Dragon Tamer

Chapter 253: Next decree

Hu Chongming glanced again at the city deed that Zhu Minglang was holding.

This deed is indeed a waste book to those forces that dominate Runyu City, but to their Hu family, it is about dignity.

Their Hu family recruited troops everywhere, and naturally encountered some veteran families' obstruction and ridicule. Among them, the most shameful thing was to sell the city, and the title deed and the city seal were not in hand.

In order to rejuvenate Runyu City, we still have to bear the name of a bereaved dog who was swept out of the house!

This is something that their Hu family cannot accept anyway.

"Yes, as long as the villains who occupy Runyu City can be driven out." Hu Chongming nodded.

They are the masters of this city!

"Then cooperation is pleasant." Zhu Minglang laughed.

"The situation here has to be explained to you in advance. Except for those robbers and warlords, the Sanglong clan has reappeared. They seem to be looking for something. This land is covered with blood donations from the Sanglong, and countless dragons are buried. Bones..." Hu Chongming said.

"It's easy to say, I am the Dragon Shepherd Master, catching the demon and the dragon, and come here!" Zhu Minglang said.


Hu Chongming settled down his men first.

What surprised Zhu Minglang was that none of his subordinates were ordinary soldiers, but they were all dragon shepherds. Although the cultivation base was not particularly high, the team of one or two hundred dragon shepherds was actually no less inferior to those successful ones. An army of thousands.

It seems that the Hu family brothers and sisters really intend to regain this Runyu City!

This is better. Zhu Minglang is not very good at battlefield matters. It will be a lot easier if there is a person who really leads.

Hu Chongming is not a pure idiot, he naturally can see that Zhu Minglang's cultivation is very high.

What his team lacks is also such a unique team of Dragon Shepherd, especially near Runyu City, there are too many army chaebols who will support some powerful Dragon Shepherd, and even the leader himself is Dragon Shepherd.

At night, the room without oil lamps was dark. Zhu Minglang was not used to going to bed too early. He walked to the yard, and everyone else was sitting at the campfire in the yard. Fang Niannianzheng put some delicious meat. Bring to the fire and warm it up.

Fang Niannian didn't learn any other skills. She had already stolen the barbecue.

Hu's siblings were also sitting in it at this time, and the two-bearded military instructor was also there, eating so much oil that he kept asking Fang Niannian about the technique.

At this time, there was a scream from the street outside the house. Zhu Minglang looked around and saw the figures of several raptors and some armored soldiers standing on the eaves. Their expressions were serious and cold.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Minglang pointed out.

"Some gangsters want to **** the place we cleaned up to make a nest. Just a few of them are carrying bounty. I let my subordinates kill them all, and exchange the bounty to supplement some military supplies." Hu Bailing Said with a bit of disdain and disgust.

"It's really messy here. The gangsters are blatantly grabbing the site." Zhu Minglang also sat down, took a bunch of chicken **** and started roasting.

Everyone gets along fairly well, Fang Niannian provides meat, and Hu family provides wine, obviously in the middle of a city, but just like in the wilderness...

"So I suggest that all these wanton bandits in Runyu City should be cleaned up first, otherwise ordinary people will not dare to come to this city at all. People's livelihood must be restored first," Hu Chongming said.

With no shops, no markets, no craftsmen, and no farming, Runyu City is a bit reluctant to be called a city. It is completely a ruin with a good location.

"Hmph, those bandits are messing up in the brown land, and half of the property they get needs to be paid to the army here. The bandit groups are just some foul-smelling flies. It is not these army garbage that really make Runyu City look like this! "Hu Bailing said.

"Always go one step at a time." Hu Chongming said.

"There are so many bandits, where are they cleaned, and the dishes on the table are rotten, attracting countless flies, but instead of dumping the dishes, they are going to kill them?" Hu Bailing said unceremoniously.

"Bailing, how many times have I told you not to confront my brother like this when there are outsiders? Am I not discussing the countermeasures? Problems are always raised first and then solved slowly." Hu Chongming said with a wry smile.

"Slowly solve it, according to your way, when we are all in the coffin, this Runyu City still has not changed at all!" Hu Bailing did not give Hu Chongming any face.

The military officer on the side continued to inquire about the method of barbecue, and regarded their Hu family quarrels as normal.

The brother and sister fought for a long time, and finally no one agreed with each other.

In desperation, Hu Chongming had to ask Zhu Minglang to see what the new city owner had in mind.

Zhu Minglang touched his chin, and there was a muddle in his mind.

Commanding the army, governing, offensive and defensive...he knows nothing about these!

At this time, it would be great if Zheng Yu could be airborne. With his talents, he could turn this Runyu City into a business paradise in minutes...

After leaving Sichuan to establish the country, commander-in-chief Cheng became the monarch, Li Yunzi was the national teacher, and both Zheng Yu and Zhang Tuo became the national assistants.

In the battle that laid the foundation for the overall situation, it seemed that Zheng Yu led the army to find another crack in the West Cliff and figured out a path that could quietly reach the capital of Ruiguo.

So when Ruiguo convened the national army and wanted to break the Changxia defense line in one fell swoop, he claimed that the commander-in-chief and Zhang Tuo abandoned and destroyed Changxia, delaying the pace of Ruiguo's army entering Lichuan. At the same time, Li Yunzi led his own military and guards. Zheng Yu's troops converged and took advantage of the emptiness of Rui Guo to directly capture the capital of Rui Guo.

Lai Yunzi is brave and good at fighting, this is known to all the people who leave Sichuan, and Zheng Yu's new path is also indispensable!

Zheng Yu should have a clearer choice whether to eliminate the gangsters first or to eliminate the dark warlords. After all, what he sees is always longer than others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am not very good at this aspect, how to deal with it If you do, then..." Zhu Minglang shook his head, saying that he was not responsible for making suggestions.

"The next decree, all the armed forces in the city excluding the Hu Jiajun will be regarded as rebels and killed." At this time, the woman sitting next to Zhu Minglang spoke.

Zhu Minglang was stunned.

I remembered that this person next to me should be the sister-in-law of the prophet. She usually speaks without such a hostile spirit!

Is it Nan Lingsha?

"Who would obey this decree." Hu Bailing laughed, feeling that the method the other party said was naive.

"After the decree is issued, all the bandits who made a stronghold here will be killed, and the dark warlords will be dealt with along the way, giving the armed forces in the city a illusion of killing, and some armed forces that do not want to provoke unwarranted struggle will leave by themselves." Said.

"This is a good way!" Hu Chongming's eyes lit up immediately.

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