Dragon Tamer

Chapter 251: Mess

This document, do you use it!

The emperor Shan Gao is far away, even if he is the city lord appointed by the Ji Ting Dynasty, as long as he settles in Runyu City, he will be chopped up to the point that no bones are left!

In the end, I am a grand-sounding city lord, but I still need to look at the faces of those warlords!

Runyu City has been ceded, occupied, and invaded all the time. The change of flag is faster than the change of seasons.

Generally speaking, when you have the Deed of Runyu City on hand, you need to hand it over to the local state. The state will issue an appointment order. The holder of the deed will hold the state deed in one hand and the city deed in the other. Shu went to officially take office as the lord of the city.

The result was so exaggerated that, after the meeting out of the border of the country, Zhu Minglang and his party were originally going to the dry country to hand in the deed. When it came to Runyu City, Runyu City had become the territory of the Tuguo, the process said , You have to go to Tu Guo to hand in papers...

After going back and forth, God knows whether this Runyu City will change ownership again.

So if you really follow the dynasty's paperwork and rules, Zhu Minglang doesn't have to do anything, just run back and forth in these countries.

"Little Master, what should I do, Runyu City is not a good place." Hao Ye said with a guilty expression.

Zhu Minglang also has a headache.

All he wants is the seal of the city lord.

At the moment, the seal of the city lord is in the hands of the forces in this land and belongs to the territory of the Shenfan Academy.

The Shenfan Academy also expressly stated that the seal of the city lord will only be granted to the lord who has ruled in the city for more than one month, and other city lords with flowing water are not eligible to take the seal of the lord.

To know where the seal of the city lord is placed in the Shenfan Academy, it is easy to say who will keep it, but there is no clue to the ownership of the seal of the city lord, and it is impossible to lift the entire land of the Shenfan Academy?

Arrived at a border village, a few people stayed temporarily.

Most of the houses in the village are made of stone, and most of the people who come and go are hired soldiers, dragon herders, troops, war merchants, etc., but there are not many ordinary people.

This piece of land is called the brown land. The blood flows in the sand, and after a period of precipitation, it becomes tea black. In fact, it is also caused by the endless wars of these four countries.

At the same time, because of the war, you can see the dragon herd team, mercenary group, private army, national war army everywhere here, and the bandits, bandits, thugs, criminals, and black merchants are also mixed in it. In the true sense, there is a mixture of fish and dragons. , Disorder.

Business travelers who do business seriously rarely pass through this brown land.

And without a little ability, he would not easily go to such a place to see the scenery, after all, a fierce army would run over him if he didn't pay attention.


The earth was grayish brown and looked a bit depressed, and Runyu City was located in the center of this flat land, without any cover from mountains, hills, woods, and even a river.

The rain time here is very precise. Basically, there will be a relatively fixed amount of rainfall every season every year. It should be a very rich territory. Because of the chaos of the surrounding countries and the complex camps, the city looks like a city. The city of loess is not much different.

Stepping into Runyu City, Zhu Minglang finds that there are basically no tourists here, most of them are a whole team of people, either a team of dragon herders resting here, or some private team, basically all fully equipped Armed, there are only a few people like Zhu Minglang, and they are very rare.

Without a hotel, no one would even dare to run this business easily.

In desperation, they could only find someone to clean up an abandoned yard and live in this small ruined courtyard overgrown with grass.

"People's livelihood has not been restored here, we have to cook by ourselves." Fang Niannian said.

"What a bleak city, if it weren't for its very special location, it is the intersection of the four countries, and all the caravans that need to be transported to Nihai have to pass through here, it will become a ghost city." Hao Ye said with emotion. .

"It is precisely because of the special location that the forces and the army will go back and forth, and finally such a city of commerce and glory will be completely destroyed. This contract has been delayed for no one to buy, and there is a reason." Zhu Minglang cleaned the ground. Again.

This small ruined courtyard is made of light green stones. The bricks and tiles are of relatively good quality. It was estimated that they were also used by large families in Runyu City. Now it is no different from the ruined temple on the mountain road.

Fortunately, after careful tidying up, it is not impossible to live.

The daily necessities are not easy to buy in this neighborhood, and it is more expensive to buy.

"The division of the country is not clear, but the incumbent is the Academy of Gods and Orthodox, so if we submit this orthodox document to Academy of Gods and Orthodox, will we just get the seal of the city lord from them? After all, everyone else is strong. We are the real appointers if we take the arrogance and occupy the mountain as the king." Zhu Minglang touched his chin and began to think about this issue.

"It should be feasible. The problem is that the army and dragon shepherd team that use Runyu City as a camp now have no one hundred or eighty. They may not agree that this city has a city owner?" Hao Ye said.

It is estimated that Runyu City has not had a real city lord official for many years.

Moreover, there are no more mercenaries and dragon shepherds who make a living and make a fortune in this generation. They are used to the disorderly days of Runyu City. They will definitely not agree to the arrival of a new city owner.

"Hmph, a bunch of parasites. From the beginning to the end, there is no hope that Runyu City can recover. As long as there is a chance, I will expel them all!" At this moment, a man and woman in armor came in. A group of people followed behind them, all wearing weapons and some armors that didn’t fit so well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The armored men and women stepped into the yard and found that someone was cleaning in the yard, and they were also very clean. Neat, can't help but stunned.

The woman holding a helmet, came over angrily, pointed at them and said: "You wanderers, what are you doing here, get out of here."

The man was not that bad. While discouraging the woman, he stepped forward and explained: "Sorry, I’m sorry, but this house was formerly our mansion. It was damaged and deserted because of the war. Now he plans to bring our brothers here. ."

"We cleaned up for almost a whole day and didn't see your figures. When we get clean and tidy, you will be here. What a coincidence!" Fang Niannian wiped the sweat from his cheeks and said with a dissatisfaction. .

"This is your hard money, get out!" The armored woman threw out a bag of gold, with a bit of disgust, as if her sacred residence had been contaminated.

"Huh, who cares about your money. We have the deed of this city in our hands. Every street, every house, every brick, and the surrounding land in this whole city are ours. It's you guys!" Fang Niannian cursed.

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