Dragon Tamer

Chapter 248: 2-year contract


The flames of the burning sky seemed to make the dawn and the sunrise a little earlier.

Zhu Minglang fell outside the palace wall, saw Wu Feng's figure, and saw sisters who looked exactly the same. They were full of doubt in the cool breeze...

Hall Master Wu Feng was shocked and admired.

Others may not know what the Falling Suzaku Sword Fire was just now, but Wu Feng knew it.

That was the Heavenly Fallen Sword Technique, and it was the fifteenth sword among the last five swords. Zhu Minglang was able to use it! !

"Little Junior Brother, are you done?" Wu Feng asked with a serious expression on his face before putting away that emotion.

Zhu Minglang looked at him slantingly.

Can't you be a dumb if you can't speak!

Finished? ?

Isn't this confusing? The hall master of the dignified Yaoshan Sword Sect, while immersed in kendo, he can't have a few more books on weekdays, and he has more reliable vocabulary in his heart. Don't just talk about it!

"Let's leave quickly. Princess Luoshui is Concubine Wen Ling, the head of the Mianshan Sword Sect. The daughter-in-law appointed by my mother, it really took some time to knock her out." Zhu Minglang explained.

"Where is jade?" Nan Yusuo asked.

"Here, let's go first. I'm afraid she will send someone to chase her. This woman, Wen Lingfei, has a bad head." Zhu Minglang said.

Several people left the capital immediately, and if their whereabouts were hidden, even if Concubine Wen Ling was unwilling, it would not be easy to find them.


Outside the capital is a gorgeous maple leaf forest. The morning glow and the unfading radiance of the sky fire are scattered in the forest, making this sea of ​​leaves composed of fragrant maple trees even more beautiful.

"Haoye is waiting for you in the next city. He is familiar with this area and will take you away from the palace and the people of Mianshan. Junior brother, don't have any psychological burdens. If there are any consequences, we will be your backing. , You can elope with the two girls." Wu Feng patted Zhu Minglang on the shoulder, and said with some envy.

"Brother Wu Feng, you are misunderstood. These two girls and I are friends of gentlemen." Zhu Minglang explained that he was afraid of embarrassment for the two sisters.

Wu Feng kept that gentle smile, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Rejecting the princess who is at your fingertips, and more importantly, the other party is still the youngest and most beautiful head of the Mianshan Sword Sect. Besides, it has nothing to do with these two alluring girls, it is really hypocritical!

"No matter what, Junior Brother is always the myth of our Sword Sect in the Yaoshan Mountain. It's in the sword, and so is the love." Wu Feng laughed.

Even the female head of the Mianshan Jianzong refused!

Hahaha, from now on they will be able to raise their heads to be humans! !

Which force in the Great Court Continent would dare to say that they are not as good as the female swordsmen of the Mianshan Sword Sect. Zhu Minglang’s fifteenth sword broke the shackles of the head of the people and crushed the head of the female head. A piece of infatuation.

Promote me the prestige of the men of the Sword Sect in the Yaoshan Mountain, and after I go back, we must publicize it and make all the disciples of the Sword Sect in the Yaoshan Mountain stand up!


It seems that their Yaoshan Sword Sect is not inferior to others.

"Then brother, I will leave and send my greetings to the old lady Jianzun." Zhu Minglang said.

"Go, have a son early."


Walking along the long forest of maple leaves, Zhu Minglang did not relax his vigilance.

Most of the women of the Mianshan Sword Sect have perfectionism. If something makes them feel uncomfortable, they will not hesitate to fight.

Zhu Minglang doesn't want to be caught back to do what he can do, do what the head of the Mianshan Sword Sect...Although he is also good-looking, he has a perfect body and excellent swordsmanship.


Suddenly, flying leaves all over the sky, like thin candlelights, made the originally red and beautiful forest more gorgeous.

While Ye Huo was dancing, a woman did not know when she stood still on Ye Hai. She looked at sisters Zhu Minglang and Li Nan who were fleeing in this direction.

When Zhu Minglang saw this person, his mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

If it is Concubine Wen Ling, then Zhu Minglang will fight with her again, and whether he can keep himself and say otherwise, but if it is this person, I am afraid that it is difficult to contend with his current cultivation level!

"You want to catch me and go back?" Zhu Minglang stopped and asked.

"They are good, but Concubine Wen Ling will be even better." Meng Bingci faintly glanced at the identical-looking sisters beside Zhu Minglang.

"My father is not bad too, let's get back together with him." Zhu Minglang said.

"Originally, I just wanted to tell you the whereabouts of another piece of ancient lantern jade, we said yes. Since you like to be poor, then you can find it yourself..."

"I was wrong." Zhu Minglang was unambiguous and apologized immediately.

"Towards Nihai, there is a city named Runyu City. The seal of the city lord is made by the ancient lamp jade," said Meng Bingci.

Runyu City?

A familiar name.

Isn't this the first city deed that I got when I entered the organ city!

Before, Zhu Minglang couldn't find where this Runyu City was on the Ji Ting Continent. He didn't expect it to be in such a remote western region!

"It's really Runyu City? I happen to have the contract there. As long as I hand it over to the country there, I will be the lord of Runyu City!" Zhu Minglang was overjoyed, and he never thought that this contract would be sent. Useful.

Moreover, it seems that the people in the imperial capital are not interested in the city in this distant place, and the book of Runyu City is just one of the few that has not been sold!

"This is the moonstone. I gave it to Concubine Wen Ling when she was in charge." Meng Bingci threw the priceless moonstone to Zhu Minglang.

Zhu Minglang frowned.

With the left hand over the right, Concubine Wen Ling didn't pay a cent at all!

"Generally speaking, your marriage is up to me, but the scene depicting the sword state with the painting state, I saw it from a distance, I like it very much. I will give the artist girl next to you two years, if she can After defeating Concubine Wen Ling, I will personally go to the palace to dissolve you, or in name, Concubine Wen Ling will still be your wife." Meng Bingci's tone was flat but his attitude was firm.

"You have misunderstood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The artist is my sister Nan Lingsha..." Zhu Minglang explained.

"Any one of them can win Concubine Wen Ling." Meng Bingci didn't care whether the painter was the younger sister or the older sister, let alone whether Zhu Minglang was affectionate with the older sister or younger sister.

"Okay, two years." At this moment, I don't know who nodded in agreement.

Zhu Minglang looked at the sisters, and he was confused for a while and he couldn't tell who had promised him.

Meng Bingci didn't say much, she stepped on the falling maple leaves, flew above the leaf canopy, and then towards the sky of Li Guang's star point, and quickly disappeared before her eyes.

Zhu Minglang's mood is somewhat complicated.

In the ordinary knight's essay, shouldn't the man to deal with the hot-blooded retiring himself? How can it be with me, but it doesn't seem to have much to do with me? ?

and also……

Who is the promise?

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