Dragon Tamer

Chapter 257: This city is under our control

The Bronze Sword Army has always been a more famous free army on the brown earth. They have no country affiliation, but they often appear in national wars.

Which country is willing to pay high prices, they will sell their lives for which country, anyway, this brown land is so chaotic, and a powerful private army like them does not have to worry about not having a job.

In the Bronze Sword Army, there are more than 3,000 soldiers who are good at swordsmanship, not to mention that there are many mortals in the army, and the main core of this army is also a group of sword repairs. They have a very high level of cultivation and are good at Siege of the city, good at killing the enemy, even the army of some city-states needs to retreat when they meet the bronze sword army!

It is powerful, disciplined, and the interests of many forces are involved behind it, so many countries will give them convenience.

"It turns out to be a private army headed by a group of swordsmen. Since your bronze sword army is so great, how can you occupy the magpie's nest? Wouldn't it be good to attack a city by yourself as a resident?" Zhu Minglang told the generals of the bronze sword army. Wei Cai said.

"It's not that we haven't done anything like Champa, but it's easy to hit the city, but difficult to manage. There is no city that can be managed without debts under the management of our Bronze Knife Army. The more times, we know it. , We are the material for fighting and killing, I don't know anything about it!" Zhu Weicai, the general of the bronze sword army, was also honest.

"Then there is no oil and water in Runyu City, why bother here?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Didn’t we hear that the dead dragon appeared again? Our bronze sword army is here to wait for the rabbit. A complete dead dragon can sell for several thousand gold, and high-level ones can sell for tens of thousands..."

"Head, don't you want to ask him why he drove us out of the city?" At this moment, a teenager next to Zhu Weicai reminded the general in a low voice.

"Yes, what did I tell you this kid? Are you the new lord of this city?" Zhu Weicai said.

"This is the deed of the city. At noon, I will issue the first order to expel all armed forces. Your bronze sword army can go early to choose a feng shui treasure outside the city to camp, so that the brothers will not be cold at night." Zhu Minglang said. .

"Hmph, take the chicken feather as the order arrow, you don't care if you issue your order, then you can see if our bronze sword army can move or not!" Zhu Weicai showed that disdain again.

"Where is your camp?" Li Yunzi asked.

"Just by the ruin market, do you want to visit the majestic power of our barracks?" said Zhu Weicai of the Bronze Sword Army.

"Okay, show us." Zhu Minglang laughed.


Following these soldiers wearing bronze helmets and bronze knives towards their camp.

This bronze sword army directly occupied a large area of ​​mansions, and transformed the most important markets, streets, and business areas into their military camps. The huge traffic arteries became the places for their soldiers to drill. .

At this time, thousands of people were divided into several brigades, and they were practicing in the city as the main road of transportation. They seemed to be no different from the regular army of some countries, and even because of the existence of the gods and the sword masters, the momentum seemed much more powerful.

"Don't you have a Dragon Shepherd?" Zhu Minglang asked.

Most armies will recruit dragon shepherds, the dragon shepherds are the most powerful help in the war, and many fierce dragon beasts are also killing machines on the battlefield!

"No, Master Mu Long is arrogant one by one, and spend the money to hire them, it is better to give the brothers more money to have fun!" Zhu Weicai showed his disdain and crooked mouth again, it seems that he himself It is because of the great prejudice and dissatisfaction with the Dragon Mu Master.

"Commander, commander, we saw Hu Jiajun’s Dragon Herd Division in the morning. They seemed to have a big move." A small soldier walked quickly, not paying attention to Zhu Minglang, Li Yunzi, and Haoye beside Zhu Weicai. The three of them reported the situation directly.

"What are the brothers and sisters Hu Bailing and Hu Chongming doing!" Zhu Wei said with his thick eyebrows.

"It's not clear what they are doing for the time being, should we send someone to watch it first?" the soldier asked.

"Hey, what kind of city lord, don't you want to expel all the armed forces, why don't you dare to leave Hu Jiajun first, they are the earliest masters of this city." Zhu Weicai turned his head and said to Zhu Minglang.

"We are in the same group with them." Zhu Minglang said lightly, and didn't mind exposing himself.

"Damn it, aren't you here to inquire about the military situation!" Zhu Weicai glared at each other.

"You invited us to visit." Zhu Minglang said.

"I invite you to visit, just want you to see our strength clearly, don't provoke us, it's okay for young people to come out and go crazy, don't seek death!" Zhu Wei said angrily.

"What's the price?" Li Yunzi asked.

"What is the price?" Zhu Wei was confused.

"Hire your army." Li Yunzi then asked.

"You little girl, our Bronze Sword Army is doing the business of siege, extermination, stepping on the dragon's lair, and stepping on the devil's cave, not for you embroidered ladies as guards and guards," Zhu Weicai said.

"So the price." Li Yunzi asked coldly.

"One and a half million gold is the deposit. It depends on what you do for you. If it is to siege a city, participate in a national war, or destroy some stubborn forces, we have to charge a more reasonable fee based on the degree of danger and loss." Zhu Weicai said.

Zhu Minglang did not expect that Lai Yunzi recruited troops on the spot!

But think about it.

A huge city is still a mixture of fish and dragons and many forces. Without an army of its own, it would be really difficult to eliminate.

Hu Jiajun, after all, is cooperating with them, not entirely at their command.

"The Hu family has a million gold, and their Dragon Shepherd Master is better mobilized." Li Yunzi said.

"How can their tender goods compare with our experienced swordsmen!" Zhu Weicai's thick eyebrows stared again.

"One million gold~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you like, you will continue to be stationed here, and then listen to my dispatch. If you don’t want to, you will pack up your things and leave as soon as night falls, and everything in this city will be ours Domination, including your lives!" Li Yunzi said.

"This...this..." Zhu Wei was really undecided for a while.

Originally, I wanted to invite this new city master in and let me get off the ground, but I didn't know that I was suppressed by the other's momentum.

One million gold...

If you want it or not, although the price is a bit low, in fact, it is not a profitable thing to kill the dragon in a day or two. It is indeed better to accept employment and have an iron rice bowl for a while.

After all, they have three thousand bronze swordsmen, and they lose a lot of money if they don't work in a day!

"Success, success, success! One million gold is one million gold!" Zhu Weicai agreed.

Zhu Minglang and Hao Ye are by the side, and they haven't realized what's going on. Li Yunzi has already collected this army of bronze swords!

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