Dragon Tamer

Chapter 252: Win the city

Upon hearing these words, the pair of armored men and women stared at Fang Niannian closely.

"What a joke, the deed of this city has long been sold, and I want to use some of the documents to cheat here. You really came to the wrong place!" The woman holding the helmet said coldly , And there is a bit of murderous in his words.

"We are from the imperial capital." Zhu Minglang walked over, looked at the clothes of the men and women, and the group of armored soldiers behind him, and then said, "This house was yours before, and you are residents of Runyu City. ?"

The armored man was obviously more amiable. He walked up and explained: "Runyu City was built by my father’s generation. At that time, he led a heroic army to eradicate a group of stray dragons entrenched here. The first watchtower was built in the Tea-colored Earth Runyu City. That battle caused a sensation in the Ten Kingdoms."

"I heard that the original city builder was a Hu nationality. Are you members of the Hu nationality?" Hao Ye asked.

When he was in a few nearby villages, towns, and inns, Haoye inquired about things here.

"Yes, this is my sister Hu Bailing, and next is Hu Chongming. Our two brothers and sisters were originally the heirs of this Runyu City, but for various reasons, our fathers had to sell Runyu City and sold it to Shenfan Academy. It stands to reason that the title deed of Rurunyu City should be in the hands of the Shenfan Academy. Why is it in your hands? If you are not a liar, can you show us the deed of the city with my father’s signature on it." The man who claimed to be Hu Chongming was quite polite and came up to inquire very politely.

Since Fang Niannian has already said about the deed, Zhu Minglang has nothing to conceal. The deed is actually worthless at all. Every power in this place is like a wolf, a tiger and a leopard. Who will take care of that piece of paper? Instruments!

Zhu Minglang took out the contract of Runyu City.

According to the Hu family man's statement, it should be that the Shenfan Academy put this deed into the organ city as a resource for the increase of disciples of the major forces at that time.

The deed was presented, and Hu's brothers and sisters immediately came up to look at them. After reading them, their expressions changed!

The brothers and sisters looked at each other. It took a long time for Hu Bailing to look at Zhu Minglang and others, and said in astonishment: "Are you really the appointed city lord?"

"This Runyu City contract has also passed the dynasty appraisal." A man with an eight-faced beard said in astonishment. This group of people is not wearing armor. It seems that he is dressed as a military division.

"Are you from the dynasty?" Hu Chongming also saw one more unseal on the land lease.

This title deed is absolutely true, with their father's signature and the thumbprints of their brother and sister on it!

It's just that they never thought that this document would be transferred to the imperial capital.

"You can understand it this way," Zhu Minglang said.

"I've told you everything, it's you who should get rid of it." Fang Niannian was unreasonable.

Both Hu Bailing and Hu Chongming were embarrassed.

It’s been a long time since Runyu City has no real masters. Many of the city’s lands have been taken over by the great powers. As their territory, they are indeed the original owners of this house, but after several wars, Runyu City finally became Ownership is naturally the winner and the owner of the deed.

"There is a large ruined house next to this courtyard. You can live in it if you clean it up. If you don't mind, you can live there." Zhu Minglang said.

"This Xiongtai, the deed is not very useful now, and this place is far more dangerous than you think. To appoint a city lord here is undoubtedly to send yourself to the guillotine, not to mention that you are just such a small person..." Hu Chongming The words were also polite.

"What's the point?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Why don't Xiongtai sell this contract to me. At that time, my parents were really confused and sold the city, but who would have thought that it would be trampled on by other countries and turned into such a messy appearance? Our brothers and sisters over the years I have been recruiting troops and buying horses, hoping to regain control of this Runyu City. If we can sell this document to us, our Hu family will take over as justified, and it will be more helpful to the future reconstruction of people's livelihood." Hu Chongming came forward, sincere Said to Zhu Minglang.

"Are you planning to seize the city? Just you guys?" Fang Niannian glanced at it. From the siblings to the armored soldiers behind him, there were only one or two hundred people!

How can one or two hundred people win the city?

Just walked over from the road of Runyu City, the forces in different costumes stationed on both sides of the street had thousands of people. If it hadn’t been known in advance about the chaotic battlefield here, Fang Niannian thought he had entered a place. It's a military camp!

"Although there are not many of us, all of us are elites. What's more, even if we want to win Runyu City, we need to make a gradual progress. We will first occupy a place in this city, and then slowly expel those influential forces. We have developed a comparison. The long-term plan is now just the first step." Hu Chongming said.

"Where is the seal of the city lord, how do you plan to get it back?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Of course I won the seat of city lord. If you don't change ownership within a month, you can just ask for it from Shenfan Academy. Shenfan Academy is not one of those innocent warlords. I believe they will give it back to us." Hu Chongming Speak seriously.

Zhu Minglang glanced at Hao Ye.

Hao Ye looked blank, wondering what the look in Xiao Shishu's eyes meant.

Zhu Minglang rolled his eyes, this guy Haoye is too dull!

Turning her gaze to Nan Yusuo, the little sister-in-law of the Dragon Shepherd was really smart. She immediately understood Zhu Minglang's meaning. She blinked with big eyes and whispered, "We are the city lord, it is better to support one person to be the lord.

Governance and management are indeed a very troublesome thing, especially since they have not settled here.

Instead of attacking this city and taking the seal of the city lord and slapped and left, it is indeed better to choose someone to be, and it is easy for them to secretly assist.

"We don't sell the deed, but we can exchange it with the seal of the city lord." Zhu Minglang said.

"Xiongtai, the seal of the city lord is actually a symbol, an expensive collection. What use do you want it for?"

"We are naturally useful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I wish you a bright future.

"But if we want to take this Runyu City, it will take as little as one year, or as long as three years. Xiongtai might as well give us the deed first. Our Hu family can also expand in the name of rebuilding Runyu City. This might be faster. "Hu Chongming said.

"It's okay, it doesn't take so long to have us help you." Zhu Minglang said.

"Huh?? You guys only..." Hu Chongming counted on the spot, and then finished the count in a short while, saying, "You only have five."

"Seven!" Fang Nian corrected her angrily.

"I am Dragon Herd, they are members of my Dragon Herd team." Zhu Minglang smiled.

"That's also a very shabby Dragon Shepherd team..." Hu Bailing said grimly.

"I am the Orthodox City Lord, holding the deed, and your family is the builder of this city, and you are determined to regain everything you have lost. Why should you let those smoky things entangled in the city?" Zhu Minglang said.

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