Dragon Tamer

Chapter 262: I am a national teacher

"Could it be that they saw that I was extraordinary and fearful of being a heavenly man, so they drew their swords and killed themselves in order to apologize?" Zhu Minglang replied irritably.

"The other party is from Longmaying. This is one of the biggest cancers in Runyu City. They have greater power behind them..." said Army Master Yao, who glanced at the beard.

"Hmph, since we intend to retake this city, no matter what is behind them, dare to come to our site to commit murder, and don't even want to leave here alive!" Hu Bailing snorted coldly.

After speaking, Hu Bailing led a large group of dragon shepherds and ran in the direction of Longmaying.

Zhu Minglang was not idle, and simply found some military and bandit strongholds and gave them a pot.

This whole night, Runyu City was basically in the midst of killing, and those orthodox and huge troops were obviously still on the sidelines, and they were not sure whether the new leader would be able to expel the entire Runyu City’s armed forces. Get out.

But with the destruction of Longmaying, the legions of these brown earth also felt a little uneasy.

At dawn, corpses and bones of dragons and beasts could be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Runyu City, and some of the leaders who occupied Runyu City were even taken directly to the market and beheaded.

Wearing a heavy helmet, Hu Chongming stood on the highest part of the tower and said loudly: "The decree of the city lord has been issued. I hope you will respect yourself. We will give you time to leave during the day. At night, we will continue to kill the rebels in accordance with the law! "

The corpses were everywhere, many of them were wearing orthodox military uniforms, especially those from Longmaying.

Most Runyu City know about Longmaying. If even the people of Longmaying were killed completely, then this time the baptism would not be the thunder and the rain!

In the morning, small troops began to leave Runyu City one after another. There are not many towns near Runyu City, so stationing in the wild is not realistic. They basically withdrew from this land completely.

However, there are still armed forces that are unwilling to leave. Some of them are trying to negotiate with the New City Lord faction and want to continue to be stationed here, but Zhu Minglang and Li Yunzi are very determined.

It is absolutely impossible for any armed forces that are not under their control to stay in the city, nor can they pay concession money.

These people are all unstable factors, and it is very likely that a certain consortium’s money has turned around. There is no need to keep these dangerous elements in the city because of this little money.

Of course, there are also forces that are not moved at all. In the northernmost part of Runyu City, an army belonging to the Tuguo is stationed in the most intact housing complex.

They only occupied this place not long ago and declared that the land belongs to Tu Guo. This army has no fear. After all, even if Zhu Minglang is the lord of this city, it is also Tu Guo’s territory, and this brown gun army has the right to be stationed. it's here.

"The leader of Longma Camp, Xu Tong, hid in their barracks." Hu Bailing angrily pointed to the Brown Spear Army who occupied Yang Beicheng.

"Is that the one holding the black iron bow?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Yes, this guy still has some reputation in the brown land, but most of them do some murder and arson. Because he has made some war achievements in the Tuoguo coup, he relies on the Tuoguo army for evil and often expands the territory. Name, the act of looting the city." Hu Bailing said.

"Tu Guo..." Zhu Minglang thought of one person, the elegant man he met at the residence of Princess Miao Guo Luoshui, who seemed to be the current Monarch Tu Guo.

Tu Wenhe!

That hunting country dragon animal husbandry.

I don't know if the Longma Camp and the Brown Spear Army are related to this person.

"What to do, let them dominate Yangbei City like this?" Hu Chongming frowned.

After yesterday's baptism, there are three stubborn forces still in Runyu City.

The first is the Brown Spear Army. The number of the army exceeds 50,000. They basically regard the entire Yang Beicheng as their own army, and they are obviously preparing for the national war.

The second armed force is the dark warlord, the gray wolf rider. Basically all the bandits in this brown land have to pay half of their taxes.

The Canglang Cavalry did not do anything about robbing the house, they also have their own orthodox belongings, but they are madly collecting money, and they provide protection for the robbers and bandits to ensure that they will not be wiped out by the government.

The third armed force is a large family. They do jewelry business in the brown land and have a lot of financial support. At the same time, they also maintain a private army that intends to completely annex Runyu City into a jewelry trading city. This private army It is composed of many powerful ancient dragons and animal husbandry.

No matter which one it is, it is extremely difficult to deal with!

The Brown Spear Army belonged to the massacre of the country, and issuing orders would not work for them. It was tantamount to the most regular army force. It was difficult to expel, and it would also involve the interests of the state.

The gray wolf rides a typical brown earth-headed snake, floating between regularity and darkness, involving the interests of residents, merchants, bandits, and the army, and is very powerful.

Di Shi, the real consortium, controls this Runyu City with huge funds, and has its own armed forces, which should not be taken lightly.

It can be said that Li Yunzi's method really made the situation of Runyu City very clear, but it was extremely difficult for these three armed forces to eradicate them!

"Basically, it is certain that the Brown Spear Army is instructing Longma Camp."

"And we got rid of the vast majority of bandits and robbers. This is tantamount to violating the interests of the Gray Wolf Rider, and the Gray Wolf Rider will basically not keep us.

"Then Di Shi, can be reluctantly won, at least we can promise that we have taken control of this city, and the jewelry trade will be given to them. The jewelry produced in the brown land every year is shipped to various countries for sale. There are nearly two The profit of millions of gold, if the order here is stable, they don't need to spend so much money to raise the family army." Yao Junshi said.

"Military officer, you are too optimistic. Di Shi is very ambitious. They actually have the same idea as ours. They want the entire Runyu City, collect travel tolls, make money for the country, and the jewelry business is just on the surface." Hu Chongming shakes Shook his head.

Winning Di Shi is not realistic.

Winning them is tantamount to drawing wolves into the room.

Of these three tumors, none of them can stay in Runyu City.

"Change the country's ownership first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said Li Yunzi.

"Huh?" Hu Bailing thought he had heard it wrong.

State ownership, can this thing be changed? ?

They must first occupy a country!

"It is indeed possible to consider this aspect. Runyu City can take refuge in three other countries, so that the Brown Spear Army who wants us the most will have to roll." Yao Junshi said.

"Which country can you rely on? We don't have a strong relationship with those countries."

"Leaving Sichuan, I am a national teacher." Li Yunzi said.

They have a state of their own.

Why take refuge in other people's land?

Runyu City belongs to the dynasty and does not belong to the four nearby states. Zhu Minglang is the lord of the city. He has the dynasty deed in his hand and naturally has the right to transfer the city to any country.

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