying into the sky. In the galaxy, it is still staring! !

"Suzaku Sword!"

The sword style that was spit out was no different from being in the ear.

Zhu Minglang waved his sword towards the night sky, towards the concubine Wen Ling who wanted to get rid of her aura and lock her body. In an instant, the sword body was blooming like a fire lotus, and the night sky seemed to be burned. Coming from among the thousands of stars, born from the crimson autumn moon, spreading the wings of flames, it seems to be able to cover the entire capital of the country, and that magnificent body makes the entire night sky seem crowded!

The sword fired and transformed into a form like a celestial beast. All of the streets, houses, and courtyards of the capital were shining brightly red, and the palace walls were more like the rising sun...

People raised their heads, and under the extremely intense burning night, they could see a woman with a graceful figure, who was waving a horrified sword energy into the night sky countless times. Every path of that sword energy was like a river surging. Any sword that swept across the street inadvertently would make Long Street flattened! !

But with this kind of sword power, it couldn't tear the sword fire Suzaku.

Suzaku fell to the palace, and the gorgeous palaces and buildings of the palace would become a lifeless scorched earth at any time! !

"Head Wen, don't easily threaten my Zhu Minglang love in the future, otherwise your palace, your sword sect, including you, will be crushed to dust by me!!"

Concubine Wen Ling was horrified, this sword-fire Suzaku was too domineering, and she might be able to survive the fall of this sword, but the palace under her feet would be instantly annihilated, and tens of thousands of palace nobles, palace maids, and guards might die!

However, just when the flaming Suzaku swordfire touched the eaves of the tallest pavilion, the raging flames in the sky turned into non-destructive fireworks in an instant, and nothing was destroyed except for the beauty and beauty.

One grass and one tree, one brick and one tile, and those dumb chickens who seemed to have dreamed of purgatory palace maids and guards. They didn’t even burn a single strand of hair. It’s just the fear of seeing the ghost gate at this sight. It spread all over the body, and the whole body was paralyzed and fell to the ground one after another...

Concubine Wen Ling fell in the gorgeous night sky of death and landed on the towering eaves of the Princess Palace.

She had cold eyes, watching Zhu Minglang who had jumped onto the high wall of the palace.

Zhu Minglang glanced back at her. From this woman's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang interpreted something more complicated, but it is impossible to have any results today.

"You can hide, but you can't hide from you and my final destiny." Concubine Wen Ling calmed down.

If the path of cultivation is a journey to the sky, billions of mortals will slowly be silent among the lofty mountains, and in the end, only those few people will meet at the top of the Tianmen.

Before that, Concubine Wen Ling felt that Zhu Minglang would be behind her, struggling to follow, but at least she could see him.

But now, she believes that the summit of the few people has a place to make it clear. No matter where they start to climb, which piece of land they start from now, they will still watch each other because of loneliness on the highest mountain.

This is the ultimate destiny. Why struggle? How about the beautiful scenery along the way?

"I've passed my fate. In order to comply with this fate, I need to work harder." Zhu Minglang said to Wen Lingfei.

After speaking, he put away his sword, jumped down from the tall palace wall of the palace, plunged into the vast and prosperous market, and no longer had any nostalgia for the palace and the head of the beauty.

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